Disturbing the peace


Supra Owner
Jan 22, 2008
Toronto, Ontario
soo, today i decided to start my car and run it, i just finished the head gasket, so i decided to just for around the block.

so when i do go around the block, i park back on the driveway, and apparently 5 min later a cop comes by, and eyes my car, i kinda had a feeling that the cop either received a complaint or....just cruising around the neighborhood.

1 min later i see the same cop, i see that the officer was a female, and she goes up to me... (during the 5 min and when the cop came, my car was not running, i was cleaning my garage) she says "i received a complaint about you driving around really fast and your car was loud, one of your neighbors complained but its daytime and i dont know who would complain during daytime, im just here to look like im doing my job"

that's pretty much what she says, i tell her i just went for a normal go around the block cause i just rebuilt my engine, i just went around the block, i also told her i could understand if its nighttime, and she agrees with me. then we basically just bs's a bit and she left.

what you guys think? any neighbors complain about you or anything about your car ect?

P.S. i didnt gun it, i didnt step on it, just normal cruising.

Devin LeBlanc

Apr 7, 2010
Las Vegas NV.
My neighbor always complains about my car running, I start it up and let it idle for 5 min before I leave to let it warm up.. During the day time, like mid afternoon.. I don't understand lol


Rocker...Not Hippie
Feb 22, 2011
Graham-Puyallup, WA
I live on a one-way in/out private road, and all of the people along the road know what we do here. There are alot of people that work on cars, bikes, quads and the like though around here. I think there would be more to talk about not hearing anything hot-rodding down the road than anything else... lol . We got a couple of senior citizens that just wave and shake their heads as we go by... They don't mind.


New Member
Oct 21, 2010
powell river bc
had same issue in calgary, had a jam session at 5pm and got a noise complait, not like you can play accoutic instuments any more quiet. after about 5 times they stoped showing up, i guess they just got use to the same guy complaining and ignored him/her


Oct 14, 2008
Everyone has a different issue... I idle my car for a good 5 mins at 10:30pm almost every night (and its loud) right next to my neighbors house before i go to work.
He has never said one thing to me about it, but the other day I was burning yard waste and i used some newspaper to start the fire and he called the fire department on me for burning trash. (burning trash is illegal in Washington.) I mean come on...


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I once had a Supra buddy come to the house, and take me for a ride in his new supra. I thought we were headed to the interstate, but he missed that turn and stayed in my neighborhood. Next thing I know, He nails it........The quickest friggin MKIII Supra (I've been in Suprahero's car) I have ever ridden in........ripping past houses. A neighbor jumped in their vehicle and followed us to my house, blocking us in the driveway. I intercepted her halfway to my buddy and apologized. I had to agree with everything she said, and told her the guy was crazy. No cops, just one pissed off neighbor.


Supra Owner
Jan 22, 2008
Toronto, Ontario
what you going to ask next nudes? LOL, she was decent, no pics obviously....i could understand if i was gunning it, or it was nighttime, but not in the daytime, even the officer said that. o wells, its not like i cant drive my car, cause iv been living here for like 2 years now, and i dont do anything crazy on my streets.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
The only time I ever got "pulled over" for noise was on my way home from the dyno running a stock CT26 @15psi, electronic boost controller, and running an open BIC DDP. I was literally just cruising, as I know how loud it is. He pulled right out of his hiding spot and tailed me to my house and pulled me over in the driveway. LOL.

It was comical, really. I told him exactly what I was doing, did, etc... and asked him to please follow me into the garage. There, laying on the floor was my exhaust and the wrenches to put it back on. I pulled the car right in and started jacking it up. He left me with a verbal warning. He was actually pretty cool.


New Member
Sep 28, 2009
Childersburg AL,
when my car comes out of the garage and into the drive way, cops park across the street.
i swear there waiting on me to drive it.
it pissed me off one day, so i started walking twords his car. he saw me coming and drove off.
i think its my tag... its say ILLDNU. (illuding you)


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
There's good and bad sides to this kind of person. There's a guy at the end of my street, I swear he sits in an upstairs bedroom with binoculars, eyeing the neighbourhood all day for something to bitch about. He calls the police on all the local teenagers when they have a party - even when it's relatively quiet, early, well behaved, and even chaperoned. Anyone who parks in a no-parking zone can expect to get reported, too, which is a bit of a pain when you are dropping your trailer for a couple hours before camping for the weekend.

On the other hand... he also pointed out when a shingle blew off my roof during a storm. And better yet, some punk kids in a lowrider started parking at the end of the street, dealing drugs out of the car - that lasted a day or so, virtually the entire street watched as he walked out of his house over to the car, bent down over the side to talk to the punks for all of a minute, at which point they left and have never been seen again.

Bottom line... everyone has a use.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
GrimJack;1728514 said:
There's good and bad sides to this kind of person. There's a guy at the end of my street, I swear he sits in an upstairs bedroom with binoculars, eyeing the neighbourhood all day for something to bitch about. He calls the police on all the local teenagers when they have a party - even when it's relatively quiet, early, well behaved, and even chaperoned. Anyone who parks in a no-parking zone can expect to get reported, too, which is a bit of a pain when you are dropping your trailer for a couple hours before camping for the weekend.

On the other hand... he also pointed out when a shingle blew off my roof during a storm. And better yet, some punk kids in a lowrider started parking at the end of the street, dealing drugs out of the car - that lasted a day or so, virtually the entire street watched as he walked out of his house over to the car, bent down over the side to talk to the punks for all of a minute, at which point they left and have never been seen again.

Bottom line... everyone has a use.

Eh, I try to keep my eyes open, but I'm not gonna be *that* guy. I have a similar issue though. I like driving my car, so I do. However, I have a lot of dumb little shits in the neighborhood that can't seem to understand that you need to stay out of the way of cars... so, do I leave the silencer in so I don't irritate the neighbors with the noise, or do I take it out so their stupid kids are aware that a car is coming?


New Member
Oct 21, 2010
powell river bc
GrimJack;1728514 said:
There's good and bad sides to this kind of person. There's a guy at the end of my street, I swear he sits in an upstairs bedroom with binoculars, eyeing the neighbourhood all day for something to bitch about. He calls the police on all the local teenagers when they have a party - even when it's relatively quiet, early, well behaved, and even chaperoned. Anyone who parks in a no-parking zone can expect to get reported, too, which is a bit of a pain when you are dropping your trailer for a couple hours before camping for the weekend.

On the other hand... he also pointed out when a shingle blew off my roof during a storm. And better yet, some punk kids in a lowrider started parking at the end of the street, dealing drugs out of the car - that lasted a day or so, virtually the entire street watched as he walked out of his house over to the car, bent down over the side to talk to the punks for all of a minute, at which point they left and have never been seen again.

Bottom line... everyone has a use.

true, but where is the line from being watchful to being a stalker?


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
On the original subject though, we got harassed (understandably) by a neighbor back when we were trying to tune (well, get to run right anyway) a friend's 1j at around 10pm... but other than that, I've never been bothered about car noise before, and I've had some rather loud cars on a few occasions.


Supra Owner
Jan 22, 2008
Toronto, Ontario
well, yes...see thats almost night time, but mine was in daytime, (2-3PM) when the neightbour across from us is cutting wood, in which its even louder than my car.

i went around the block, and parked it back on my driveway, and 5 min later a cop came.

yes, there are some acceptions to people who always called the cops for any noise, robberys drug dealing ect.
but last week when my tree got stolen, no one knew, YES my tree got stolen, (well not tree, japanese bloodgood maple)
people these days...


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
I lived in a Home Owners Association (HOA) neighborhood 2 years ago and had a total prick of a neighbor down the street that I had to pass every time I left my house and came home (one way in and out). He was some asshole biker guy who drove a big ass lifted truck and was the type that would go looking for a fight. He called the cops on me 3 different times, the first time he did he also had his fellow biker buddies (who lived next door and across the street) call the cops on me too. He said I was always speeding and was afraid I would hit one of the kids on the street. Mind you I have a 1JZ with a 3" catless exhaust and a big ass muffler, so at any speed it sounds like I'm going fast. I never went above 25 MPH and if I saw kids I would watch them like a hawk and slow to 20 MPH, ready to slam on the brakes if any of them went into the street (they were always out of the street playing in the grass and on the sidewalks). The prick claimed that I was doing atleast 35 MPH. He even got in his truck one time and parked in front of my house and started yelling at me, wanting me to come over and "be a man" and hit him. No dice, I kept on my property and never got physical. Needless to say even my landlord (I was renting a room out of a house that he lived in) got fed up with the asshole and even told the cops what kind of a guy this man really was.

I've learned my lesson, selectively choose where you live and never live in a HOA neighborhood. The place I live in now I've been here for 2 years and only once did a neighbor call the cops on me (I deserved it since I was testing my Supra up and down the street while going above the speed limit and accellerating hard).