NSX / Miata


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
I had posted up a thread about the NSX a while back, but never had anyone who had actually driven one post up (92nsx is the only guy I can think of that's had one, but he doesn't post up much anymore from all I can tell). I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. My old lady is wanting to get herself a Mk4 once she's out of debt, which will be around the same time I am as well. However, I'd prefer that she learn how to drive a manual (and a rwd car) on something significantly cheaper/more common. Learning to drive a real car in a 15-20k Mk4 is like learning to shoot with a .45 when you should be starting with a .22.

Now, as much as I think I'd like an NSX, they're not exactly commonly found for test drives, and being 200 miles from the nearest dealerships that even carry this sort of thing, it might be hard to arrange. Market seems pretty steady around 25k for an early car, around 30-35k for late 90's. I've seen a disturbing trend of accident history though... that kinda scares me. Not because of my driving, but I refuse to pay that much for a car that's been damaged badly enough to be reported...

Now, I know I like Miatas, I've had two of them. The styling is whatever, (nowhere near as sexy as the NSX), but you can pick them up for 5-10k all day long. Hell, even the Mazdaspeeds are getting cheap these days. The options are endless with these cars too, and they're about as cheap of fun as can be had I think. Only thing is, the old lady doesn't want to spend money that could go toward her Mk4 on a Miata. I have no problem picking one up, for her to learn on, and for me to have fun with.

My whole desire here is for a car that is focused on handling and maintaining speed, not outright power. I have a Supra for that, but I can't have much fun in my car around here without getting into trouble... Miata however, you can run through a few gears without getting to super-legal speeds. I'm concerned that the NSX will be too similar to the Supra (by the time I'm done with it), I'm looking for a bit of variety, you know? A fun daily driver. NSX fit that bill?

Of course, I'd be trying to track down a test drive on the NSX before going either route (could always sell the Miata if I do get another one), as I like the car in theory, but in practice, I may not. Anyone else have experience with the NSX?


Black Supramacist.
Mar 19, 2006
Is a NSX actually going to be a good choice for a daily? Considering the age and type of car I'd have thought probably not.

Haven't driven a NSX so cannot comment, but from all accounts I've read and heard they are supposed to be about handling and drive experience over raw speed (unless you're going to mod it). As I'm certain you know that is precisely what Miatas do best. Given how cheap they are in comparison to how much a good NSX I'd personally find it difficult to justify the extra when we are talking about 'fun'. I'm not saying that a Miata is a better car than a NSX, that would be ridclious, but on a smile to $$$ ratio they can't be beat.

Of course that being said, if you really want a NSX and can afford it then don't let anything else sway your decision!


Jan 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
NSX would work as a DD but I don't you should. I have driven one and they are a blast to drive. Fast enough to have fun and the handling is amazing.

Miatas are great little cars for the price. You mentioned the Mazdaspeed Miata and those are a BLAST to drive. With a few bolt on upgrades they are little rockets. For an actual DD I would say a Miata would be the better choice.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
DonS1mpson;1819068 said:
Is a NSX actually going to be a good choice for a daily? Considering the age and type of car I'd have thought probably not.

Given how cheap they are in comparison to how much a good NSX I'd personally find it difficult to justify the extra when we are talking about 'fun'. I'm not saying that a Miata is a better car than a NSX, that would be ridclious, but on a smile to $$$ ratio they can't be beat.

Of course that being said, if you really want a NSX and can afford it then don't let anything else sway your decision!
I've driven a Mk2 and Mk3 Supra as a daily (rain, sun, snow, ice, etc) for about 6 years now. Not too worried about the age of an NSX, it won't be my only car, it would likely be the third/fourth one. I have been thinking more since posting this, and the NSX might be a better built, better looking car, but... is it 20k better looking? I'm having a hard time thinking that it is. I could likely afford it, but that would basically rule out all but maintenance, a car that pricey, I couldn't afford to modify, due to the mortgage thing and all. :p

BorHor;1819100 said:
NSX would work as a DD but I don't you should. I have driven one and they are a blast to drive. Fast enough to have fun and the handling is amazing.

Miatas are great little cars for the price. You mentioned the Mazdaspeed Miata and those are a BLAST to drive. With a few bolt on upgrades they are little rockets. For an actual DD I would say a Miata would be the better choice.
I've always kept up with Flyin' Miata, and what they can do to a car for 10k is nothing short of AMAZING. 280rwhp with a stiff chassis, tuned suspension, high levels of grip, in a car that weighs around 2650-2700 with me in it? See where I'm going with that?

IJ.;1819101 said:
Is the GF cute?

If so a test drive should be cake ;)
Haha, good point Ian... good point indeed. She's cute for sure, but like looks of cars, looks of ladies are a subjective thing. Could probably arrange a test drive at some point, IF we could find one. That's the trouble, I live even more in the middle of nowhere than you. :p

nightrider760;1819276 said:
The cars are expensive in your state........
They tend to be expensive when they're not hot. :p


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
te72;1819475 said:
I've driven a Mk2 and Mk3 Supra as a daily (rain, sun, snow, ice, etc) for about 6 years now. Not too worried about the age of an NSX, it won't be my only car, it would likely be the third/fourth one. I have been thinking more since posting this, and the NSX might be a better built, better looking car, but... is it 20k better looking? I'm having a hard time thinking that it is. I could likely afford it, but that would basically rule out all but maintenance, a car that pricey, I couldn't afford to modify, due to the mortgage thing and all. :p

I've always kept up with Flyin' Miata, and what they can do to a car for 10k is nothing short of AMAZING. 280rwhp with a stiff chassis, tuned suspension, high levels of grip, in a car that weighs around 2650-2700 with me in it? See where I'm going with that?

Haha, good point Ian... good point indeed. She's cute for sure, but like looks of cars, looks of ladies are a subjective thing. Could probably arrange a test drive at some point, IF we could find one. That's the trouble, I live even more in the middle of nowhere than you. :p

They tend to be expensive when they're not hot. :p
(dunno about more in the middle of nowhere, how far is it to go buy some milk round trip?)


New Member
Sep 25, 2008
escondido , tijuana
They tend to be expensive when they're not hot. :p[/QUOTE] if you keep looking around and keep you money tight for the right deal and the right price.. bargains are out there!!!


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Poodles;1819597 said:
Hell, for the price you could buy a brand new miata :)
To be honest, I've never been a big fan of the NC Miatas. They just don't look quite right to me, although they still retain a lot of the fun factor. If I were buying a NEW car right now, it'd be the FRS, hands down. However, then we're back to the "new car but can't afford to tinker" factor. That's about the only thing I have against the NSX (or any car beyond 25k really), I wouldn't likely be able to do much modifying...

Speaking of new Miatas, they should be rolling out a new chassis sooner than later, the NC is getting on in age now...

IJ.;1819607 said:
(dunno about more in the middle of nowhere, how far is it to go buy some milk round trip?)
Haha, I'll see if I can get her to sign up and post her own... she's camera-shy, so I've never really gotten any good ones of her unfortunately.

As for milk, you might win there. I just meant 'middle of nowhere' in car terms. There are no tracks, nothing more exotic than a Corvette at a dealership, no real "speed shops" or tuners... it's as if nobody much cares around here.

nightrider760;1819849 said:
...if you keep looking around and keep you money tight for the right deal and the right price.. bargains are out there!!!
That's true, once the Supra is done, cash will be saved until I make up my mind, that way I can jump when a deal does come up. :)


Supramania Contributor
Sep 30, 2005
Clearwater, MN
Im here lol :)

History on my 92 NSX. I bought it for a steal of a deal $12K. I was a buddys dad's that needed money fast.. It was salvaged at 700 miles in 1993. Front left side was damaged. Then rebuilt right afterwards. I bought it in 2000 with 28K miles on it with a brand new clutch. IIRC it cost something like $3000 for just the clutch.

Another thing to keep in mind it dose not take much to "total" out a NSX. It is an exotic car with exotic prices. Its all hand crafted aluminum (except the bumper covers, middle spoiler and gas lid). A "regular" or "miner" fender bender might "total" out the car according to the insurance company due parts being very expensive. IIRC just the middle spoiler is $2000, and the LED 3rd brake light is 1500. I have a receipt some where of when John (the guy I bought it from) backed in to a light poll at idle speed. (spoiler, brake light, and repaint bumper was $4,500 or $5,000!!!!!!). The front plate bracket holder thing alone was $165! Plus the ticket at $135 that it cost me. So as you can see it is ez to get a damaged title on them. Also beware of maintenance cost... Timing belt = PITA and the dealer will take your wallet for a ride. Also due to the way the alignment is setup on a nsx it is recommended to buy new tires every 10K miles

Any ways on the NSX it all depends what your looking for... First off Im 6'2", 180 lbs. I didn't fit in the car to well. Top of my hair would rub on the roof, and knees were pretty much on the kick panel. I would say 6' max, 5'10" even better. But driving it is a dream for an exotic car. Handling is top notch. If a sup took the corner at 60 mph max, the NSX did it at 90-95.! Gear box was nice but not perfect. The linkage could have been better. The V6 had enough power but by no means was "powerful". You have to rev the shit out of if if you want to burn the tires. All it wants to do is hook up and go. How ever that engine at 8k rpms is music to any ones ears. (mine was the 270 hp model, not the newer 290 hp one) MPG, I still haven't owned any that good. Open free way she was 32-33 mpg! It is also very ez to drive, and never gave me any problems. I seen them out there with 200K+ miles and still no problems, It a Honda after all.

Performance: At the track the best 1/4 mile time I could trip was 13.5 at 105 mph. Not bad but no ware near other sport car for that price when it was new. Also top speed I ever saw was 155 ish. (on a close course)... So buy no means was it "super fast". My 89 supra at the time was a little quicker in the 1/4 and top end..

How ever in the smaller town I lived in, people would stop in the middle of traffic to watch me drive by ( a very feel good feeling). Every time getting gas took 20-30 mins because a people were always asking "what is it", "how fast" how much" " can I see the engine", and so on and on. The car looks like pure sex if you ask me. In my book one of the most beautiful cars made. Again this is my book :) It's one car I should have never sold.(I bought it in high school and couldn't afford the $290 a month payment after the first year of college, lol :cry:)

Well like many of you know I always have to have pics in my posts, and proof is in the pics. I only have a few pics of it around any more and none are digital. The few I have by my parents house, and my sisters.


Yes, that is my dorky ass all geared up for prom. How ever it begs to ask "what did YOU drive to prom, lol :naughty::biglaugh:




Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
92nsx;1820941 said:
Im here lol :)

History on my 92 NSX. I bought it for a steal of a deal $12K. I was a buddys dad's that needed money fast.. It was salvaged at 700 miles in 1993. Front left side was damaged. Then rebuilt right afterwards. I bought it in 2000 with 28K miles on it with a brand new clutch. IIRC it cost something like $3000 for just the clutch.
See, if I happen to find one at a price like that (a bargain) I'd hop on one even if the Supra wasn't done. Can't say I blame you there.

92nsx;1820941 said:
Another thing to keep in mind it dose not take much to "total" out a NSX. It is an exotic car with exotic prices. Its all hand crafted aluminum (except the bumper covers, middle spoiler and gas lid). A "regular" or "miner" fender bender might "total" out the car according to the insurance company due parts being very expensive. IIRC just the middle spoiler is $2000, and the LED 3rd brake light is 1500. I have a receipt some where of when John (the guy I bought it from) backed in to a light poll at idle speed. (spoiler, brake light, and repaint bumper was $4,500 or $5,000!!!!!!). The front plate bracket holder thing alone was $165! Plus the ticket at $135 that it cost me. So as you can see it is ez to get a damaged title on them.
So, what would you recommend for looking for "serious" damage? The 89 I have now was t-boned back in the early 2000's, long before I owned it. It's bad enough that the targa doesn't line up quite right, and the brackets to hold the roof in the trunk are so uneven in height that it scratches the roof... I really don't want a badly damaged car. Door jambs a good place to look for damage? Obviously underneath... I can see how little things would add up though. Fortunately I know a few friends who can weld aluminum and are damned good at bodywork.

92nsx;1820941 said:
Also beware of maintenance cost... Timing belt = PITA and the dealer will take your wallet for a ride. Also due to the way the alignment is setup on a nsx it is recommended to buy new tires every 10K miles
Not too worried there, seems like dropping the subframe/engine out would be the best route here. I wouldn't have a car serviced at the local Honda/Toyota shop anyway, some EXTREMELY shady people own/run the place. As far as tires, I figure if I make a trip to Vegas or Phoenix, I *might* put 5k on a car in a year. MIGHT. I put about 1500 miles on a car commuting to work since I bought the house. Hell, I wouldn't consider anything with more than a 200 treadwear rating on something like this. Might as well wear them out before they dry rot, right? :)

92nsx;1820941 said:
Any ways on the NSX it all depends what your looking for... First off Im 6'2", 180 lbs. I didn't fit in the car to well. Top of my hair would rub on the roof, and knees were pretty much on the kick panel. I would say 6' max, 5'10" even better. But driving it is a dream for an exotic car. Handling is top notch. If a sup took the corner at 60 mph max, the NSX did it at 90-95.! Gear box was nice but not perfect. The linkage could have been better. The V6 had enough power but by no means was "powerful". You have to rev the shit out of if if you want to burn the tires. All it wants to do is hook up and go. How ever that engine at 8k rpms is music to any ones ears. (mine was the 270 hp model, not the newer 290 hp one) MPG, I still haven't owned any that good. Open free way she was 32-33 mpg! It is also very ez to drive, and never gave me any problems. I seen them out there with 200K+ miles and still no problems, It a Honda after all.
Well I'm about 5'-8", ~130lbs, otherwise I wouldn't be considering a Miata ;)

How would you consider the seats? Seats are something I've come to appreciate because of Supras... also, given your experience with the shift linkage and high rpm engine would you swap out the ring and pinion for something more aggressive? I have a Supra for top speed and road trips... I'm looking for something to rip the face off the mountains and twisty roads. As far as hooking up and going, while it's less entertaining, speaking strictly of performance, I'd say this is the way to go in my eyes...

92nsx;1820941 said:
Performance: At the track the best 1/4 mile time I could trip was 13.5 at 105 mph. Not bad but no ware near other sport car for that price when it was new. Also top speed I ever saw was 155 ish. (on a close course)... So buy no means was it "super fast". My 89 supra at the time was a little quicker in the 1/4 and top end..
Again, that's still plenty quick for a 270hp car. Sounds like it's doing what my Mk3 did with 130 less hp, not bad... I'd be looking more for acceleration than top speed, going again back to the Supra. I'm looking for variety here, something that places fun above all else. To me, fun is handling, learning the best way to approach a corner, find the apex, then leave. That said, a 7 replica isn't quite what I'm looking for, although I may build one of those at some point in my life.

92nsx;1820941 said:
How ever in the smaller town I lived in, people would stop in the middle of traffic to watch me drive by ( a very feel good feeling). Every time getting gas took 20-30 mins because a people were always asking "what is it", "how fast" how much" " can I see the engine", and so on and on. The car looks like pure sex if you ask me. In my book one of the most beautiful cars made. Again this is my book :) It's one car I should have never sold.(I bought it in high school and couldn't afford the $290 a month payment after the first year of college, lol :cry:)
Sorry to hear that you couldn't hang onto it man, the two cars I regret selling/trading were not because of inability to pay for them, but just my own stupidity and lack of foresight. Definitely with you on the looks thing though, and I've never minded attention too much, I think I could deal with the long fill ups. I live in a small town as well (less than 50k between this town and the next one 10 miles away), I'll just tell people it's a Buick like I've decided to do with the Supra, although nobody's asked so far...

92nsx;1820941 said:
Well like many of you know I always have to have pics in my posts, and proof is in the pics. I only have a few pics of it around any more and none are digital. The few I have by my parents house, and my sisters.

Yes, that is my dorky ass all geared up for prom. How ever it begs to ask "what did YOU drive to prom, lol :naughty::biglaugh:
I have to say, to have a car like that in high school, that was yours and not daddy's... you're quite blessed sir, or just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Let's hope I'm as fortunate.

Now, that said, take a look at flyinmiata.com sometime, after that, would you be able to pick one or the other? That is the boat I'm finding myself (hypothetically) in lately. Cheap, common, easy to modify to the heart's extent, or relatively expensive, hard to find (test drive purposes, Gran Turismo, even with a good setup, can only provide so much feedback on a car's characteristics), but sexy as all things pretty? I guess we shall see... I'm pretty sure one of these two will be my next car. If I can find a relatively close one (NSX, like I said I know I like Miatas) to check out sometime, I'll do that. Then it would be just waiting for the right price to come along...

Thanks for all the input Rob, I really appreciate it. :)