Sign in for Alabama Supra's rollcall


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
What time in May is it Jessie? Sounds good to me though. Hopefully it's not the same time as the meet up in Indiana.

Chuck, that's a good looking car. I also have a 1jz here at the house if you need me to take some pictures of the wiring.


New Member
Oct 25, 2008
Gadsden Alabama
Scott I don't have a complete 6disk right now . If I find one i'll let u know . I'm ashamed to take any pics right now it hasn't been washed in a while . They look great ,I also baught a hero front lip and had it all painted to match my car and my wife drove it and ran it into a curb and cracked the fiberglass. I'll have to repair it and have it painted again .You guys let me know when our next meetup is I will try to come . First i'll have to replace my clutch it's slipping under boost.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Slipping under boost? That's easy, just don't boost................:biglaugh:

Jessie, I think the Indiana meet is in May 6, 7th, but I"m not positive.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
They're painting my car today........I know they're at least going to get it primered, but I don't know about the paint yet.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Well figurd i post and give you guys a update on what im driving now

still have the 05 cobalt but last year i picked up a 92 civic hatchback and this year a 96 civic hatchback
the 96 is stock
the 92 is as follows: 1994 acura integra ls motor :b18b1 142hp factory:, 2000 civic si tranny ::really really short gears::, cxracing .63 trim t3/t4 turbo, cxracing turbo manifold, 450cc dsm injectors, stage 2 clutch, phearable ecu, godspeed 31x6x2.5 intercooler, gutted ::figure weight is around 1900-2k lbs without me:: im sure im forgetting something but overall that is it on the car my aim on this car is 250fwhp for a bit and sometime during summer raise it to around 300fwhp


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
SupraNBama;1530984 said:
Well figurd i post and give you guys a update on what im driving now

still have the 05 cobalt but last year i picked up a 92 civic hatchback and this year a 96 civic hatchback
the 96 is stock
the 92 is as follows: 1994 acura integra ls motor :b18b1 142hp factory:, 2000 civic si tranny ::really really short gears::, cxracing .63 trim t3/t4 turbo, cxracing turbo manifold, 450cc dsm injectors, stage 2 clutch, phearable ecu, godspeed 31x6x2.5 intercooler, gutted ::figure weight is around 1900-2k lbs without me:: im sure im forgetting something but overall that is it on the car my aim on this car is 250fwhp for a bit and sometime during summer raise it to around 300fwhp

What's up Richard. Glad you stopped by.
bubba94;1540742 said:
sup havent been on here in a wile hows everyone been

Hey Bubba. How's your car running? I still haven't had the pleasure of seeing it in person.


Mar 30, 2005


New Member
Jun 4, 2009
Hey guys, it's been a while since I posted in this thread. I'll give you guys an update on my life since I left.

CLIFFS: It has taken me way too long to rebuild my motor, and I need a good gas tank.

Last summer I bought a 7MGE from pull-a-part to replace my BHG'd motor in my 86.5. I got all of the parts ordered for the job (ARP studs and new head gasket kit), shimmed the oil pump, head resurfaced + full valve overhaul, cleaned and painted the block, and finally assembled most of the motor before the summer ended. Yeah, I know that's an awesome run-on sentence. :D

The night before fall semester started, I was coming back to Auburn from an auto-x in Birmingham and my life got tossed a nasty curve ball. Having put myself in a bad situation for driving (exhausted from auto-x + late night + empty roads), I fell asleep behind the wheel of my GTI and subsequently ran off the road into a drainage ditch. The car was totaled, but I thank God that I was able to walk out with just a sore shoulder. It REALLY sucked losing that car because it was my only working mode of transportation. I had also just replaced the clutch, and the car only had 55k miles on it. To make matters worse, that was the second GTI I had totaled in the past 3 years. Yeah, State Farm loves me :sadwavey:. And the icing on the cake, I was literally ONE HALF OF A MILE from my trailer!

I needed a replacement car quick, and I didn't want to have to rely on the unfinished Supra to be that car. So I bought a 1986 GTI to serve as my daily driver. It's been interesting so far to say the least. :)

Fast forward to January when I came back home for a co-op job at IP in Prattville. I finally got the motor finished and installed in late January. After battling a few starter and EFI problems I discovered a rusty fuel tank. Well, the pump died when it tried to ingest a bunch of rust scale. I have acquired a fuel pump, but the tank and lines still need attention.

In February, I dropped the Supra for a few weeks to do some front end suspension refreshing on the GTI.

So that brings me to the here and now. I still have an incapacitated Supra waiting for clean fuel. I got a quote from a radiator shop here in Montgomery to acid wash and line the tank with Redkote. The guy I talked to said the base price for that job is $125.

Does anyone in the surrounding area have a good fuel tank that I could have for less than that? I'll probably be getting a new gauge sending unit and gaskets too.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I'm going to have some clean stock fuel lines in a week or so. I'm changing all of mine to braided lines. You're more than welcome to these if they will help you. You can also probably get the fuel tank off of the black supra at pull a parts for next to nothing. I don't know what type of shape it's in, but I'm sure you can clean it out. Let me know if I can help you., Jay

Jeff..........that's the good stuff.......:biglaugh:


New Member
Jun 4, 2009
Jay, that would be awesome if I could get your old lines. I'm sure it would be better than trying to clean mine out. There's no telling what kind of crud is in those things. Any particular reason you're going for braided lines? If you happen to get the old lines off by this weekend, I could pick them up then. I'll be up there for the Indy races at Barber. Speaking of that, are any of you guys gonna be there?

I might swing by PAP this weekend and check out that tank...maybe the lines too. How hard is it to remove the fuel lines from a mk3?
Thanks for the heads up. :bigthumb:


New Member
Oct 28, 2008
Fultondale, AL
She's fixed. one 120A main fuse. Two inline 10A's on my head unit and 4 25A's on my amplifiers and I am back in business....

Let's have a meet! How about this afternoon? Any takers, call 205-386-0341


New Member
Oct 25, 2008
Gadsden Alabama
I'm goin to the festival in rainbow city tonight. Tomarrow im going to church early and assymbling my sons motor in his celica (turbocharged 2zz-ge)


New Member
Oct 25, 2008
Gadsden Alabama
ForcedTorque;1521766 said:

Did you ever get that Bomex completed and installed? I wanna see pics if so.

Nice ass Celica!

Would you happen to have a stock 6-disc CD changer for my Trailblazer?
Here is some pics.It's a little dirty.(not that kind of dirty)LOL




New Member
Mar 11, 2010
Birmingham, AL
Name: Frederick Gear
Year of car:86.5
Contact info:205-862-8887
City you live in:Birmingham, Al
Hobbies:My cars
Upgrades to your car: 3" exh and y pipe, south bend stage 2 clutch. Just got her so I've been going thru it to make sure she is sound first.