SupraMania: What Do Yo Do? Who Are You In Life?

Jun 6, 2006
Oh, was I supposed to add what I've DONE, too?

I've worked retail, I've been the phone girl at various vets, I've been kennel tech at various vets, I've been a vet tech at various vets, I've been a hostess, I've waited tables, I've been a (ahem) dancer.

I've been grooming for almost four years. I've been at my current place of employ for 2 1/2 years- the longest I've ever stayed at one company. I enjoy dog grooming since I don't have to deal with people much, and considering I have zero desire to get a degree, it pays pretty damn well and allows me to be flexible in my schedule, for the most part.

I've kind of decided that school just isn't for me. I've gone to school for graphic design in the past and it pretty much completely burnt me out on my art. Besides, all I want to do in life is own a farm and milk goats and ride horses and garden, and I don't need to go to school for that. I've been doing lots of my own research and studying, and I've begun my own hands-on experience which involved my girldog stealing the cantaloupe I'd promised to my mom.

I am.... 27! I'll be 28 in three weeks. So send me presents. :love:


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
My previous job (of six years) was Senior Projectionist at a movie theater. It. Was. Awesome. By far the most fun job I've ever done. I got to stay up in the projection booth maintaining all the projectors, xenon lamps, platter setups, splicing movies together, breaking movies down, etc... I was fast as hell. I could thread six projectors and get them 100% ready to go in less than 7 minutes. I'm still pretty fast (my friend works there now and I tried myself out- still faster than him and I've been gone for five years now!) HA!

That job was sick, but didn't pay so well, which is why I left for my current job.


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
if anyone actually has to ask what i do, i just don't know what to say.

went from hs to the packing house, where i spent 10 years destroying various body parts. then i managed mini-marts for a while. sold fords for a while(and was damn good at it) sold vacuum cleaners for a while(don't laugh, i made a shitload of money, working 3-4 hours a day). eventually i crawled my ass into the cab of a truck, where i've been for the last 10 years. once upon a time, i was scaring the shit out of 6 figures. then the economy crashed, and i now drive an oilfield truck, earning a lot less and working a lot harder. my days are spent dragging crude oil out of the fields, and to the refiners. the boss lied when he said i would have time to go to school.

there is a quote from ayn rand in my sig. last month i decided to pay attention to it. in about 6 weeks or so i will be leaving my job, and become self-employed. i can work 70 plus hours a week and go broke without putting cash in my boss' pocket. ive got a little bit of equipment to buy, and some bean counters to talk to. then Bedford Enterprises will be born. and I'm scared shitless. i know what my odds of success are. i also know what my odds of success are if i don't try.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Wow... previous employment... That would take a while...

Cliff notes, in no particular order: Automotive Repossession Agent, Skip Tracer, Bounty Hunter, Auto Parts Warehouse Manager, Service Foreman (swimming pools), Retail clerk, OTR Truck Driver, Heavy Equipment Operator, Nuclear Reactor Operator, Network Operations Manager, Project Manager, Program Manager, Software Architect, Technical Architect, Enterprise Architect, IT Manager, IT Director, Fire Safety Consultant, Owner of a small business, Web designer, Server Administrator.

One of those positions is bullshit, the rest are not, I'll leave it up to you to figure out which one isn't true. :D

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
I was a shipper/receiver at Canon, and I installed ADT Security Systems in houses, and I was and still do (not as much) web development. I am no longer actually employed as a developer at any company, but I do it on the side every now and then.



Sugar, Water, Purple
Apr 8, 2008
Lafayette, Louisiana, United States
I worked in several tire retailers, Firestone / Goodyear, was a bus boy at a local Mexican resturant 15 plus some odd years ago. drove a wrecker truck for a few years with my brother-in-law and we had our own repair shop where we did everything to engine swaps to body work to custom air bag setups. I learned the hard way you can't work for family so that was short lived. had part time jobs with the city when i was a teenager. Now i'm a salesman for an oilfield company which was paying pretty damn good till about two years ago where we have been struggling ever since. Have been with the company over five years and being i worked my way up from beng a driver it has saved me from being layed off a few times plus loyalty to the company.


New Member
Sep 10, 2007
I spent my teen years and some of my twenties on a construction site doing residential framing. My old man is a contractor so it was easy to get into at a young age, and the money was great while I was young. But i really never enjoyed myself in the profession.

Always wanted to work on cars so i moved to Sacramento to go to Wyotech. When i finished school with my smog liscence, I got a job at a private shop working on mostly Japanese cars, and dealing with CA SMOG. I learned a good baseline of knowledge in school but nothing beats real experience in a shop with great guidance, from extremely experienced techs. I have now moved back to WI and landed a job as a technician at Toyota. I love my job, and have the opportunity to make good money. I am not going to get rich doing this, but atleast its fun.

Next i would like to learn to TIG weld. And someday open my own custom fab shop.

Oh and I am 27.


Mad Scientist
Jan 2, 2008
Gainesville, Georgia
DreamerTheresa;1624081 said:
jetjock - The Most Interesting Man in the World. You don't always drink beer, but when you do, it's a Dos Equis?

:icon_bigg I was thinking the exact same thing.

I started off working in my parents' businesses in the summers. We had a few go kart tracks, movie theater, and a mini golf course. Then worked for my dads drywall company during and after high school for a total of 6 years. After buying some really crappy cars, I learned to work on cars and moved on to be a mechanic. 9 years later I am a master automotive tech holding A1-A8 plus L1 and X1. As for pay, not nearly enough to put up with all the crap.

So there is my main work, besides that on the side, I work on cars at my house, I have a 2 bay shop to work out of. I do repairs, paint and custom fabrication of all kinds. I make custom led stuff and solid state electronics for whatever I feel like or what someone wants (auto sunroof closer anyone) here that was my first electronic project, closes sun roof or convertible top when it rains. About two years back I got into programing and taught myself C# and a little of other various languages. I have made 2 xbox 360 indie games that are available on the marketplace, and am close to being done with my third.

I went back to school recently and was working on getting my motorsports engine builder certificate, but left the program with one class left, I will go back and do the class when it is feasible, but at the time I could to go in 2 days a week for 10 hours a day for a single 6 credit hour class. Now I have changed schools and am working on a degree in computer simulation/game programming.

I eventually want to start a custom automotive shop and work on making my game production business larger.

As most people here I have forgotten what free time is, its been so long since I have had any.:3d_frown:


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
buckshotglass;1624803 said:
i'm a moderator here at sm. I can't say how much it pays, jay would flip out.

best. Post. Ever!!!!! :icon_bigg

I was in the Army in the early 80's to the mid 90's, then I got out and was a practicing structural engineer / construction manager (BS in construction management & a MA in engineering), then I realized that I missed being in the Army, so I joined again in Jan '07. Now I'm an Infantry Platoon Sergeant, and loving it. I'm 40 & I only have 5 years until retirement :naughty:.

Who knows, I might work with Jay when I hang up the spurs


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
rakkasan;1625970 said:
Who knows, I might work with Jay when I hang up the spurs

Just be sure that if you're going to work for someone, work for Vonda, she's in charge anyway... :D


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
OneJoeZee;1626015 said:
I sell candy, I'm a part time stripper, AND I do hair.

Is this another one of those "one of these things is false" games Joe? :biglaugh:


May 7, 2005
Surrey BC
for work, I drive a dump truck:


It pays very well considering all you need is a 2 week course and a drivers licence with an air brakes endorsment. The big differance is who yoou know, I was in the industry and then got out because the guy I was working for screwed me over hard core. But I met a few people, left an impression and got a phone call a few months ago and an offer I couldnt refuse. My boss has 4 trucks of his own and a list of 19 other drivers from differant contractors that he uses, and he offered me his number 2 senoirity spot. Now I cant get any time off, which Im ok with. I want to buy a house, and around here a decent house goes for $450k+

As for what else I do, Im just another cosmic shmuck. But I do rather enjoy camping, live music and snowboarding. I play hockey and watch hockey. Other than that I think I'm pretty boring. Work lots, always hang out with my friends, they are the biggest bunch of idiots Ive ever met but I love em all