Spider Infestation!!


T-virus infected
Alright... I didnt know where else to put this but it seems rather off topicish in ways..

Alright I havent been working on the supra for a bit now just keep it washed regularly as she sits. I took her apart agian little over a year ago to throw on all the big stuff. T4 mani, turbo, FFIM, yada yada after break in period.

Well I got fuel lines left to run, IC piping to finish up, and to buy an EMS.
Not too too terribly much. But Between then and now I've been putting most of my money to getting bills paid off, started a custody battle$$$, and now I'm starting to accumulate positive income.

Ok NOW the badness! Here in south Ms and all over the US there has been a fast accumulation of BROWN widow spiders (cousin to the black widow)

These things have been blowing up like crazy. I've found a few in the engine bay, one in my door jam next to her egg sack, and a few all over the carport. Every chance I get I spray them with brake cleaner and dispose of the webbing and remains.
If thats not bad I still got to deal with the BLACK WIDOWS. I have yet to encounter one in the car but chances are there is 1 maybe 2 in there somewhere. I have found one outside on the bricking post on the carport.
You would think that would be it right? WRONG!!!!!! I also have to deal with the BROWN RECLUSE spiders. I have found just 2 of those in the opposite corners of the engine bay..

Now I have sprayed the area's that had the spiders with a big jug of insect stuff. hopefully that helps get rid or repel them...

If it was just the brown widow I had to deal with that would be fine. They are timid and not as aggressive as the black widows and their bites are not as deadly as the black..

Either or all 3 are deadly and guess what I have to face all 3 everytime I consider working on the car....

Anyone have any advice on spider infestations and chemicals that are good to combat and win agianst these things??

I know when I goto drop the tank that I may face a TON of either or.. Working on the supra has now become DEADLY. :3d_frown:


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
Wrap your car port in plastic and bug bomb the living crap out of it? I hate spiders, so that's what I would do.


Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
how bout a painters suit. they're pretty cheap, and with a ski mask and some goggles, you'd be impenetrable.

i deff wouldnt mess around with the brown recluses, i've seen those things on the discovery channel and they're no joke.

*edit* like these



haha imagine the looks you'd get workin on the car in that thing lol


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
Natural approach: Rose oil, Citronella Oil, Lavender Oil , Cinnamon Oil, Peppermint Oil, Citrus Oil, and Tea Tree Oil all repel spiders, in fact it will usually kill them if they come in contact with it. Pick your favorite scent and go nuts. be sure to get it in all the vents, under your seat and dash board exc.

Chemical appraoch, get some pesticide fogger bombs. test chemical in an inconspicuous area, to make sure it wont damage your interior. then close up the car, toss on in the trunk, and one on the center console and let em rip. put one under the hood too. after a while take a deep breath then open the doors and hatch and let it air out. Try not to breathe it you dont wanna poison yourself. Might make the car smell for a while but if your not driving it it shouldnt be a problem.

Sounds like nightmare, good luck to you man!


T-virus infected
lol! That would be great. I have a full gas mask I guess I could throw on and throw some tape around that..

Brown Recluse bites are rather nasty and can cause some serious damage to the bite area and the tissue,muscle,bone near it.
Black widow is just out right deadly.
Brown widow not as deadly but can be for people with health problems and children. Bite is more constricted to bite area but can make you feel rather sick!

I went to a mobile home retailer and asked him if he knew of a bomb that was interior safe. He actually sells it to people that dont use their busses regularly. So i popped on in the back seat of the supra and watched it fog out.

Nightmare is the least way to put it :(

Thanks for the pointers guys I will use them!


May 25, 2007

Seriously, after having LIVED through a Brown Recluse bite, and KNOWING it could have gone really wrong... this thread is the FIRST point where I'd reconsider my Supra aspirations. TEN DAYS of 2,000mg or ROCEPHIN (sp) by IV drip in my own living room every morning, and I spent several months checking every sleeve, leg, and fold of all clothing and linen before I could wear or lie on it. For real!

I won't go into the entire tale, but after the first 72 hours and a PIMPLE had become a SUNNY-SIDE-UP-EGG of contused appearing forearm with purplish veins running up to a swollen armpit... stiff-elbowed arms with McDonald's Special Sauce oooozing out every time I'd apply a little pressure to the numb bulge... and that white, saturated cotton-gauze looking dead flesh that kept spreading from the little snowman shaped figure-eight abscess in my arm where the fangs had made their fateful puncture...

I'm just glad I figured it out early on (didn't actually KNOW I'd been bitten at first... as there IS NO PAIN... just the rapid onset of necrosis... and an array of other unpleasant symptoms...) since I went in to an Infectious Disease specialist at his Infusion Treatment Center and his immediate "therapy" was able to "reverse" and heal the onset of really bad affects from that little "Fiddle-backed" bugger...:aigo:

...whereas Black Widow's affect the central nervous system with neurotoxins the Brown Recluse injects cytotoxins, which cause the onset of necrosis, or onset of necrotic tissue to spread through the flesh... I'd hardly cal the Brown Recluse the "lesser" of the two arachnids.

PHEW! Gotta FORGET that experience!

(I know, I know... next to you Aussie's with your Funnel Webbed spider and such, these things are probably comic relief!;))



Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
crisp;1378397 said:
(I know, I know... next to you Aussie's with your Funnel Webbed spider and such, these things are probably comic relief!;))
Read this and i was like wtf? We have funnel webbed spiders here in mass. So i researched.

This is what whe know as a funnel spider.

This is a Austrailian Funnel spider.



Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
New england Funnel spider is not even related to the austrailian funnel spider. They are actually similar to the local wolf spider which i have seen in funnels but i read that they are carnivores that hunt on the ground. I think theyve been bangin the funnel spiders cuz they pretty much look the same.
This is a wolf spider, which we sometimes call a wood spider as they are commonly found in stacks of firewood.

This is one of roughly 150 breeds of wolf spiders in the U.S. there are roughly 50 breeds residing in australia as well. The meanest looking to me would have to be the carolina wolf spider. These spiders back up my saying that the wolf spider is similar to the funnel spider as they hunt using a funnel, however its burrowed in the dirt instead of being made of a web.


So basically once again Massachusetts is pussy, but this time I'm very grateful for that.