Greddy declared bankruptcy today


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
suprarich;1127091 said:
Greddy is not going away. they are not the first major jap company to do this and bounce back bigger than before. It may just be a ploy to get out of paying bills. Apexi did this very thing years ago and they are still around. I maybe wrong, but Greddy USA is its own company and is not affected by what is happening with Trust in Japan. Two seperate companies. I can think of a bunch of companies that declared bankrupt and came back strong right away.

HKS has lowered prices on several products, blitz and greddy have both raised their prices. Blitz has so much that the cost of a 7m Blitz nur has risen over 100 dollars. This is what will put them under, unrealistic prices.

GReddy USA is the same as Trust in Japan, so they will be affected by this but from what ive heard they arent going away just reorganizing.


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
IJ.;1127018 said:
The people that buy knockoff's WOULDN'T pay for genuine Greddy anyway so it's a moot point.....

i have bought knockoff..

but i also realized how bad the knockoffs were.. and spent even more $$ on namebrand

i have bought a greddy catch can and a used trust intercooler. everything else is a combination of american/aussie/HKS


Supramania Contributor
Sep 30, 2005
Clearwater, MN
I like what Rich said. This doesn’t there locking the doors tomorrow. Look at Northwest air lines (a U.S. company) they declared bankruptcy, got shit in line and now they’re not in it anymore. Just a way to not pay the bills for a wile. Now maybe the fuel prices might put NW back into it thought LOL.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
92nsx;1127189 said:
I like what Rich said. This doesn’t there locking the doors tomorrow. Look at Northwest air lines (a U.S. company) they declared bankruptcy, got shit in line and now they’re not in it anymore. Just a way to not pay the bills for a wile. Now maybe the fuel prices might put NW back into it thought LOL.

Do not confuse US Bankruptcy law with banruptcy law in other countries. They WILL be different.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
If they don't come back, it is a good thing. Those guys doing the actual development will have no trouble getting hired in the industry. They will have a very good reference on their resume'. Then they can do the same work for a company who isn't so proud of their name.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
I'm with the knock-offs aren't the problem here, its a company that did not manage their supply and demand properly. That and prices are a bit sell 10 thousand boost gauge units, you have covered your R & D...drop the price...
Like Ian said


And I run a decent amount of Greddy products BTW...

Only thing that is knock-off on my car is the BOV that will be replaced soon.

Dr Tweak

New Member
The following is just my opinion. I also think that it's 100% true, but if you're a huge Greddy fan, please don't get offended. :)

Honestly, Greddy may be perfectly happy blaming "knock-offs" for the problem, but they've made their own problems over the years. We've been using Greddy products since we started in 2004 and I recently swore them off forever. Their products are inferior in quality and there service is, quite frankly, terrible.

I mean, they NEVER fixed the Emanage blue manual. To this day if you buy a NEW Emanage blue, you would have no idea what the grey wire connects to, if it wasn't for enthusiasts figuring it out. I mean, how hard would it be for them to hire ONE GOOD TRANSLATOR to actually give us a decent manual that makes sense?

Their turbo kits give people nothing but problems. There's a business that I know of, ALL THEY DO is build parts to replace parts in Greddy's turbo kits. The ENTIRE BUSINESS is built on replacing faulty parts that Greddy makes! Has anyone seen the turbo kit Greddy released for the RX8? :aigo:

How about the new Emanage Ultimate? We've tried running the Ultimate on a few different cars. First, we again had to figure out how to install it (oh yes, that manual has errors too). Then we could never get the engine to run right. After spending a few hours on the phone calling other tuners, every single one said the same thing, "What are you using to tune? Emanage Ultimate? Oh yeah, that's your problem." We switched to another piggyback and everything was fine.

And customer service? Oh my goodness. First, you can't talk to anyone who actually is fluent in English. If you have a problem, you get "Okay, we'll call you back". Guess what? I've never gotten a call back.

The cause of a major problem like this for a big company like Greddy is the same cause for individuals who run into problems like these. It's caused by BAD HABITS practiced consistently over a long period of time. Now, it's catching up to them.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
The first, last, and only greddy part I ever bought was a catch can. Worst designed pile of crap ever. Efficient use of space? Hell no. Expensive? Hell yes. Useless waste of time to plumb in because it blew by like a bastard? Hell yes. $35 at driftmotion got me a catch can that was 10000000000 times better than the greddy piece of shit.

They couldn't design a $95 catch can, what makes me believe they could design a $2000-3000 turbo system?

Cheap knock-offs wouldn't kill a company, ESPECIALLY in the auto-world. A cheap knock-off turbo that wasn't built well will last a very, very short time. And then that buyer will be back on the market, and NOT buying a cheap-knock off because he knows what will happen to it, and he'll tell all his friends and anyone who'll listen, not to buy that either. It's a self correcting system. Cheap knock-offs will break. Quality copies probably won't, and at that point, the original design company has to consider what it needs to do financially to compete.

Besides that, we've established that people who weren't going to spend big bucks wouldn't have spent it on brand name products either.


May 14, 2005
Lowell, Arkansas, United States
emiliorescigno;1127032 said:
I think it's a very different animal that slayed the giant. The mid - priced smaller companies (such as SupraSport, Sound Performance, BIC, etc.) did in Greddy.


Also... big name Japanese stuff is always unnecessarily difficult to order. Why can't one buy parts at Introducing a third party vendor separates the consumer from the manufacturer in a big way. I expect a supplier to have an in-depth understanding of their product.If my exhaust manifold leaks, I want to speak with someone at the shop where it was made.


New Member
Nov 10, 2006
colorado springs
i gotta agree with emiliorescigno in that i support the quality shops like DM and supra sport. No one buys the knock offs after they break. the quality copies will get bought tho because no one wants to spend. take suprastore for example, they give you the option of the $1,999 greddy ic kit option, or the $1,477 hks kit. and then they give you a quality copy of the spearco kit for $499 that matches the greddy or hks in quality. why should anyone be expected to pay that much more just to stay loyal to an original company? i love hks. i love greddy. but the prices gotta come down some. i will pay for quality parts (i dont like going cheap on my car at all) but i cant afford to pay over $1,000 dollars for something of the same quality. if there is a 200-350 dollar difference yea i shoot for the genuine original. but if i can save 6 or 7 hundred dollars on a quality part that gets me the same performance, then im sorry but ill go with supporting the people who honestly do give a damn about our satisfaction and design their own kits to ACTUALLY make life easier on us.


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
UPDATE: Greddy in U.S. still good to go

In a follow-up to our previous post about Trust's bankruptcy filing in Japan earlier this week, GReddy – Trust's U.S. arm – has issued a press release (available after the jump) to assure Stateside consumers that all is well and operations will continue in the U.S. unabated.

According to the release, Trust filed for "Minji-saisei-hou" in Japan, the equivalent of Chapter 11 in the States, that will allow the performance parts manufacturer to continue its business while it reorganizes. That process will have "little, if any effect on GReddy Performance Products" in the U.S. GReddy plans to feature three new project vehicles at SEMA this year, and both Trust and GReddy have adequate inventory and personnel to service customers.



GReddy Performance Products Inc., Parent Company to Undergo Reorganization Through Japanese Equivalent of U.S. Chapter 11 Filing

September 9th, 2008, Irvine, CA-GReddy Performance Products, a California Corporation, has announced that its parent corporation, TRUST Co. LTD, has filed for Minji-saisei-hou in Tokyo, Japan, the U.S. equivalent of a Chapter 11 reorganization plan. As in the U.S., this filing is a common strategy utilized by companies to allow them to continue to conduct business and service customers while undergoing an internal reorganization process.

This reorganization will have little, if any effect on GReddy Performance Products Inc., USA. GReddy assures its customers that it has ample inventory of all products for the U.S. market, and there are no production delays on new and current product lines coming from Japan. GReddy looks forward to exhibiting at the 2008 SEMA Show in Las Vegas, NV in its 20' x 40' booth, and will have three new project vehicles and new 2009 products on display. Representatives from both GReddy USA and TRUST Co. LTD Japan are attending the SEMA Show to answer questions about the reorganization and future plans for the company to retain its dominance in the sport compact market segment for the next 30 years.

Stated GReddy Performance Product's Kenji Sumino, "TRUST Co. LTD Japan has filed for bank protection in order to restructure. This does not affect GReddy Performance Products USA at this time. In fact, we are working on plans to assist TRUST Co. LTD Japan during this process in every way we can. We have more than adequate inventory to sustain us until TRUST Co. LTD Japan returns to full production capabilities. As more information becomes available, we will release it to the media."


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
trucker;1130495 said:
next 30 years? i wonder what the civic is gonna look like in 2038?

and my much will they be charging for that turbo kit?

electric cars dont use turbos ;)

edit: or put another way..."what fossil fuels?"


New Member
Dec 9, 2005
Los Angeles
Well, I checked and they are under reorganization. So they aren't going anywhere.

So, just to clarify what everyone have been saying, the reason why Greddy (Trust in Japan) is filing for bankruptcy was the problems due to:

1. Poor business management (supply, demand, production, distribution, customer service)
2. Knock-offs or substitutes of an equivalent quality at a lower price (like store brand cereals compared to name brands)
3. Overpriced for perceived under quality products.

Any response or clarification would be appreciated. I'm learning from you all as I am looking at this topic. Thanks.


Aug 1, 2007
Knock-offs did not bankrupt the company. Poor management and high prices did it. And with the economy in the toilet people are trying to save every penny they can. A lot of people are going to buy the knock-offs and use the money they saved for other purchases.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Good example... Why would their TD06 kit for the 7M go UP in price over the years? The tooling is already paid for, drop the price and compete and don't hope your name will float the company...