*UPDATE* How a crappy week turns into a shitty weekend


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
So ive been having a pretty crappy week, things havent been going to so well with my boss but you know not much one can do about that, such is life. Well just when you think it couldnt get any worse they always manage too. Im sitting at Whataburger having lunch with my dad, well about 2 minuets into eating my burger i forgot to arm my alarm so i grab my keys and turn to face my car to do so. Well i just happened to turn around in time to see my cars rear passenger quarter panel smashed in, and a Honda Odyssey back out looking like it has the intention to run away. I tell my dad "someone just hit my fucking car!" we drop our food, and book it out the door and stop the guy. A foreign african man probably Nigerian gets out and starts apologizing. Now im pissed off, and i dont handle situations like this very well and its the first time my own car has been involved in something like this. So my dad starts talking to him and then the guy whips out his wallet and offers to give us $1000 for the damage right there.

Now i didnt know how much the cost to repair the damage would be, and neither did my dad. So my dad asks the man for his License to get information the man Refused to give us his license. So naturally my dad inquires how would we be able to get more money from you if you dont give us information. The guy says he will write it down for us. Now my dad is really suspicious, and says hed rather have a Police Officer there to put it on file, and says "theres something youre not telling me you either dont have a license or dont have insurance", it was obvious which it was. Thats when the man starts flipping out, and begs us not too, even tells my dad that hes on probation, and his sob story. My dad starts talking to him and asks me to call a friend who owns a body shop how much he thinks it would be to repair the quarter panel. Thats when the guy starts grabbing my hand thinking im calling the cops or some shit, and then he bails. So i whip out my phone and snap a pic of the plates and the Honda he was driving.

The police as usual took their sweet time arriving two and half hours later. The Police woman told us if the police had arrived when the man was here they wouldnt have been able to do anything because the man didnt have insurance on that perticular vehicle. However because he ran and didnt exchange information with us he can be charged with "Failure to exchange info" or something like that. So we got a case number, gave the vehicle description (the front passenger side of that Odyssey was FUCKED, after hitting my supra), gave the description of the man, and plate numbers. Went to the body shop and found out it would be less than i thought it would be. $550 to repair that section, but i dont have $550 on me at the moment, and im not even sure im going to get any money. I wanna find that asshat rip his heart out and eat it.








oh and heres the asshat


Now i know i might be overreacting on how bad i "think" the damage is, but people who know me, know i take a lot of care, and pride in my car. Being a young teen and my first car who wouldnt, it may not have the best looking paint, but i always try to make it looks it best, so it doesnt put down the other good looking supras out there.

What a shitty day

P.S. anyone got a blue pre89 rear trim in good condition
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What will we break today?
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 29, 2008
Coon Rapids, MN
If it was a legit $1000, that is...

Sorry to hear about that, always hate seeing douches running.


making the supra better..
Jan 8, 2007
The tropical island....
So bad man, hopefully the police will get the guy with the plates pics u have and the description. :( Sucks to see a nice 2 tone crashed but it will be looking good again in no time. :)


New Member
Dec 25, 2009
Tampa, FL
Man, what is with all the Supras getting slapped around lately? In hindsight, suspecting that the guy didn't have insurance, it might have paid off to take his cash. Wish I had that chance 2 weeks ago, but my hit & run asshat left no witnesses, no note, nothin'. I feel your pain, brother. Only had this Supra since New Year's Eve, been hit by a dump truck & had to settle, then this. Still trying to save up the cash for the full paint job I had planned the day I bought the car.


Here's hoping the cops catch the guy & you can still squeeze some sort of payment out of him somehow.


New Member
Nov 9, 2008
Seems like you'd be able to charge him with a hit and run. In CA at least thats a big deal...


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
I would have taken the 1K and let it be.

dslocal;1605086 said:
Seems like you'd be able to charge him with a hit and run. In CA at least thats a big deal...

In NJ same here. I witnessed an accident, where a lincoln was pulling out of a motel. He tried making a left hand turn jumped out too early and a honda civic t boned him. Not going fast, there was big damage on the lincoln and some on the honda. The HONDA driver bolts! I'm thinking wow its not this asshats fault and they are running. As they drive past i try to get the license plate but coudln't get it. I jump in my car and catch them 3 block down the road at an advance. It was 2 teenage girls, i just called the cops, gave them the plate # and type of car then left. They were there in 30 seconds.


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
Well lesson learned i guess, it was the first time something like this has happened to me so i wasnt sure how to handle it. I looked up the penalty for this in texas and its 6 months in a county jail, a fine, restitution's, and some other stuff.


Jun 10, 2008
Conroe, Texas
I just popped a dent on a 86.5 supra today like that but not as bad. Access panel in the hatch one swift hit gets the easy dents out.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
NTRA08;1605117 said:
I just popped a dent on a 86.5 supra today like that but not as bad. Access panel in the hatch one swift hit gets the easy dents out.

Honestly, this is a good idea I would think. Paint might suffer a bit, but most of the dent should pop from that. Biggest pain is likely to be pulling the interior panel off. Sorry to hear this though man, it has been a bad month for Supras getting hit. I think we all have stories like this though, the only Supra I've owned that has yet to get hit is my Mk2. It's like a curse, you can't have cool cars without people hurting them...


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
Well some good news found out my insurance with Geico has Uninsured Motorist on my policy for property damage. Just need to pay a $250 deductible. Better than $600 right? Just gotta deal with the Insurance Company now. Any tips? Ive never done this before. My dad is telling me to wait until the Police get back to us with the results of their investigation.
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Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
So i went to the body shop today again and talked to the owner this time to clarify what it would cost and what method they would use to pull the dent. Stud welder they told me and it would cost $573. So ive got final price time to get da money. Good news there.