What Grinds Your Gears?


New Member
Feb 7, 2012
RazoE;1860747 said:

Ahhhhhhh Noooooo My eyes! How can I ever un-see that? My emotions are so mixed right now, :aigo::nono::mad::wtf::: facepalm :: why why why?

What blasphemy!

Mr Bojangles

New Member
Feb 9, 2009
Madison, WI
People who write on forums like they are speed texting their drug dealer. If you expect me to take the time out of my day to help you with your problem you sure better take the time to type the words out in your question completely.

The ignorance in the E85 thread.


Oct 2, 2006
kettering ohio
Just moved into an decent apartment. Been about a week and a half and me and my girlfriend were just starting to like the place and get settled in. Well the last couple of days we've been hearing a lot of yelling a pounding on the floor and were joking around saying "sheesh they need to stop beating their children". Anyway, yesterday we get back from an errand and we hear children screaming and a sound that sounds like a belt... over and over and over for a good 4 minutes.. We called the cops. Half hour later they show up and me and my girlfriend settle down for the night ignoring the police outside. An hour later the police left and about 15 minutes later we hear a knock on the door. We ignore it. 3 minutes later some lady is screaming outside our apt door about how she doesn't beat her children and how we should open the door so she can "beat our ass" blablabla... There is a car outside our front window in the yard of our apt with the lights on i'm guessing to intimidate us. This goes on for about a half hour and my girlfriend starts having a panic attack. Chest pain, crying etc.. I decided that its probably time to find somewhere else to sleep for the night so i call the rents and they invite us over. We head out and the crazy lady just starts screaming at us. Anywho, idk what to do now. I'm stubborn and want to stay just to spite them but the GF is scared. IDK what to do because i'm not sure about breaking my year long lease and of course the landlord doesn't want to answer his phone. ... anyway, /rant


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Call the police. She's threatened you. That's assault. The police report can be used as grounds for breaking your lease if she doesn't move out.


Sep 5, 2011
Shadows of Utah
You know what really grinds my gears? Squids... If your unaware with this term its like a ricer. But only its in the motorcycle realm. It's someone who wears none to hardly any riding gear and thinks he has more skills than he does. And also squids passed innocent motorists. Like a ricer.


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New Member
Jul 17, 2012
lawrenceville, ga
IBoughtASupra;1841461 said:
You know what grinds my gears?

When you're girlfriend points out a girl with a rack and an ass and then asks, "Do you think she is hotter than me?".

WTF are you supposed to say, "no?" Either you are lying to be nice and if you aren't, she won't believe you. Say "yes" and you're in the dog house.

Answer number one: "wha?? who? i didnt see her"
Answer number two: "why are you checking out girls? am i not good enough for you?"


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
OfnaRcR4;1871408 said:
Just moved into an decent apartment. Been about a week and a half and me and my girlfriend were just starting to like the place and get settled in. Well the last couple of days we've been hearing a lot of yelling a pounding on the floor and were joking around saying "sheesh they need to stop beating their children". Anyway, yesterday we get back from an errand and we hear children screaming and a sound that sounds like a belt... over and over and over for a good 4 minutes.. We called the cops. Half hour later they show up and me and my girlfriend settle down for the night ignoring the police outside. An hour later the police left and about 15 minutes later we hear a knock on the door. We ignore it. 3 minutes later some lady is screaming outside our apt door about how she doesn't beat her children and how we should open the door so she can "beat our ass" blablabla... There is a car outside our front window in the yard of our apt with the lights on i'm guessing to intimidate us. This goes on for about a half hour and my girlfriend starts having a panic attack. Chest pain, crying etc.. I decided that its probably time to find somewhere else to sleep for the night so i call the rents and they invite us over. We head out and the crazy lady just starts screaming at us. Anywho, idk what to do now. I'm stubborn and want to stay just to spite them but the GF is scared. IDK what to do because i'm not sure about breaking my year long lease and of course the landlord doesn't want to answer his phone. ... anyway, /rant
You are actually sweating this one? First of all, it is a woman that is threatening you. Secondly, there are two of you (you and your girl) so more witnesses you have, the more likely the police will believe and take action.
I am a landlord and I have had conflicts with my tenants in the past.
Call police as needed. If you feel like you are in danger, state that to the police officer making the report. In my area, if someone gets arrested, there is an automatic restraining order. She may not be asked to move, but if she is needlessly being too close to you or further threatens you, then she goes to jail for violating her restraining order.

Why would you want to break your lease? And have to move all your stuff to a new place. Stand your ground and man up. And learn your rights. She may act like a punk, but when the handcuffs get slapped on her, she'll wisen up fast.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
iruyle;1871436 said:
Answer number one: "wha?? who? i didnt see her"
Answer number two: "why are you checking out girls? am i not good enough for you?"
Gooooood answers sir. Clearly you've learned how to play this game better than Andy. :p


Oct 2, 2006
kettering ohio
I think we're going to just try to stay there and wait her out. I've decided I'm not going to be bullied, I'll keep you updated if shit hits the fan.

TONY!;1871861 said:
You are actually sweating this one? First of all, it is a woman that is threatening you. Secondly, there are two of you (you and your girl) so more witnesses you have, the more likely the police will believe and take action.
I am a landlord and I have had conflicts with my tenants in the past.
Call police as needed. If you feel like you are in danger, state that to the police officer making the report. In my area, if someone gets arrested, there is an automatic restraining order. She may not be asked to move, but if she is needlessly being too close to you or further threatens you, then she goes to jail for violating her restraining order.

Why would you want to break your lease? And have to move all your stuff to a new place. Stand your ground and man up. And learn your rights. She may act like a punk, but when the handcuffs get slapped on her, she'll wisen up fast.

Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 2


Sep 5, 2011
Shadows of Utah
This doesn't really grind my gears but it just gets old, buy when someone who doesnt know anything about cars wants a ride in a fast one so I take them for a ride but they ask a billion questions. Like what's the sneeze noise? what's that thing do? What's the whistle noise? What's this do? What's that gun shot noise? What's this switch go to?

Sent From My HTC One S using Tapatalk 2


Apr 17, 2012
What really grinds my gears......

Ford Mustang owners

youtube user SHITINONCHEVY:

"lol, your so dumb. Foxbodies are low 13s high 12s 1/4 mile from the factory" :3d_frown:


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
What grinds my gears?

Ignorance. Willful ignorance. Stupidity can be excused, you have no choice if you're stupid. But willful ignorance, when the facts are right there in front of your face, but you refuse to deal with them because it's easier to wallow in ignorance.



Apr 17, 2012
Supracentral;1872412 said:
What grinds my gears?

Ignorance. Willful ignorance. Stupidity can be excused, you have no choice if you're stupid. But willful ignorance, when the facts are right there in front of your face, but you refuse to deal with them because it's easier to wallow in ignorance.


+1, thats how that one guy i said is


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
what grinds my gears?

bad service at a restraunt, not only that but two days later i get a note on my door that is telling me 'you need to make sure you tip your server you never know they might live in the same apartment as you'


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
BoostMonger;1872400 said:
This doesn't really grind my gears but it just gets old, buy when someone who doesnt know anything about cars wants a ride in a fast one so I take them for a ride but they ask a billion questions. Like what's the sneeze noise? what's that thing do? What's the whistle noise? What's this do? What's that gun shot noise? What's this switch go to?
Dude... that's when you get to make shit up and see how gullible they are. VERY fun game. ::evil2::

ThunderZTA;1872410 said:
youtube user SHITINONCHEVY:

"lol, your so dumb. Foxbodies are low 13s high 12s 1/4 mile from the factory" :3d_frown:
Heh, maybe with slicks and a cliff... not saying it is especially hard to get them there, but what factory is he talking about? :rofl:

Supracentral;1872412 said:
What grinds my gears?

Ignorance. Willful ignorance. Stupidity can be excused, you have no choice if you're stupid. But willful ignorance, when the facts are right there in front of your face, but you refuse to deal with them because it's easier to wallow in ignorance.

I can just see the Colonel Sanders looking guy from the Matrix in your avatar saying that, shaking his jowls a bit...

tlo86;1872447 said:
what grinds my gears?

bad service at a restraunt, not only that but two days later i get a note on my door that is telling me 'you need to make sure you tip your server you never know they might live in the same apartment as you'
To Insure Proper Service

Tips were once upon a time, given BEFORE you were seated at a restaurant. This basically helped get you a better seat, better treatment, your order bumped up in the kitchen, etc... These days, it seems every entitled feeling little twat thinks that they deserve a tip. I'd write "PROTIP: do a better job next time.", but to be on the safe side, I dunno if I would go back to that place. ;)
Supracentral;1872412 said:
What grinds my gears?

Ignorance. Willful ignorance. Stupidity can be excused, you have no choice if you're stupid. But willful ignorance, when the facts are right there in front of your face, but you refuse to deal with them because it's easier to wallow in ignorance.

I know some many people like that, so annoying
What grinds my Gear?
Adults who still act like a 10 year old kid. Not the adult that likes to do fun stuff like joke around, fish, and other fun stuff, but the one who whines and bitches if he doesn't get his way. So annoying...Know this one guy (actually a family member) that is 25 and acts like a kid, and bitches everything nobody wants to take him to mcdonalds. Don't respect his parents because he says they dont respect him. BTW he still lives with his parents. Has no job, dropped out of college, got nothing going for his life, and he stills except people to help him. I'm only 17 but I bitched him out for having a worthless life.(kind of harsh, but if you guys knew him, i'm pretty sure you guys would say the same thing.) He stays at home with his mom while his dad works. He don't know how to make food at all. One time, he made ramen noodles in the microwave at my older bro's house. Forgot to add water to it and it destroyed the microwave and stank up the whole house. What grinds my gears? No life people who don't do anything for themselves and ask other people for help.....:: angry ::