Gran Turismo 4 Challenge


Destroyer of Turbos
Mar 30, 2005
Plano, TX
suprarx7nut;888697 said:
Figit: yup that was me with the ballast suggestion ;)

I vote Laguna Seca as the track to compete on.

But I'll race any track in the game.

Actually doing a road course will require MUCH more knowledge on tuning and driving skill... I CANT WAIT!!! :)

I went home to do some head prep work and I got a 9.721 with the mkiii. I'm close. :)

laguna seca is on of the hardest tracks to drive quickly and consistantly. the corkscrew is one of the hardest corners in the game period. this track really seperates the men from the boys.

time to bust out the ps2 and gt4...... wheres my wingman/nemesis SoD... we had quite a competition going at one point


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
i personally dont care for nurburgring...because of it's length. i can trim off laptimes much easier on Laguna or El Capitan. :evil2:

Keros - thanks for changing the title, and the post, looks good! :)

mkiiina - I'm up for Laguna Seca and it does pose a good challenge. Once you screw up enough to get the perfect race's not bad. and that corner? yeah i usually skirt it in the dirt a bit. i've only successfully and legitimately made that corkscrew a few times. may the best 'MAN' win:biglaugh::biglaugh::naughty:

you guys still up for a top speed challenge? we didn't talk much about it but i'm up for it on the MKIII. i dont know if we should bother with top speed and top 1/4 mile PERIOD...its fun competing with the mkIII.

well. i guess it's time to run some numbers on those tracks and get things started.

'I'll be back'


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
I don't care for Laguna but I'll try since I have so much time off right now.

If anybody wants to compare times with a track, I like to play Motegi full course a lot. I play Grand Valley a lot too. I know it's a fictional track but it's a really good track. So if you wanna try there, feel free. I'll post a screenshot of the mentioned tracks including mine later.

I don't think we need to turn this into an organized challenge tournament or anything. I did that before on another forum and it was great until people started admitting to cheating to win points. Like running into the wall at full speed at the end of the straight of Tokyo R246, then bouncing off and continuing the lap. That pissed me off pretty good and just let the whole thing die. Leaving it unorganized and just update some times as we go along is fine with me. There's nothing to really gain other than sharing times with friends.

Just post whatever tracks you make laptimes for and have screenshots for. If someone wants to beat it, they can. If not, you have a bench mark other than your own for when you try.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
And yes, I posted the flaming downshift shot way back in '04(I think it was?) before everyone jumped on that trend. :biglaugh:


I always liked this one too.


*Off to go play GT-4 now. Laying aching and sick in bed all week is making me feel really useless.*


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
onejoezee - why no pics? mkIII supra right? :p

and i've never seen those photos. lol. i like the first one though :) the fact you have a black TTR is making me want even more to wait for one with 6.2 miles. but i think i'm going to tune up my maroon... :( same rims as yours though were the ones i thought of using....should work well.

i forgot to say i like grand valley as well...i think. i'll be back later with tracks i want to be considered.

as far as bouncing off walls and cheaing, we shall use tracks that do not have those advantages. For example; Laguna Seca. you run of the track you can kiss your time goodbye :)


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Figit090;889355 said:
onejoezee - why no pics? mkIII supra right? :p

and i've never seen those photos. lol. i like the first one though :) the fact you have a black TTR is making me want even more to wait for one with 6.2 miles. but i think i'm going to tune up my maroon... :( same rims as yours though were the ones i thought of using....should work well.

i forgot to say i like grand valley as well...i think. i'll be back later with tracks i want to be considered.

as far as bouncing off walls and cheaing, we shall use tracks that do not have those advantages. For example; Laguna Seca. you run of the track you can kiss your time goodbye :)
I was just kidding about the 1/4 thing.:) I haven't ever really bothered to mess with it much honestly. I don't like changing the car a bunch just to get it to perform better in the 1/4 mile.

If people want to cheat, that's fine. I don't really care either way. I think the format of Keros' first post now just has it to where you can submit a screenshot and time for any track you want. If someone wants to try to best you, it's up to them.

Do you guys use nitrous on the track?(not the 1/4. the ones with turns) I don't... And won't be. Not sure if anyone else wants to make that a rule for the track but I won't be using it.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
About the pics. You probably haven't seem them because they're really old. I took those like in the first month or two after the release of GT-4. I think that was in fall '04, right?

Anyway, that would be pre-SM hax0r crash too. I think I posted them up a few times after than but I don't remember.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
oh ok. i was going to say...DAMN that's nearly impossible unles you can somehow get another 100 horses outta the beast!

i'll be trying a new car soon to see if fully tuned the mileage has a drastic effect. stock it's almost 10 hp difference between a used mint and a used used car. :p

as far as nitrous - 1/4 mile; hell yes.

track? only to blast on the straights. there's no reliable way to show you dont use nitrous UNLESS you can snap a picture of the time while it shows the speedo and you have nitro OFF before starting practice.

if we actually have a fair competition it would have to be this way, or allow nitrous. why dont you like it though? it's a real thing, maybe not the most realistic use works. you have to know when to use it as well, and can even tune not?

it even requires more button manipulation so technically its a little more complicated and can make things really hairy if you screw up.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
OneJoeZee;889345 said:
I don't care for Laguna but I'll try since I have so much time off right now.

If anybody wants to compare times with a track, I like to play Motegi full course a lot. I play Grand Valley a lot too. I know it's a fictional track but it's a really good track. So if you wanna try there, feel free. I'll post a screenshot of the mentioned tracks including mine later.

I don't think we need to turn this into an organized challenge tournament or anything. I did that before on another forum and it was great until people started admitting to cheating to win points. Like running into the wall at full speed at the end of the straight of Tokyo R246, then bouncing off and continuing the lap. That pissed me off pretty good and just let the whole thing die. Leaving it unorganized and just update some times as we go along is fine with me. There's nothing to really gain other than sharing times with friends.

Just post whatever tracks you make laptimes for and have screenshots for. If someone wants to beat it, they can. If not, you have a bench mark other than your own for when you try.

True enough joe, nothing boils my blood like cheaters. Do it the manly way or don't do it at all.

Yeah, I was just going to list the top times people post up, so you can see where you sit in the overall rank... give ya something to shoot for.

My roommate and i play endurance races and swap on sets of tires. I once beat his "unbeatable time" (that he bested my previous best by 2 seconds), on the last lap of a 100 lap race. The poor guy had an anurism. A little competition is nice... but I don't want to do a contest with a named winner.

We'll list more tracks as people post up times in the coming days... that way they can post up any tracks they're good at and see if someone else can take 'em.

If anything, it's something to do to keep sharp in preparation for GT5


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
i like just listing top times. sorry i probably made it sound like i wanted a winner as well...i dont. top times is fun though and down the line if someone wants to rekindle this when it dies...they can. nobody will most likely with GT5 coming out, but whatever.

The track selections we have do not allow useful cheating with walls AFAIK... does el capitain? most of the walls are counter-sunk into the outside wall so if you DO use them you are essentially screwed or turned around. even if you did it successfully, IMO it would be better taking the inside line and getting out quick. if it was a HI-HP screamer above 900hp...than the hairpin at the bottom of the hill is one you can crash into and turn, and then peg it to make up your time but...its about the same if not slower than efficiently braking and making the turn in.

so what's the word on nitro?

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
I agree on NO nitrous on the tracks. Pros don't use splurges of nitrous on road courses, so neither should we. :)

I agree on not using tracks that allow cheating.

I'll be aiming for the best Laguna Seca time, but I won't be able to play for another week or maybe even two!!! Stupid BHG...

Oh and Figit: I meant practicing the road courses, cuz I tried for a while and couldn't even break 9.721. You may have gotten the best time on the 1/4. Congrats :)


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
nitrous is for drag cars. I'll use it in the 1/4 if I feel like attempting that but I'm not gonna use it on the track. If my lap times are close to your's though, you better feel the heat cuz that means I'm that close to you without the advantage of nitrous. ;)

If you want to use it, feel free. I won't hold it against you or think you suck or are cheating. I'll just try my best to best your time without it by driving better. :) It's up to Keros though I suppose. Either way is ok with me. I'll keep playing how I play.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Figit090;889395 said:
oh and don't feel have a right to do nothing but what you feel like Joe :)

Thanks. :)

It's just been a while since I've had absolutely nothing to do. No work and in between school semesters. So I've been watching so much TV and oversleeping, it's not even funny.

I wish I would have seen this earlier in the week. I would have had so many laps in... That's ok. I still have tons of time.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Ha, I find it ironic that my laptimes seem to suffer when I use Nos to try to go faster... is that bad?

However, since it is in the game, and is a mod, I'd say "well, why not"

I'd hazard that the best times will probably come from not using nos though. More horsepower won't make up for sloppy driving :p

It's alot easier just to let everyone use every tool available to go faster, than to try to police it in the screenshots.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Sounds fine to me.

So far I'm posting a 1:47:304 at Grand Valley. Still with a number of errors but it's a start. I've been playing Tourist Trophy more than GT4 so I kinda have to get back into the routine of cars instead of bikes.

Haven't tried other tracks yet.

Even without screenshots, feel free to post up times so people can compare while playing.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
suprarx7nut;889397 said:
I agree on NO nitrous on the tracks. Pros don't use splurges of nitrous on road courses, so neither should we. :)

I agree on not using tracks that allow cheating.

I'll be aiming for the best Laguna Seca time, but I won't be able to play for another week or maybe even two!!! Stupid BHG...

Oh and Figit: I meant practicing the road courses, cuz I tried for a while and couldn't even break 9.721. You may have gotten the best time on the 1/4. Congrats :)

Thanks! :D

I will only use nitrous to see if it helps out of curiosity. I think it will be more fun that way. Maybe do a few laps until i'm good, get the best time, then try again with nitro.

it really is only slightly beneficial if I shift badly or don't want to pop it into a different gear but want as much accel. as possible out of a corner. it takes careful use to not screw up.

I raced laguna seca for the first time in about a year. I SUCK at this game now.

Is all golds on every race and rally up to extreme a good accomplishment? what do you guys do?

I'm waiting for the second time around when the special black racecars will be in the used car section, i have about 800 more days though :( :( :(


Keros - yeah you more nitro practice if you are getting worse times using it ;)
try just using it on straights or to pull hard past the apex of a turn. anywhere else you should be braking ;)