I miss the good old days


Ich bin gegan alles
Apr 1, 2005
I've sold mine and moved on. 17 years was enough fun. I'm still lurking and dealing with a few parts here and there.



Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
figgie;2041341 said:
wait.. there is a Supra FB filled with Delta Bravos and other CB's?

facebook.. nuff said. Never been on it. I do lurk around here and SF still. that is as far as my Supra involvement goes now a days.

Hi Grim and IJ. :)
Hey Figg!

The "good old days" here were a joke it was so closed minded with people regurgitating the same inaccurate Garbage...

Took a couple of years work to filter the more moronic element out of Tech.

There was a "golden period" where we had a nice balance between rules and anarchy that it was hilarious and compelling to be in here following the goings on ;)


Nov 22, 2012
spinningheadboy;2042328 said:
I've sold mine and moved on. 17 years was enough fun. I'm still lurking and dealing with a few parts here and there.


fark I remember your leather interior work arrgh dam time goes so fast. Haven't seen you in a while figgie :D
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Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Nick M;2038781 said:
Social media is one of the worst things ever thought up. Facebook sucks, so no surprise there.
I know you and I haven't always seen eye to eye on a lot of things, but I'd be more than happy to give you a digital high five here. You earned it bud!

For what it's worth, you will never see my ass on FB.

Hybrid;2039619 said:
FB "builds" make no sense to me, where is the story?, how can you see a true start to finish etc. FB is not designed for those kinds of things.
...and this explains why. It has its uses, telling a story is not one of them.

Grandavi;2039794 said:
I have only had one accident due to "too fast for road conditions which killed my 80 Celica...

Today's danger is people who trust their car far too much.
You had an 80 Celica? I had a 79 liftback myself. Just over 110k miles, probably the nicest car one would ever expect for very meager amount. If only mine had a manual, I probably would still have it.

As for the danger in the modern road, I still say that if everybody drove a car as fun as ours (I daily a Miata, personally), you would see more people actually caring about DRIVING rather than whatever the heck it is that they are choosing to devote their attention to. Turns out, they make a vehicle for people who would rather dick around on their phone. It's called a BUS.

GrimJack;2040061 said:
There are no tame IJs.
...so, he's not the Stig then?

IJ.;2042339 said:
There was a "golden period" where we had a nice balance between rules and anarchy that it was hilarious and compelling to be in here following the goings on ;)
I like to think I was around for some of that. Not sure how much I contributed, but it was a fun ride no less. :)

Now as for me, I was rather active on here from about 2008-2012. However, in a nutshell, life happened:
>2012, either had little to do or occupy my time, or had a desk job where I could be on SM for a few hours a day. Since then, however...
2012 - Bought 48 Chevy and 93 LS400.
2012 - Got laid off.
2012 - Got hired on at Cat.
2013 - Finally got sick of my piece of shit excuse for a human being of a neighbor.
2013 - Decided to sell our first house.
2013 - Helped my parents load up for their move to Texas, some 1700+ miles away.
2013 - Stripped the 87 Supra in preparation for the widebody build.
2013 - Finally sold the first house. Looked for a new home that would suit our needs and wants, without much luck.
2013 - Spent a few weeks picking out a floor plan. Wrote a big ass check for a down payment.
2013 - Moved into my parents old house, as a buddy of mine bought it when they moved to Texas. Oddly enough, the uh... third time I'd lived in that house.
2013 - Went to Texas to visit the folks over a week and a few days.
2013 - Picked out pretty much everything but the screws on the light switches in the house. Word of advice, building a custom home will eat a LOT of your time.
2014 - Went down to Colorado to buy a 99 Miata with 35k on it.
2014 - Realized that we bought a garage that just happened to have a house attached to it. Fell in love with the process of the build, it was really neat.
2014 - Finally moved into our brand new home. Never thought I'd be this blessed. Loved every minute of living here so far.
2014 - Epoxied the floor of the garage, love this stuff. Have only chipped it once, in a real small spot.
2014 - Fleet moved into the garage.
2014 - Went to Vegas, drove a couple Ferrari's. Decided I want one. Looked into wallet. Bought a model instead. :p
2014 - Went to Vegas again, this time for Surpas In Vegas, had a blast.
2014 - Got a promotion at work, and a fancy new shirt to match.
2015 - Started decorating the house a bit.
2015 - Nearly finished the garage. Putting together something to give me a little extra help jacking up the cars... ;) Just need a heater and a stereo and we'll be set in there.

Needless to say, all this stuff feels like just yesterday. I have literally hundreds of pictures I could and might share. I've been so freaking busy since my time of being on here frequently. I miss it though. I may post a build thread, as all the while the above stuff was happening, I have been collecting, and I think many of you will be either impressed or a little confused. I'll tease you with the following question:

"What would you do with an unhealthy love of the Mk3, a healthy budget, and the desire to build a street car with road racing intentions?"

With that, I'll be off to shower and hit the sack. Goodnight ladies and gents, probably be seeing you in a build thread, or a comedy thread I've been thinking up, soon enough. :)