what do you guys do?


New Member
Mar 19, 2012
St. Cloud, Minnesota
when you have no cash to fix the blown engine in your supra? gets pretty frustrating not being able to drive it because you have other things that you need to pay for, so the car just gets to sit. only another 8 months to go, then she'll be driving again. i hope. oh well, in the mean time i'll ride my bmx.

what kinda hobbies do you guys have?


New Member
Mar 19, 2012
St. Cloud, Minnesota
IJ.;1843255 said:
I earn more $ and fix the car ;)

i wish. unfortunately i only make about $120 a month right now from the army before i leave for basic, that all goes to phone bills and gas in the other cars. gotta love being fresh outta high school with no job because no one wants to hire someone that's gonna leave in 2 months for the Army. oh well, being gone for 6 months for training just means i get to come home with around $6-7k to dump into the car. gotta be excited about that!


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Well, my car was down a solid 15 of the first 18 months I owned it, if not more. Have had that car nearly... wait, OVER 4 years now. Wow... been driving it daily for 2.5 of them now. :)

That 15 months was pretty agonizing though, I will admit that. I kept myself busy with work, video games, reading, basically anything that was cheap. Take a look at the "how to live with a Supra" thread linked in my signature, most of that comes from the experiences I've had with blown up cars. Newest lesson? Try to keep $1000 or more in your account at all times. Just in case. ;)


Custom Painter/Fabricator
Apr 7, 2012
Beaverton, Oregon, United States
I've had my Supra since 2002. I've had it in the shop several times. First time was about 3-4 months after I bought it from a so called friend. He sold it to me with a blown rods... Clutch... And tranny... Some friend. I was new, he took advantage andI haven't driven my car since 2007. In early 2009, I bought two Supras to fix mine and then wouldn't you know it... My wife says she's pregnant... So, you guessed it. I sold them. :(

I really hoping to have it running this year. I'll need is a new short block. I have most the parts minus a few gaskets and such. I'm going back school for mechanics, so we'll see. It'll be a little different than fixing and painting cars.


Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
I've had my supra for over 4 years now, driven it for less than a year.
This deff isnt a cheap car to own, especially if you wanna go fast.

Props for living on $120/month, when i got outta highschool i was workin at dunkin fulltime making $300/week and it was barely enough to cover my bills.
My advice when you get back is to not spend ALL the money on your car, keep at least a couple g's in the bank for the next time it breaks.