well the hard part is over or is it


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
Augusta, Georgia
well spent a few hours pulling motor, i got it out by myself not bad for first motor ever pulled if i say so myself. So tomorrow ill pull the head and get ready to have that rebuilt and surfaced for a cometic hg also i ordered a greddy timing belt, arp head studs ordered the maft tuner to go with the 3" gm
ive had for 8 months lol. Fabricator is making aluminum motor mounts having him make 9 extra pairs if any 1 is intrested. now maybe you pros can help me out i dont have the money to have a full rebuild done unfortunately and me my ol lady are splitting i have been driving the car i gave her so i have to get the supra up and running awfully quick. now i had no knock b4 the hg blew.
What else should i do should i replace the oil pump? main gasket the 1 between the motor and tranny? or just leave it alone "not broke dont fix it"
i figured it will have to be like this for a bit till i get some more money gathered and maybe just start building another engine on the stand please if you have any thoughts plz let me know thanks...glenn


i would replace as many seals as i could, new oil pump, and new whatever i can get while it was out of the car, nothings wrogn with the bottom end so just clean the motor up, some new seals, blah blah, you know some TLC haha... how much for a pair of motor mounts do they work good?


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
ED: LOL the "Hard Part" is figuring out where the bucket of left over bolts came from at the end of the build!!

Cheap insurance to replace the pump while you're in there!

Don't know what you mean by a gasket between the motor and trans, I'm guess you mean the spacer plate? (just reuse it if that it)


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
Augusta, Georgia
ya i do have a a bucket of bolts some crap wont go back in like cruise and block off the emmisions bs and guess ill pick up a gasket kit and goto town thanks for the info
o by the way the solid mounts will be about 80-90 with hardened ss bolts and shipping


Apr 4, 2005
Mesa, Arizona, United States
Honestly I myself would pull off the oil pan and check all six barring's! You would kick your self endlessly if you put that motor back in and started it up and a rod knock pops up...

It happened to me when i did my head gasket the car wasn't knocking before but after words well lets just say I'm doing a motor swap myself as well with a complete rebuild! "If your going to do it right... Do it right the first time!" :)


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
Buckets of "extra" bolts are always fun.

"Dang, this is a big one; I bet it's important, I wonder where it went..."

On the last engine build I used labeled Ziploc bags instead of just throwing the bolts into the traditional coffee can. Disassembly took longer but reassembly was a breeze.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
bucket of bolts left over

what i've learned, is it's not that bad to have extra bolts left over when they arent in the following categories:
1: "looks" important (it just looks like it holds something important.. you can tell just by looking)
2: you "remember" it doing something, but cant remember what... that's usually bad
3: if it's a long bolt. typically when it's a long bolt, it's real important... dont have "extras" of them suckers.

but something even worse than having extras... running out.
if you ever run out of bolts... you definetely fucked up.



Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
supra90turbo said:
what i've learned, is it's not that bad to have extra bolts left over when they arent in the following categories:
1: "looks" important (it just looks like it holds something important.. you can tell just by looking)
2: you "remember" it doing something, but cant remember what... that's usually bad
3: if it's a long bolt. typically when it's a long bolt, it's real important... dont have "extras" of them suckers.

but something even worse than having extras... running out.
if you ever run out of bolts... you definetely fucked up.


haha, thats so true! i think i ended up using flywheel bolts for my center support bearing on the drive shaft, because i somehow lost the two bolts meant for it. i put two washers on each, and it worked just fine. after a month and a half of driving the car, i found them, right where i left them... in a bag in in the passenger side rear floor. haha.
