Just found out my thyroid has to be removed


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
Long story short, a couple months ago I found out I had a mass growing in my throat that was pushing on my wind pipe. Since then I've undergone several tests, the last of which was a thyroid scan (had to be injected with radioactive iodine). Got a call from my doctor today, the results of the scan were that I have a cold nodule http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyroid_nodule and that it most likely is cancer. The results of my biopsy that I had were inconclusive (had 6 samples taken).

As of my biopsy a couple weeks ago the tumor was 3.6 x 3.6 x 4.2cm. So now my doctor wants to remove both the tumor and my thyroid as soon as possible. If I don't hear back about a surgery consult by monday I am suppossed to call him back and let him know so he can kick some ass to get me into surgery ASAP.

The good news is, it's 100% curable. The bad news, I will have to take thyroid replacement pills for the rest of my life.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Man... shitty luck. Sorry to hear that. :(

Keep us posted though, wish ya a speedy recovery! :)


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
honestabe;1732698 said:
Thank you all for the kind words. Unless they nick an artery I'll be fine. It's going to suck having to take pills daily for the rest of my life though, but I'll take pills over death any day.

Eh, think of it as payback if you've ever had a gf on the pill. ;)

Definitely kinda a pain though.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk


What will we break today?
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 29, 2008
Coon Rapids, MN
Wow, Adam! Its ironic- a friend of my wife's had her thyroid out 3 years ago and I though it was really wierd. She's doing well, now and she was saying the pills just kinda settled into her daily routine after a couple months.

Good luck!
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T-virus infected
honestabe;1732698 said:
Thank you all for the kind words. Unless they nick an artery I'll be fine. It's going to suck having to take pills daily for the rest of my life though, but I'll take pills over death any day.

No worries brother. When I was younger I had to take some pills for a good bit over a local TB scare and there was more to it then just that, certain foods and drinks I couldn't have as well.. After a month or 2 you'll forget about taking the pills and it will become a routine thing. You'll take them without even thinking about it. Keep your head up brother you'll be fine!!! :)


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
Thanks all. It's getting harder to breath and I've started snoring again. In fact, the other night I took a nap in the hammock that's setup in the room next to the living room (partially separated by a wall, but has hallway like area connecting) and I was snoring so loud I drowned out one of my friends who was talking. My wife is worried everytime I stop snoring that I've died, but apparrently my dad does the same thing (snore than stop randomly). I'm hoping to have my surgery within the next 2 weeks, but we'll see.


New Member
Mar 5, 2008
good to hear that whatever it is, they found it early. as somebody said, a pill a day is far better than death at your age. my gf had a thyroid cyst removed about 4 years ago (benign), I myself had a separate cancer issue about 3 years ago (all well now) and have to have CT scans every 6 months as a precaution - don't you think that radioactive dye that they inject IV tastes like shit in the back of your mouth? haha. All the best with it mate and good luck!


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
Spiller, the contrast injection tastes like ass. But the radioactive iodine they injected me with didn't have any side effects other than me having some fun when I crossed back into the USA the following day.

I just scheduled my surgery consultation to have my thyroid and tumor removed for Thursday at 8AM. Hopefully they'll schedule me for surgery next week. Being choked and not being able to breathe very well all the time sucks big time


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
Well this morning was interesting. After the 3rd year med student did a quick check of a few things she went into the hall to get the surgeon. With the door shut I could hear the surgeon yelling because of how pissed off she was that my testing and surgery time and such has taken so long. She was also pissed off about the fact that the tumor wasn't discovered until I had full spinal x-rays taken which showed my trachea with a nice dent in it that was closing off half of the trachea.

It looks like the cause to me having 4 kidney stones in 3 years is most likely being caused by a overactive parathyroid gland (the human has 4 of them). The Parathyroid gland is responsible for creating calcium. My kidney stones are calcium.

So I now need one more scan to check my parathyroid glands (atleast one of the 4 will have to be removed ASAP) on top of the blood they took from me today and the 24-hour urine collection I had done Tuesday. They are going to remove the tumor and the entire thyroid, along with atleast one of my parathyroid glands. As soon as I get the scan I will be able to schedule my surgery.