The (old) Official Gun Thread.

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New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Anyone use law enforcement ammo? I've been buying, shooting and carrying federal law enforcement HST ammo for a while now. Some people I work with were getting on my case about it though. They herd "law enforcement ammo" and their eyes bugged out and went on to tell me why I shouldn't have it. I told them it's perfectly legal for me to have but that didn't seem to matter to them. I told them I was gonna buy some air marshal ammo just to have it laying around ; p .


Geekin out
Nov 20, 2006
One of my roommates reacts similarly just to me open carrying. He says I shouldn't even though it's perfectly legal, just because A.) "What's the risk?" and B.) "Everyone's going to freak out."

For the first point, I simply argue that I open carry for the same reason he carries concealed, or at least the reason he should be carrying, and that's that there's always some risk. As for everyone freaking out, which seems to apply more directly to you, that's not what matters. What matters is that in the event some shit goes down, you're safe, or at least safer than you would be unarmed.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
ret;1589014 said:
One of my roommates reacts similarly just to me open carrying. He says I shouldn't even though it's perfectly legal, just because A.) "What's the risk?" and B.) "Everyone's going to freak out."

For the first point, I simply argue that I open carry for the same reason he carries concealed, or at least the reason he should be carrying, and that's that there's always some risk. As for everyone freaking out, which seems to apply more directly to you, that's not what matters. What matters is that in the event some shit goes down, you're safe, or at least safer than you would be unarmed.

Well, them freaking out isn't stopping me from doing what I'm doing. I was just wanting some outside opinions and to maybe try to change their minds on LE ammo being seen as evil. I could just ignore them and let them think the way they do but I would rather try to better educate them on the LE ammo then let them decide.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
iwannadie;1589008 said:
Anyone use law enforcement ammo?

For my sniper rifle I use Hornady TAP (Tactical Application Police) ammo. I've got a bunch of different variants depending on the application. TAP Barrier, TAP Personal Defense, etc... I've carried LE rounds in my pistol at several times over the years. However these days I tend to run with better quality hollow points.

iwannadie;1589008 said:
I've been buying, shooting and carrying federal law enforcement HST ammo for a while now. Some people I work with were getting on my case about it though. They herd "law enforcement ammo" and their eyes bugged out and went on to tell me why I shouldn't have it. I told them it's perfectly legal for me to have but that didn't seem to matter to them. I told them I was gonna buy some air marshal ammo just to have it laying around ; p .

Ignorant people have ignorant complaints - just ignore them.

iwannadie;1589016 said:
Well, them freaking out isn't stopping me from doing what I'm doing. I was just wanting some outside opinions and to maybe try to change their minds on LE ammo being seen as evil. I could just ignore them and let them think the way they do but I would rather try to better educate them on the LE ammo then let them decide.

Do they even know what makes LE ammo LE ammo? What's the specific characteristic of LE ammo that they think you shouldn't have?

In general LE ammo has to meet a certain standard set forth by the LE agency buying it. This may or may not be better or worse than any other civilian round. LE ammo tends to have bonded bullets (jacket bonded to the core) - there's nothing special about that - you can buy those anywhere.

The only real issue is that a lot of LE ammo has not had the FET applied to it, so FET exempt agencies only are allowed to buy it, that's generally the reason for restricting it's sale. It's likely that wherever you are buying it from has added the FET to the price so it's not an issue.

So cliffs are: LE ammo isn't special other than it meets a certain minimum standard, and taxes are often not applied to it. If you're buying it with the taxes paid, there's no legal issue at all.

In general, your coworkers are ignorant idiots. And LE ammo isn't necessarily better or worse than any other ammo. In most cases with pistols, there are better defense loads available that aren't marked LE.

I use Hornady TAP with my long range tack driver because of the quality - it's match grade quality in every box. It's also not cheap.

For pistol defense, I carry rounds that outperform any LE marked ammo.


Metal Head
Sep 29, 2009
akron/canton, ohio
iwannadie;1589008 said:
Anyone use law enforcement ammo? I've been buying, shooting and carrying federal law enforcement HST ammo for a while now. Some people I work with were getting on my case about it though. They herd "law enforcement ammo" and their eyes bugged out and went on to tell me why I shouldn't have it. I told them it's perfectly legal for me to have but that didn't seem to matter to them. I told them I was gonna buy some air marshal ammo just to have it laying around ; p .

In my Soviet rifles (Mosin Nagant), I use old soviet Surplus ammo. I got a a crate of 800 rounds for 65 bucks at a gin show


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
87mk111;1589865 said:
In my Soviet rifles (Mosin Nagant), I use old soviet Surplus ammo. I got a a crate of 800 rounds for 65 bucks at a gin show

I've used all the various surplus ammo in my mosin nagant too, that stuff is so cheap I love it. My shoulder wears out long before I run low on ammo ha.


Metal Head
Sep 29, 2009
akron/canton, ohio
I love how cheap and reliable those guns are. I have two of em, a m44 carbine and a m91-30 longbarrel. I got both of em for 100 bucks each, cant find a better rifle for the money imo.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
iwannadie;1589008 said:
Anyone use law enforcement ammo?

I work for two different Law Enforcement Agencies and each have issued me different ammo. One issued me Speer Gold Dot in 180GR, and the other issued me Winchester Ranger SXT in 165GR. In range testing, both performed the same. Thankfully, I've never had to test either of them out on a person. If that day comes though, I doubt the bad guy will know the difference.

Anyway, I went shooting yesterday.

Man I hate how photobucket can destroy the quality of a video.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
87mk111;1589908 said:
that would be sweet, I wish I could hunt deer in ohio with rifles, because this would be a great deer gun, which model mosin do u have?

I have a 91/30 in good condition. When I bought it I didn't know to look for certain years with the hex receiver and all that. My bayonet doesn't fit the barrel either, I keep saying I'm gonna dremal the bayonet to make it fit but never bother. I want a m44 next at some point just cause they are so cheap and from what I can tell accurate enough for what I use it for.


Geekin out
Nov 20, 2006
Anyone on here use Crossbreed Holsters? I've been looking for a comfortable concealable holster and they look really good. Only problem is the cost, and the wait is 3-4 weeks. :(

Right now I'm just using an Uncle Mike's Sidekick hip holster, but I'm pretty tall so I don't really have the ability to conceal it with a T-shirt. Any other suggestions are welcome as well.


Metal Head
Sep 29, 2009
akron/canton, ohio
iwannadie;1590021 said:
I have a 91/30 in good condition. When I bought it I didn't know to look for certain years with the hex receiver and all that. My bayonet doesn't fit the barrel either, I keep saying I'm gonna dremal the bayonet to make it fit but never bother. I want a m44 next at some point just cause they are so cheap and from what I can tell accurate enough for what I use it for.

I got my M44 for 85 bucks I think. It's a 1944 model. It's currently jammed tho. Bolt got stuck halway between up and down. My 91-30 is a 1939 model, round receiver, all numbers match except for the bayonet.


Jan 7, 2007
El Salvador
i sold my jericho two weeks ago and bought a beretta 92fs, i dont have pictures cause i dont have a decent camera but a friend took a video in the shoting range today.

P.S. This is the third pistol i poses and report here since i suscribed to this thread cause i forgot to report a .38 special i had; a smith and wesson airlight ; ) only in El Salvador hahaha

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
iwannadie;1589008 said:
Anyone use law enforcement ammo? I've been buying, shooting and carrying federal law enforcement HST ammo for a while now. Some people I work with were getting on my case about it though. They herd "law enforcement ammo" and their eyes bugged out and went on to tell me why I shouldn't have it. I told them it's perfectly legal for me to have but that didn't seem to matter to them. I told them I was gonna buy some air marshal ammo just to have it laying around ; p .

Unless it is labeled AP for armor piercing, it isn't really restircted. You will know it is restricted when the ammuntion is labled government purchase order number required.

I bought my EOTech 512. I haven't fired it yet. I will zero it tomorow.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Here is something that was posted elsewhere, but I think it's a valuable reminder to all why some of us are such "dicks" about the rules for handling firearms:

some guy said:
At the range, minding my own business. Old guy shows up and asks if I'm "There for the .45 Win. Mag.?" Excuse me? Turns out this guy bought an AMT .45 Win. Mag. pistol, was having problems with it, and was supposed to meet the guy he bought it from at the range. Now, if he bought the gun from the guy you would think he would recognize that I'm not that guy. But being helpful, I ask "whats the problem?". Guy says that the gun will fire the first round just fine but subsequent rounds do not allow the slide to completely return to battery. Automatically, I think "Ammo problem. Cases aren't sized fully/correctly. Examine case to confirm". I ask the guy if he has any of the ammo with him. Sure does...Hunting Shack ammo. (HSM in the orange box....what we diplomatically call 'blasting ammo' goes bang [usually] when you pull the trigger. That's about the nicest thing you can say about it.) Is this the ammo that's been giving you problems? Yes. Have you tried any other ammo? No. Do you have any other ammo? I have some Winchester ammo. Ok, I sez, I'll bet that if you try this with the Winchester ammo you'll find it functions just fine. Try it with the other ammo and if that still doesnt solve the problem then you know the problem is probably with the gun. "You wanna try it?", he asks me. Ok, sure.

I take five rounds and load the magazine. Step to the firing line. Load mag, rack slide, pull trigger, boom, eject, slide fails to close completely. I heel-tap the back of the slide into battery, fire again. Next round double feeds. I lock the slide open, pull the mag, shake out the round in the chamber and replace it in the magazine. Grab the slide, pull it back and release and *boom*. Gun goes off. Now, my finger was nowhere near the trigger when this thing went off. Bullet impacted the ground about five feet in front of me. (Because we always, always, always keep the muzzle in a safe direction NO MATTTER WHAT.) Now I'm curious.I dump the mag, lock the slide back, and examine things closely. Amazingly, the firing pin is protruding from the bolt face with the slide locked back. I poke my finger in there and push on the exposed firing travel, the thing is frozen in place. Somehow the firing pin locked in the forward position and when I dropped the slide the gun slam-fired the next round. Unbelievable. I have read of such things happening but never experienced it myself, and I've shot more guns than most people ever will. I gave the guy back his gun, pointed out the firing pin issue, and said "Do not load this gun. It *will* go off if you load it. Find the instructions and disassemble the slide and see why the firing pin is locked up in the forward position."

That's damned frightening, and it's also damned good this guy kept that thing pointed down range at all times.


Geekin out
Nov 20, 2006
Supracentral;1595884 said:
Here is something that was posted elsewhere, but I think it's a valuable reminder to all why some of us are such "dicks" about the rules for handling firearms:

some guy said:
At the range, minding my own business. Old guy shows up and asks if I'm "There for the .45 Win. Mag.?" Excuse me? Turns out this guy bought an AMT .45 Win. Mag. pistol, was having problems with it, and was supposed to meet the guy he bought it from at the range. Now, if he bought the gun from the guy you would think he would recognize that I'm not that guy. But being helpful, I ask "whats the problem?". Guy says that the gun will fire the first round just fine but subsequent rounds do not allow the slide to completely return to battery. Automatically, I think "Ammo problem. Cases aren't sized fully/correctly. Examine case to confirm". I ask the guy if he has any of the ammo with him. Sure does...Hunting Shack ammo. (HSM in the orange box....what we diplomatically call 'blasting ammo' goes bang [usually] when you pull the trigger. That's about the nicest thing you can say about it.) Is this the ammo that's been giving you problems? Yes. Have you tried any other ammo? No. Do you have any other ammo? I have some Winchester ammo. Ok, I sez, I'll bet that if you try this with the Winchester ammo you'll find it functions just fine. Try it with the other ammo and if that still doesnt solve the problem then you know the problem is probably with the gun. "You wanna try it?", he asks me. Ok, sure.

I take five rounds and load the magazine. Step to the firing line. Load mag, rack slide, pull trigger, boom, eject, slide fails to close completely. I heel-tap the back of the slide into battery, fire again. Next round double feeds. I lock the slide open, pull the mag, shake out the round in the chamber and replace it in the magazine. Grab the slide, pull it back and release and *boom*. Gun goes off. Now, my finger was nowhere near the trigger when this thing went off. Bullet impacted the ground about five feet in front of me. (Because we always, always, always keep the muzzle in a safe direction NO MATTTER WHAT.) Now I'm curious.I dump the mag, lock the slide back, and examine things closely. Amazingly, the firing pin is protruding from the bolt face with the slide locked back. I poke my finger in there and push on the exposed firing travel, the thing is frozen in place. Somehow the firing pin locked in the forward position and when I dropped the slide the gun slam-fired the next round. Unbelievable. I have read of such things happening but never experienced it myself, and I've shot more guns than most people ever will. I gave the guy back his gun, pointed out the firing pin issue, and said "Do not load this gun. It *will* go off if you load it. Find the instructions and disassemble the slide and see why the firing pin is locked up in the forward position."

That's damned frightening, and it's also damned good this guy kept that thing pointed down range at all times.
Crazy. Stuff like that makes me nervous about trying out other guns.

Speaking of, a new range opened up in our area with pretty good prices. Indoor range good up to 25 yards for $10 an hour, $1 per target and you have to use their targets, $10 to rent a handgun, $15 to rent a rifle. I went with a friend and ended up putting 150 rounds through my pistol. :biglaugh:


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
ret;1597312 said:
you have to use their targets

That's wouldn't work for me. I'm usually using my zombie targets. :)

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