SupraMania: What Do Yo Do? Who Are You In Life?


formerly ark86
Jan 9, 2008
I have a MS Degree in Computer Science, and am currently working at Kent State University as a Senior Applications Developer. I started as a student developer, moved into a GA position in the same department while getting my Master's degree, and am now full time. I'd consider most of my work more oriented towards software engineering, even though my title doesn't quite imply that. For the tech savvy, I work primarily in C#/ASP.NET with a SQL Server database back-end.

I'm 24, and just moved out of my parents' house. I moved back in after graduating for a couple of years and managed to save up enough money to completely pay off my student loans. Being a state college, I have very good benefits while sacrificing a little bit of salary. I don't make tons of money, but I'd say enough to live comfortably and still have some left over to throw at the Supra :p


Sugar, Water, Purple
Apr 8, 2008
Lafayette, Louisiana, United States
I'm 33, work for a oilfield supply store. I handle all of our offshore production platforms. I sale the supplies from forks and knives to piping, valves, steel or what ever they may need. I was a ASE certified mechanic for 12 years before I decided I had enough of the auto industry. Didn't go to collage, dropped out in the 10th grade because I thought it was the "cool" thing to do. Started as a driver for the company I'm with now and have worked my way up in to sales. I have been married over 12 years and we have 5 kids together ranging from 14 to 6 months. When i'm not working I spend lots of time with my wife and kids. I don't drink or smoke and even though I live in a trailer hood as I heard it being called recently I try my best not to fit the trailer trash profile. When some jokes and calls me white trash I tell them I'm high class white trash. I don't have a broke down Camaro in the yard. I have a Any way that is it basicly for me.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Im 22 and working for hyundai tech center working on proto cars. Mostly suspension and steering changes. Hopeing to start going to skool to be a engineer but well see. I hit the bars usually every weekend or go skateboarding. And thats about it.
Jun 6, 2006
whitemike;1624214 said:
I LOVE that the first few posts were Theresa, Mike, JJ, and Jeff.. that's an awesome line up.

Me being a dog groomer is that awesome? :p

Here's what makes my job awesome:
I wrote this back on June 29th.
Tuesdays are generally referred to as "Stupid Tuesday" with us girls in the salon part of my job, as, it seems, anything that can go wrong, will.

Ashley sent me a wonderful text this morning, wishing me a "FUCKING GLORIOUS DAY."

I fully intended on it, until I saw that I had a dog that I had previously said I would no longer groom on my list (and my note about NOT grooming him "mysteriously" absent.).

Boo, as I will call him, arrived early, much to my disappointment. I'd hoped his owner would perhaps.... oh, I don't know.... go somewhere else. No such luck.

Because this dog is such a raging douchebag, I refused to have my entire day ruined by rage over his aggression and outright taint-ish antics, so I was going to groom him towards the end of the day, hoping, also, that since it would be quieter, he might not be such an ass.

As I went to retrieve him, I noticed something sitting in front of him in his little kennel.

I peered closer.

It was a... well, it looked like a white tube thing, split down the middle, with bile and perhaps digested food in the middle of it. Our boarding dogs receive waxed paper collars with their names scrawled on them, however, this dog had not been boarding.

I consulted my manager.

"S," (as I shall call her) I said, confused, "Boo has vomitted an object which I cannot identify."

S followed me into the bathing room, where C, our bather, became curious and followed the both of us to the kennel.

"What the hell IS that?!" they both wondered aloud.

S reached in to retrieve the object and began to, well, unroll it.

C gasped loudly, then screamed, "OH MY GOD, IT'S A USED MAXI PAAAAAAD!!!!!"

This, of course, sent me flailing my arms and wailing and running circles around the bathing room, out into the salon, and eventually out into the lobby, where the kids who work the phones and Rachel the other groomer thought I'd completely lost my mind.

S, of course, had to call the owner. It was a woman who had dropped Boo off, and it was the woman that S had gotten ahold of. She was, of course, completely and utterly mortified.

So mortified, in fact, that it was her husband who picked up the dog.

...TA DA!!!!!


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
I'm the pointy haired boss from Dilbert. I run the Quality Assurance group that builds automated testing for everything from little mom and pop pharmacies to massive robotic warehouses that package, label, and ship utterly ridiculous amounts of prescriptions for large pharmacy chains. I like working with interesting people first, closely followed by smart people, and I get a lot of that here. I make enough to support a voracious mortgage, a couple kids, a hot rod Supra, and a rather expensive mountain biking habit, and still have enough left over to buy lunch now and then.

How did I get here? That's a long story, and I don't think I have the time to explain. Lets say it was entirely a random chance event, and leave it at that.

Over the years I've worked a lot of different jobs, professional car washer, chemical factory worker, 7-eleven clerk, high rise construction, car stereo installer, telephone surveys, seaman, stable boy, comic book seller, truck driver, customs broker, cook, forklift operator, virtually everything in the computer field - hardware assembly, sales, support, software sales, code monkey, database analyst, software quality assurance, taught operating systems at a local college, and management in software development. I'm sure I've forgotten to mention a few. Maybe more than a few. It's been an interesting life so far, and I have high hopes for the next 40 years.


Holy S*** I own a Racecar
Jan 24, 2009
I'm a "Delivery Expert" at Domino's Pizza in agassiz....

It pays rent and allows me to still get some stuff for the supra and thats all that matters.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I'm a 40 year old carpenter............yeah, I know. What a loser? I build things, paint things, tear things up, fix things, basically anything you can do to a thing, I do it. I work for myself, so that means when I should be doing something to something, I'm either playing golf or playing poker.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
I work inventory control in one of New York state's largest and most advanced liquor and wine wholesale warehouses. I don't hate my job, but I don't adore it. It pays well, full benefits, bonuses, and yearly raises. I get paid out for sick time I don't use (which is ALL of it) and I get two weeks paid vacation, three weeks paid starting next year.

I drive around the warehouse in thirty foot high racks counting inventory. I'm one of the only non-union "scabs" in the warehouse (LOL), and don't handle cases anymore. I started out on nights working 7pm-5am throwing cases on conveyor belts all night. I worked my way up the night shift ranks, then was promoted to days after only a year of working there. I'm 26, and will be building or buying a new house within two years, with a healthy down payment and low monthly mortgage.

I won't state what I make, but it's enough to fund my Supra, e36 M3, and '94 Toyota 4x4 Pickup, and still save a poopload a week.


Destroyer of Turbos
Mar 30, 2005
Plano, TX
I'm an engineering tech for an oil and gas company here in Plano. I work in the Reserves group and act as a go between for the Business Development and IT departments, run our Aries db, and help out in our simulation group as needed. It's actually alot of fun and I'm starting to head more in the admin field (SQL/Windows Server)


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Toyota parts advisor, saving for university to take psychology. Discounts are always good, though dosent pay the best (here anyway, damn you flange) but cant do much better in atlantic canada without some sort of college degree or knowing people.

On the weekends I steal trees from the Omish.


Metal Head
Sep 29, 2009
akron/canton, ohio
I'm 21 and work in cable technical Support. I'm going to Stark State College for video production but will probably change my major to automitve mechanics. i make good money at my job, but the benefits are kinda weird and I dont like 3rd shift. I would like to be a mechanic or do pretty much anything woth cars/motorcycles.

P.S. Jetjocks post made me bust out laughing in the middle of work.


Straight Cougar
Aug 2, 2007
Lancaster, CA
I am a math teacher at a charter school. I double majored in physics and math and as I discovered I truly enjoy teaching I decided to make a career out of it. Working with teenagers every (m***** F***ing) day can be quite a challenge, I admit, but no two days are ever the same and I've never had a boring day at work. It's pretty rewarding seeing some of the kids that no one ever thought would graduate turn around and succeed when some one steps up to pay attention.


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
I'm currently a full time student at a local community college majoring in automotive technology. I'm going for dual Associates Degrees (as the program offers two), and am contemplating enrolling at Southern Illinois University: Carbondale's automotive program for my Bachelor's Degree. SIUC has one of the best programs in the midwest.

I work part time (18-23 hours/week) at a pizza place as a bar back. The restaurant has been in business since the 40's. I live at home with my folks and my college is already paid for, so my money lately has been going toward my money whoring Supra. Once the car is back on the road, it shall be going toward my bank account.

I'm 20.


New Member
Apr 3, 2009
I'm 27 and work in a mom and pop auto parts store; however I have also worn the hats of Piercer, Repo man, Helped run the family auto shop for almost 10 years, Cook, apprenticed as a tattoo artist, have done electronic musical instrument repair, worked in a gas station, and Musician. I've never gone to college (hope to one day though) and I've also once upon a time been a home-owner (sub-prime lending sucks... don't do it. Granted it isn't legal, but still) and spend waaaay too much time studying manuals,reading books, playing video games, tinkering with my Sup, and studying psychology.


WTF did he just wright ?
Aug 5, 2005
Victoria BC
I done lots of stuff mostly all car/truck repair and fabercation related

but as of right now I work out of my house as a mec and building project cars and repairs

but as of march back to school I go


New Member
Sep 12, 2008
I'm 27 and currently work as a Jr Accountant at a major gaming company in BC.

I was the former sales manager at a performance shop that specialized in Nissans:

I work part time at a major parts store to help pay for student loans and to keep sane.

I'm currently accepted into the degree program at B.C.I.T., and will start taking classes in January if the baby situation gets better. Then it's off to designation (CA, CGA, CMA, it's still up in the air right now)


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Jeff Lange;1625222 said:
But... but... who will run the parts department?


It's going to be a new plugin in flashchat called FlangeControl™ that allows you to access and control multiple parts departments from your central location.


what's the birdcage for?
Apr 1, 2005
I am 33 and work as a Registered Nurse on a post surgical ward, my wife is a nurse as well on a different ward same hospital. Been doing it for 8 years now and enjoy every minute of it.

I have worked several jobs before choosing this career but knew that I wanted to be in the Healthcare field. Past jobs to get me here were, dishwasher, cook, Walmart employee, back to cook, Lawncare guy, then manager of the other lawncare guys, then Nurse assistant(Orderly) and finally back to school for nursing.

Definitely a rewarding career that has afforded us many luxuries in life. With some responsible management of money.