flaming has penalties


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
alright, this is getting absolutely ridiculous. this is for EVERYONE who's flamed ANYONE in the past, present, or is thinking some snide, sarcastic, witty and uncalled for remark about anyone or anything on supramania.

recently, there has been quite a bit of flaming. now, we have a few options here. one is to add people to your ignore lists. if you dont like their ride, you dont like them, you dont get along with them, add them to your ignore list in the USER CP.

another thing we can all do, is something that i have tried to do, and have seen several others do, and applaud them for doing so: CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. if a member posts "what do you think of ____", simply offer a suggestion. if you flame, and i catch it, strike one. TWO strikes, you're banned for 3 days. i'm truely sorry it's come down to this, but i've seen some damn immature posts lately, and frankly, i'm getting tired of it.

this goes for anyone. before you post a bad comment about anyone or anything, that's not CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, consider that a strike. youll know if you've struck out when you cant log onto SM for three days.

in all honsty, i really cant believe that it's come down to this. people's cars are different, people have different tastes. if someone lashes out at you, this is the case where you must turn the other cheek. deal with it. we're all adults, no? i'd like to think so, but if you prove otherwise to me, you'll deal with the consequences.

SM is one community that is known for it's accptance of "outsiders" and it's real SENSE OF COMMUNITY. what i have seen going down over the past few days is not what i'd like to be seeing.

in a different light, he/she who is criticized must understand that when doing something wild to one's car, will cause the "purists" to act out. if they do, dont lash out against them. there is no payback on SM. there are apologies. get to it.


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Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
Good on you, Shaeff!

Well put!

Yep, people should come here to exchange helpful and useful info first.
Based on what I have seen lately, a civilized intelligent person would walk away from this forum seeing the needless exchange of BS lately.

The arguing over stupid topics--needlessly--does repel exactly the sorts of people that matter most, and attracts the wrong people!

100% support here. :bigthumb:

BTW, I must say I am very proud of you, shaeff, as well as Loki for your actions in the past in regards to the recent events that have taken place.
I did recommend both you dudes, and well, I feel quite proud seeing you guys that I recommended to be mods do a fine job.
TONY! knows who is who and what's what ;)


Jun 26, 2005
Nice, but its sad when you have to do such things. People should be more mature than this, and its sad they are not. Honestly I saw somthing like this comming because it was getting pretty bad. I could understand if it were only in the OT but its everwhere anymore. Good Job Shaeff


If someone ask,"how does this look", "what do you think about this", etc. then there should be no punishment for giving your honest opinion whether the person likes it or not. However I do agree that the continuos posts after the first should not be posted as you have alreay stated what you thought. If you dont like what someone had to say even though you originally asked then you need to just bend over and take it you know wheere. Good job Shaeff for steppin in and taking care of this.

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
cnewingham said:
If someone ask,"how does this look", "what do you think about this", etc. then there should be no punishment for giving your honest opinion whether the person likes it or not. However I do agree that the continuos posts after the first should not be posted as you have alreay stated what you thought. If you dont like what someone had to say even though you originally asked then you need to just bend over and take it you know wheere. Good job Shaeff for steppin in and taking care of this.

There are ways of saying you don't like something that convey an atmosphere of respect for that person. There's a difference between saying you don't like something, and being downright disrespectful to that person in a demeaning way.

I've posted in many threads where I've said I didn't like someone's car, but (I think anyways) I've always come across as someone who isn't an ass. LOL.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
cnewingham said:
If someone ask,"how does this look", "what do you think about this", etc. then there should be no punishment for giving your honest opinion whether the person likes it or not. However I do agree that the continuos posts after the first should not be posted as you have alreay stated what you thought. If you dont like what someone had to say even though you originally asked then you need to just bend over and take it you know wheere. Good job Shaeff for steppin in and taking care of this.

i'm just trying to put an end to the needless flaming that's been going on. it's rather tiring to read a thread, where the first few posts after the origional are flames, and then everyone just jumps on the bandwagon. it's really pretty pathetic, if you ask me.

if someone asks your opinion (you being the forum), tell them honestly, but you dont have to say something like: "that looks like complete ass and i think we should jointly buy your car from you and set it on fire then drive it off a cliff". there's no need for that. a simple: "not my style" would suffice. see what i mean?

the first comment would just cause things to spiral out of control, as they have been lately.

thanks for your support, i appreciate it. hopefully, we can retain the friendly face that SM has had thus far.



New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
"How does this look?" is probably the most worthless question on the planet today.

No matter what you do you are going to find people who feel differently about it. If you put on a rear spoiler built out of 2x4s you are going to find people who hate it but I can also guarantee that you will find some people that will like it - I've actually seen it done. I will admit that this is an extreme case but you see where I am going with this.

Many people have taken things a bit too far in many cases. The whole "buy your car off of you and drive it flaming off a cliff" is not far off from some of the responses I've read here. Responses like that add no value to this community and actually make us all look like @$$ #0!e$ and actually hurt the community by driving off new members that may have some serious value to add.

As an online international community we need to remember that a post intended as a joke may be taken the wrong way when read halfway around the world.

We also need to remember that different people have different tastes. Just because Tom wants to drop 1000whp out of his 7M GTE and hit 8s in the 1/4 mile does not mean that everyone has that same goal. Al may want to have a killer show car - yes, even if it is an NA. If my goal is different than both Tom's and Al's that doesn't make them wrong. I celebrate their goals and achievements. What a boring world this would be if we all did the exact same things to our Supras, dressed the same way, ate the same foods, etc, etc, etc.

I hope that SM can grow in 2006. All this hate is counterproductive to growth.


Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
i think one strike should be plenty of warning IMO... were not in kindergarden anymore people.. i agree when some one posts a thread, "what do you think?" they are asking for it... (good or bad).. but we still should be civil to one another.. ive read it many times on here from the mods say to post as if you were face to face with someone, and not a anonymous keyboard warrior flamester... if you skin is too thin, then dont make a thread asking for oppinions..(you will not like them all) imo..

edited, i will add this also,
just because someone is a self proclaimed asshole, this should not mean they need to prove this to everyone..
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Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Well, Im usually quick to throw a little humor on a drama thread, what with my fart jokes and silly reviews for tastey snacks like Ocean Sprays Craisin mixes... *MMMMM GOOD!* I dont agree with the name calling, but what I really dont agree with is when someone, let's just say NIXODE *name has been changed to protect his/her identity* asks for opinions, and people hate on it, and then NIXODE starts calling people names... That's what I think is messed up...

"Oh yeah, you dont like it, you must have terrible taste, you suck, you're car is ugly too, Im leaving, I hate you, you're a loser, you're a ricer"...

And then WE get punished for it...

For the most part, 99.5% of us get along... We get the jokes... We expect the hammer when we do something ridiculous... When you get a newbie, who doesnt expect it, I guess it can seem over whelming, but we know its all in fun...

Anyway, Im sure all this will settle down...
But for now, I think everyone should just:


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
wow, I've not really seen much "flamiing" going on other than the normal mutual jabs. Guess I need to pay attention more :hsugh:


Apr 5, 2005
Hayward , Ca
Untouchable7mgte said:
yea i blame all this on that noxide person who destroyed a MKIII.

Well...destroying a MKiii would be sending it to the junkyard..let it sit under a tree and rot...not taking ccare of a MKIII and claiming to be an enthusiast...

I think NOX guy should be supported in keeping the car on the road man..no matter how anyone modifys...:aigo:


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
suprastanger507mgte said:
I think NOX guy should be supported in keeping the car on the road man..no matter how anyone modifys...:aigo:

Yeah, but that's subject to scrutiny and opinion... I mean, if I had a 69 Camaro, and I was on a GM forum, and I showed them pics of my freshly restored 69 Camaro SS with new paint, and the engine Im rebuilding, and oh, by the way, here are the Toyota Supra MKIV tail lights I've fabricated in there... How long do you think it would be before I was hammered by the true Camaro enthusiasts?

Everyone has thier own taste, however, dont be suprised when you have people who disagree with what you're doing... And when you do something as radical as change the tails to a completely different genre, then expect the hammer from the true enthusiasts... And dont be a crybaby about it, just take the punches and roll with it... Its my car, I'll do what I please with it, I hope everyone likes it, but if not, its mine, you really dont have to look at it... Thank you for your input... K-thx-bye...

How hard is that?