Gran Turismo 4 Challenge


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
GT Challenge: Post a screenshot of your best 1/4 mile time in the MkIII Supra, or your best laptimes on a road course. See the below for listed times so far. All tracks are forward/normal direction unless otherwise specified.


MkIII 1/4 mile

1st. 9.548 - Figit090

2nd. 9.83 - Suprarx7nut

MkIII Supra Road Course Compitition

Laguna Seca:

1'21.000 - Figit090

1'21.669 - Keros

1'21.978 - OneJoeZee

1'22.138 - suprarx7nut

El Captain:

1'34.779 - Figit090

1'35.151 - Keros

1'40.756 - suprarx7nut

Grand Valley Speedway:

1'43.716 - Figit090

1'45.455 - Keros

1'47.304 - OneJoeZee

Tokyo R246

1'31.311 - Keros

1'34.050 - Figit090

Nurburgring Nordschleife

6'40.228 - Teh Flange <- Awaiting proof

7'09.494 - Keros

7'40.075 - Figit090

Fuji Speedway 90's

1'21.448 - Keros

Autumn Ring Mini

0'34.495 - Figit090

post up a track to add to the list, and get some times posted up. We're lazy, just say your time and we'll cut to the chase :icon_razz

Original Post:

Keros said:
I was bored this evening (read -VERY- bored), so I fired up GT4 for the first time in months... and bored of everything else, I bought a brand new [to me] 1990 MkIII 2.5GT Twin Turbo R, white, ~60000mi on the dial. Washed it, fresh oil and new rims, and about $250000 worth of upgrades... and it was ready for tuning

After much work tuning, I finally got it to stay on a race track with all 650hp. Infact, it was amazingly drivable... maybe even reasonable :aigo: ... This process took a good few hours of fiddling. I got bored of tinkering and took it to the quarter mile in Vagas to run 11.5's consistently. I recalled that post about how to set up for drag racing; so I tuned a new set of suspension settings for drag racing; soft back end, no sway bars, ect. Got down to 10.98, best I could make it do:

And of course no true car test is complete without a topspeed run... I had to add a wing to keep it on the ground above 200mph. I clipped the wall and went completely airborne on numerous attempts... which was halarious... and terrifying at the same time :biglaugh: I managed 245.7, and after some regearing, maxed 247.46mph and then it powered out just before redline. It might make 250... might... but I doubt it:

Now, to the races... as it turns out, all of my tuning gave the MkIII the handling of a race car, but it destroyed tires like no one's buisiness. As in, a 3 lap race around El Captain would obliterate Hard Racing tires... Which means getting through an average race basically requires Super-Hard Racing tires. And, even then, I had them going yellow before the finish line :nono:

I won the tuning car cup in the pro series to get used to the handling... then went up a whole step to the All-Japan GT car championship... against hardcore touring/GT race cars. A bit of an uneven match-up? Not really:

Attempt #1

Foiled by infernal MkIV race cars... they will soon pay for their insolence :icon_razz They didn't beat me by much, they only managed a 7sec gap. I'll be back...

I spent a good hour trying to milk just a smidge bit more out of the suspension, brakes, and LSD/TCS, and all those goodies. I got my braking distance as small as possible by doing the 1000m run at WOT and braking at the 800m line (or as close as i could get, the only way i could think of to do quantitative measurements for stopping distances). I tested most combinations of brake controller settings, and settled on 7/7, which put me at about 120m braking distance from 180mph. I tried 5/5, 6/6/, 7/7, 8/8, 24/24 (to get a feel for the effect), 6/7, 7/6, and every combination thereof... 7/7 got the shortest distance... almost the same as 6/6, but 8/8 was about 50m further, lol. On the track, the stopping distance was difficult to grasp, all the braking distances were disturbingly short :naughty:

Returning to the GT cup with a score to settle:

Ownage in a can. I took the lead in the first lap and held it the whole race. I have the replay saved. Someone with more skill could probably win the whole series... I get left for dead on Tokyo and the MkIII doesn't have the downforce to win superspeedway.

Managed to pull another win out of the series:

All in all, the JZA70 is terrifyingly fast... faster than purpose built race cars. Faster around a tight track than my Ford GT (which is untuned). Infact, I think it's probably the fastest non race car I have. The downside of course is that it shreds tires so fast it's unusable in any race around 12 laps.

If you guys want to know the suspension tunings I came up with, I can post them up... you'll have ALOT of fun driving this beast, it is awesome. And if you've done better than 10.98 in the MkIII TT, I'd like to know how you did it :naughty: I'd love to see someone win the All-Japan GT champ with a MkIII.
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Can't Wait to Be King.
Oct 21, 2006
Sac-Town, NorCal
lol at 10 secs. I did this once in GT3. Turned Trac off and couldn't do better than a 12sec breaking traction as soon as i gave it WOT in any gear.


.928 RWHP & Climing!
Apr 1, 2006
HOLY MOLLY! That's dedication! Quite a write up you got there. I haven't played mine for ever now, but I do recall having really good 1/4 time and mph times. I messed around with the gearing alot! IIRC for the 1/4 I used 2nd gear and adjusted the ratio. That gave me more traction and better 1/4 times. I don't have pics, but I'll have to check my game one of these days just to find out what my record was...

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
So what were your final tuning settings for the car, if you don't mind posting them? (Sorry, I know it's kind of a lot to type out). I'd just like to give your exact final car a try. :D



Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Jeff Lange;882807 said:
So what were your final tuning settings for the car, if you don't mind posting them? (Sorry, I know it's kind of a lot to type out). I'd just like to give your exact final car a try. :D


hehe, if you didn't get it before, no more freebees :p
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Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
I would change the rear end gears if you want a faster 1/2 time. 4.30s and run it in auto. Make the rear end stiff as hell and the front end soft. Spray nitrous in 2nd and up.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
hmmm... if I could find my memory card (have a feeling someone is responsible), I'll post my tweaks...

I had to add a little toe IIRC and you need to tip it a bit on it's nose and not lower it so much as it bottoms out too easily...

Camber isn't hard on tires, toe is, so add camber all you want, but it can effect braking.

Brakes might be hurting your tires, and all that downforce isn't helping either...


New Member
May 10, 2007
once i just bought hella mods for a gt40, didnt tune anything and honestly just fucked with gears and final drives for 5 minutes with no real knowledge of what i was doing, and ran a 9.7 quarter with no suspension tweaks and a top speed of like 259. so lucky


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Poodles;883813 said:
hmmm... if I could find my memory card (have a feeling someone is responsible), I'll post my tweaks...

I had to add a little toe IIRC and you need to tip it a bit on it's nose and not lower it so much as it bottoms out too easily...

Camber isn't hard on tires, toe is, so add camber all you want, but it can effect braking.

Brakes might be hurting your tires, and all that downforce isn't helping either...

True, bottoming out is a problem on the hillslope in el captian, but the super-stiff suspension take care of most normal sized bumps that would otherwise send the car out of control.

The downforce holds the car on the ground at +170, or else it's waaay to skittish to go that fast, and may actually go airborne at 200. I'm gonna mess with the camber and try angling the car like you suggest, see how it works. I'd keep the downforce for the extra grip for those +130mph corners and to help lessen tire spin in 3rd and 4th.

Yeah, I've no doubt the massive brake settings are obliterating the tires... but the objective was to make the fastest no holdsbarred MkIII. Toning it down to 6/6, 6/5, or 5/5 would probably help longjevity... but then it'd be less fun :naughty: 7/7 is the shortest braking distance you can get on any settings... that was the objective ;)

We've basically gone and taken the car several whole steps higher in performance, and thus, something has to give... and that seems to be the tires. Everything under the car is brick solid to give it crazy handling, so it's no doubt the tires will get shredded as a result of pushing the car to the absalute limit. Practical is not the objective... terrifyingly fast is :D

Should I toe up both ends, or just the front?


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
I got my Turbo A to 251.6MPH once ill load up the game when i get home and do another run.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
10 secs.... weak. I broke into the 9's. :)

There is another thread about gt4 with my pics I believe. I'll try to find them.

Edit, found it:

suprarx7nut said:
I got somethin hard to beat......

9.821 was the official, but the pic shows 9.83 so that'll work.



Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
Just fired up my PS2 for the first time in awhile.
I had a '90 TT already built so I just did a base run with old untuned settings and got a 13.57 haha. Spinning every gear.
Found out I had all driving aids off... tweaked with a few things (Used mostly your settings) although my ride height wouldn't go as low as 76 and my Spring rates will only go to 18? Threw on some Soft racing tires and nitrous and got a 10.560. I'm gonna tweak a few more things.

Just got 10.365 by switching to 4.20 rear end. 20/20 downforce. 15 Auto on trans.and 25 weight ballast on rear. Gonna change some things and see if I can control this thing on a track.


Feb 5, 2006
Dartmouth, Devon, UK
I have had 240+ mph down the long straight on the ring, no wing with that, was not too bad to handle. Not tried dragging it might give it a go. We were seeing how fast we could get around the ring on the UK supra site.The best i had was around the 7.20 mark. One of the guys got it down to about 6.20. Not sure how he did it.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
9.83 :aigo:

Gonna have to step it up a notch... man that is hardcore. When I get home this weekend I'll try some of the suggestions already mentioned, see if I can even touch that :nono:

Masssupra89, you have to get the fancy suspension kit from the special tuner shops to go that low :cool:

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
Challenge: I'm calling you ALL out! :)

Can anyone beat my 9.83?

I don't have my ps2 up at college, so if anyone beats it I won't be able to compete again for a while, but I'd like to see someone beat that 9.83. It scored as 9.821 originally, but showed 9.83 when i replayed it.



Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
BAHAHAHA. awesome writeup and effort man! I remember an old drag competition thread...i forgot who all besides me was in that thread...anyone that's already here?

suprarx7nut...might have been you. not sure.

i'll look through my photobucket to see if i have the photos still. i probably have a bad score.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
quickest race or street? hell if i know. it's been ages since i actually raced in the game... in my recent wantings of an MR2 I messed around with one to see how slow they actually are (GT4 is currently my most accurate driving representation short of a test drive ;) :p ) and that's it. I got to the extreme racing and couldn't win 1st in every race so i stopped for a while and never got back into it. i forget where i'm at right now... i'll check tonight later and post up in the morning.

what are everybody's overall game specs?? i want to beat the game but the individual car maker races piss me off.