XTD Clutch scam!


2jzget comingsoon!
Mar 30, 2005
tekimp;1469752 said:
I would not blame a "Toyota OEM Pressure plate." Correct.

I would blame the XTD HEAVY DUTY RACING PRESSURE PLATE they included in the package.

All XTD 3 pressure plate is made from ductile iron which is about 30-40% stronger than conventional cast iron pressure plates also diaphragm has been heat-treated for holding maximum horse power up to 480HP...

And mine blew up... barely hitting 300 HP.

You aren't getting it. The XTD pressure plate is an OEM toyota/aisian pressure plate that they paint red.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
At Aarons request, I had closed this thread @ 1:21pm on 28th Jan 2010. I felt it was time to open it up again in light of recent events:

On Mon, June 28, 2010 5:57 pm I was sent the following email:

Subject: SupraMania Contact Us Form - closed riview
From: "jimmy @ SupraMania" <xtdusa@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, June 28, 2010 5:57 pm
To: admin@supramania.com

The following message was sent to you via the SupraMania Contact Us form by jimmy ( mailto:xtdusa@yahoo.com ).


this is Jimmy from Aimco clutch company.
please check the bottom of link


this thread is cloased by writter but it's still linked with google and yahoo so please take it out ASAP.
your club member wrote wrong riview on your website so we having a lot of problem with our customers.
Please Help me out.
Best Regards,

I immediately replied with the following:

Subject: Re: SupraMania Contact Us Form - closed riview
From: supracentral@supracentral.com
Date: Mon, June 28, 2010 8:57 pm
To: "jimmy @ SupraMania" <xtdusa@yahoo.com>


There is no such thing as a "wrong" review. It's an opinion or reflection
of a customers experience. We don't engage in censorship. For anyone.
Especially not for a vendor who isn't a member of our site.

I can reopen the thread and you're more than welcome to create an account
and post your side of the story. However I would strongly suggest that you
keep it civil and present facts that support your side of the story.

Mike Donohue
Lead Administrator, Supramania.com

I heard nothing back, so I assumed this was finished.

I was incorrect.

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: SupraMania Contact Us Form - wrong info
From: "jimmy @ SupraMania" <xtdusa@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, July 20, 2010 8:08 pm
To: admin@supramania.com

The following message was sent to you via the SupraMania Contact Us form by jimmy ( mailto:xtdusa@yahoo.com ).


i think you guys ignoring my email.
please delete this link


the writer already closed this review because he wrote wrong info on his review.
this link ruin our business!
if you don't answer within 3 days then i will put this matter to my lawer.

As many of you know, I don't take well to being threatened, especially by someone who accuses me wrongly.

I sent the following reply:

Supracentral via Email said:

On Mon, June 28, 2010 @ 8:57 pm, I replied to your first message informing you that there is no such thing as a "wrong" review. It's an opinion or reflection of a customers experience. We don't engage in censorship. For anyone. Especially not for a vendor who isn't a member of our site.

I strongly suggest you check your spam filters and junk message box for that original email.

At the time I had offered to reopen the thread so you could create an account and post your side of the story. However, now that you've threatened me with a lawsuit, that option is no longer available to you and you are not welcome on supramania.

I had considered allowing you on, but I discussed this proposition with my attorney, Mr. Heywood Jablowme, and he responded by throwing a pitcher of Tang at my head (not the original kind, the new type with more vitamin-C). This is his way of saying "no dice". Heywood loves legal battles, no matter how mundane and baseless they are (this one being a healthy portion of each). I looked in the other room, and he's even putting on his "lawyer battle" suspenders, the red ones with white stripes on them.

Since it appears we have no choice but to go to court, I would recommend that you and your "lawyer" file papers with the court saying something along the lines of this

Dear Honorable Judge,

Some mean person made very nasty remarks about my business/product. And now won't let me play on their website. Since we now live in a world where every single whining crybaby threatens to sue somebody over the most trivial of things, I feel I want to sue a person who's runs a private website is hosted www.supramania.com. Sure, my knowledge of the legal system is little to none, but I really want to sue this guy because he's so mean! I have obviously never done any research on libel, private clubs or discrimination, or I would've learned the following information:

Private clubs have a right to choose their members and the ideas and opinions of those members, whether true of false, cannot constitutionally be subject to libel claims.

However, my lawyer, who also works the night shift at the local Dairy Queen, says I can sue for MILLIONS of dollars! I tend to believe him, because I once saw him wear an expensive suit and I think that makes him smart.



You can cut and paste that into a word document and file it in court if you want...

This appears to have gotten some sort of attention from him, and he replied with the following:

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: SupraMania Contact Us Form - wrong info
From: "Xtd Song" <xtdusa@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, July 20, 2010 11:50 pm
To: "Webmaster Supracentral" <supracentral@supracentral.com>

i don't think you don't understand me.we already contacted with Arron who wrote
this review and he told me that he also emailed you that he wants to delete his
thread because he wrote wrong infomation on his thread.
you guys should add delete thread button on your website,he already closed this
thread but it still showing on your website and there are many people still ask
us why still wrong infomation on supramania website.
you can contact Arron about this,he told me he feel very sorry about what he
wrote on thread.
i though that this tread will disappear because he closed it but this is non
sense that it showing permantely and still giving wrong information to people.
i just need your help,we don't want to receive the emails and phone call from
our customers because of this closed thread.
i am willing to donate for your website around $300 if you can do for me.
i can paypal you donation if you give me your paypal address.
please let me know

I immediately replied with the following:

Subject: Re: SupraMania Contact Us Form - wrong info
From: supracentral@supracentral.com
Date: Wed, July 21, 2010 8:47 am
To: "Xtd Song" <xtdusa@yahoo.com>

I will contact him, if this is the case the thread will be deleted.

No donations required.

He replied back:

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: SupraMania Contact Us Form - wrong info
From: "Xtd Song" <xtdusa@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, July 21, 2010 2:53 pm
To: "Webmaster Supracentral" <supracentral@supracentral.com>

yes,please do for us..
we lost a lot of cutomers because of this thread.
thank you for your help.

I proceeded to contact Aaaron, and ask about the veracity of these claims. Aaron replied on July 21st, 2010 @ 11:57 AM, and although I won't post the full PM here, this is the portion that pertains to this:

bigaaron said:
I have talked to the guy through email, and I NEVER said I posted anything incorrect at all. I posted exactly what happened at the time. He said he changed manufacturers (basically admitting that what I originally said was correct), and now gets the pressure plates from Korea, and he was going to send me two of the new ones for free to see if I liked them and wanted to buy from him. I said no thanks.

...I NEVER said I was wrong about posting it in the beginning, or that anything I posted wasn't exactly correct....

With this piece of knowledge, I decided to place this in front of the staff for discussion in the Moderator forum. We had a dilemma here. At the time this thread was posted, the information was accurate according to Aaron. As long time member and established vendor with a stellar reputation, we have no reason to doubt him. Moreover, this being a customer review, it's certainly not our place to silence anyone. Deleting the thread did not seem appropriate, but we were discussing opening it back up and asking Aaron and/or the vendor to post this updated information. The central debate however seems to be Jimmys apparent dishonesty in representing Aarons position on the matter. Discussion on this topic was still ongoing.

He emailed me on Sunday:

Subject: SupraMania Contact Us Form - wrong info on website
From: "jimmy song @ SupraMania" <xtdusa@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, July 25, 2010 3:27 pm
To: admin@supramania.com

The following message was sent to you via the SupraMania Contact Us form by jimmy song ( mailto:xtdusa@yahoo.com ).


hello again.
this is Jimmy from Aimco clutch company.
i sent you an email about bottom of the link


did you contacted with Arron?
i want to reslove this case ASAP.
please get back to me.

Apparently we didn't discuss this fast enough for Jimmy and before I got a chance to reply, I received the following:

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: SupraMania Contact Us Form - RE:wrong info on your Web!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: "jimmy song @ SupraMania" <xtdusa@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, July 26, 2010 6:25 pm
To: admin@supramania.com

The following message was sent to you via the SupraMania Contact Us form by jimmy song ( mailto:xtdusa@yahoo.com ).


this is jimmy again about this wrong info on your website


i think you keep ignoring my email.
i just contacted Aaron but you never sent email to Aaron for confirmed!!!
if you don't delete this wrongful thread within 2 days then i will write all toyota forums that you guys have very bad customer service and i will put this matter to my lawer.
iam not jokking here,we loosing a lot of business because this closed non sense thread!!
i will also claim for all my loss.
you better take action right now because Aaron also help us for this stupid case.

Now since I had already spoken with Aaron personally, I really didn't appreciate this. Being threatened is one thing, being called a liar is completely something else.

This prompted the following reply:

Subject: Re: SupraMania Contact Us Form - RE:wrong info on your Web!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: supracentral@supracentral.com
Date: Mon, July 26, 2010 6:57 pm
To: "jimmy song @ SupraMania" <xtdusa@yahoo.com>


I was willing to work with you. However now that you have resorted to
threats once again, I feel we now have an adversarial relationship due to
your uncalled for hostility.

I have reopened and updated the thread that is the source of your
complaint to include all correspondence between you and I. The public can
use that information to judge the caliber of your character and nature of
your business as they see fit.

Consider this email a cease and desist order. Do not contact me via email

If you have anything further to say, please say it via your lawyer by
certified mail.

You may mail any legal documents as you see fit to:

(address removed)

I am sorry it has come to this, I'm certain we could have come to an
amicable solution, but now that you have escalated this to outright
threats, I feel it is in my best interests to refuse to speak to you any
further on this manner.

I wish you well in your endeavors,


This is a full transcript of all correspondence. I have also retained the server logs related to these email and messages.

At this point, I think it's clear that I have been reasonable, communicative and willing to even shrug off the first set of threats and to take his passive/aggressive stance switching in stride. I've even ignored his outright misrepresentations of Aarons position in this matter.

However, I've had enough of being threatened, and I believe the emails above may give you some insight into the nature of the people we're discussing here. From my perspective the passive/aggressive nature of this chain of emails says quite a bit.

You may draw your own conclusions.

I will not be removing this thread as I feel it now accurately portrays consumer concerns about the character and integrity of this business. I also felt it necessary to get Jimmy side of the story out into the public eye. He appears to have a lot to say and I believe his tone and content will help you accurately gauge his character.

As you are likely aware (and Jimmy apparently isn't) consumer complaints with an absence of malice are generally considered protected free speech. In this instance I feel this thread meets those requirements.

The "i will write all toyota forums that you guys have very bad customer service" certainly seems like premeditation to use slander as blackmail against Supramania in this case. That's clearly malice from my perspective. However, I'm certain that Supramania's reputation is adequate to fend off false claims such as this, especially from the likes of him.

If only Jimmy had the same confidence in his own brand...


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
I may not have the best spelling but this guy appears to not even read your emails nor even have proper english.

Still would not buy from them. Hope they go into the ground.


New Member
Apr 12, 2010
However, my lawyer, who also works the night shift at the local Dairy Queen, says I can sue for MILLIONS of dollars! I tend to believe him, because I once saw him wear an expensive suit and I think that makes him smart.

hahahahha classic


Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
Talk about a blast from the past. I think you hadled the matter very well Mike, too bad the guy on the other end is a douche.


New Member
Mar 8, 2007
Keller TX
My 2JZGTE'd with W58 MK2 supra has a XTD clutch in it...bought the supra with it already installed..it held 11 psi on a bone stock Aristo motor..but It will be coming out here in the next month and its being replaced with a Raptor Racing feramic 6 puck thats sitting on the bench. Thanks for the warning on these clutches. It could of caused me major headaches. I'm currently doing full upgrades including AEM V2, 67mm Turbo and E85 fuel system.. I will try and post pics of the XTD clutch when I remove it..unless this isn't the place for it then I will start a new thread...many thanks again Supramania and Aaron, I will continue to send business you way.



The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
Very good read, thanks for posting. Also, thanks for leading this great community to Mike and all the rest who have a hand in SM.


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
Damn, i thought they taught english at an early age in China? That was like a mix between a redneck who cant spell mixed with engrish.


Nov 15, 2007
I would consider taking down the thread for.......ohhhhh.......let's see......yeah, that's it! 1 MILLION DOLLARS to EVERY registered SM Member!!!!!!

Anyone else in agreement?


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Consumers are voting on a product with their wallets, as it should be. The product stands on it's own merits and is being judged as such. Now that the votes are in, the company seems to be grasping at straws. It's a hole they dug themselves and the legal system should not be abused to pull them out.

I think you handled that very well Mike, thanks for looking out.


New Member
Nov 9, 2008
CajunKenny;1597456 said:
I would consider taking down the thread for.......ohhhhh.......let's see......yeah, that's it! 1 MILLION DOLLARS to EVERY registered SM Member!!!!!!

Anyone else in agreement?


Think How many more badass supra's there would be :icon_razz

But Really this guy seems like a joke. Thanks for dealing with this for us Mike!


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
CajunKenny;1597456 said:
I would consider taking down the thread for.......ohhhhh.......let's see......yeah, that's it! 1 MILLION DOLLARS to EVERY registered SM Member!!!!!!

Anyone else in agreement?

mmm 1 million? For forcing SupraCentral to read that chicken scratch? Nah go big or go home 5mil!! :D