Funnist supra story.


New Member
Oct 8, 2007
I would like to hear your funnist stories about you and your supra. Any story really but a funny one would be best.
Mine is one night I had to work late and close the burger join which we usualy get out at like 11. It had been raining and the roads were wet. wet road + 17 year old boy= trouble! well the roads were practily empity and I planed my spot to do some drifting. well its a 5 lane road freshly paved and no one in sight. I pull up to the corner and down shift to 2... then hit the gas. my rears are spinning just enough to go side ways and I was thinking "yes I got it, just hold it alittle longer, counter steer! ok perfect this has to look awsome, OH GOSH OH GOSH!":aigo: well i ended up facing the wrong way on the road with some car comming over the hill. "GAS GAS...No what happend... Im sooo dead...Oh Im stalled..Dummie I knew that" so now i have to get off the road so i gun it right through a red light. looking both ways ofcourse. in the end it all was good and wont try that for a long time. the moral to the story is "Respect the Supra."


5psi...? haha
Dec 6, 2005
Tracy, CA
LOL. my thoughts exactly...

i dont ever do stuff like that unless i know for a fact that the roads are clear and NOBODY is around. and even then i still dont do it... especially on city roads, go to a parking lot or a warehouse type place.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
Enter said "new generation of MKIII owners..."

Sigh... :(


New Member
Apr 29, 2008
Surrey, BC
I once did a 1/4 mile run on an empty street at night.. There's a single light then a straightaway with no intersections, turns, or hills for over a km. Perfect time at a red light, only 1 car waiting behind me at the light also.

Light goes green, I hit it and check my 1/4 mile. then check my rearview to see some reds and blues around 1/8 mile back :p

Turns out that 1 car that was waiting behind me was a damn cop.. He thought I either stole it, or was on drugs, or drinking.. but no, just seeing how fast I could go in a 1/4.. $473 and 5 years later, now it's the funniest story I have.


Can't Wait to Be King.
Oct 21, 2006
Sac-Town, NorCal
ninja6o4;1038220 said:
I once did a 1/4 mile run on an empty street at night.. There's a single light then a straightaway with no intersections, turns, or hills for over a km. Perfect time at a red light, only 1 car waiting behind me at the light also.

Light goes green, I hit it and check my 1/4 mile. then check my rearview to see some reds and blues around 1/8 mile back :p

Turns out that 1 car that was waiting behind me was a damn cop.. He thought I either stole it, or was on drugs, or drinking.. but no, just seeing how fast I could go in a 1/4.. $473 and 5 years later, now it's the funniest story I have.

o_O :3d_frown:


Can't Wait to Be King.
Oct 21, 2006
Sac-Town, NorCal
I never spun out and i've done some crazy shit, and in the rain. Goodyear Eagle F1's FTMFW.

Best 800 bux my dad ever spent on the car (his old supra).


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Cruising in a left turn lane to turn left at about 50km/hr. Douche bag in escalade on 22's sitting in stalled right lane decides he's going to turn left too, and turns out without signaling basically right infront of me.

Found out it had good brakes... 255 tires out front FTW.

Respect the supra, or you'll be scraping it into a box sooner or later.


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
I have a few funny/interesting stories:

1 - (Interesting story) - My Supe was stolen, and the cops found her 3 weeks later... She wasn't running, rims and tyres were gone, but the nice people that took them replaced them with really expensive 12 slotters - she looked quite tough with them on!

2 - Bf got her running 9 months after I got her back... He called me up so I culd hear her roar to life, and I was so excited I ran outside without my keys and locked myself out of my apartment... Had to get a family friend to come with a ladder and help me break in.

3 - Doing some work to the car (installing the new guages i think), and we went to start her up... Nothing happened... Tried a few more times, then the bf realised the ecu wasn't plugged in...


cure for the common rice
Nov 3, 2007
toccoa ga
hmm, long story short, my exhaust broke off at the section just below the elbow, in the middle of the flexpipe, and yea it completely fell off


Boosted member
Jul 5, 2006
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
funnest story, maiden drive of the GT40 1JZ. Floored it.....2k....nothing.....3k.......nothing.....4k.......BAM! The turbo goes from about 3-15psi in a split second, the wastegate opens revealing a deafening roar from the open dump, the back end breaks loose at 100km/h, the car's still accelerating despite the lack of traction, and the slightly cock-eyed pitch of the nose going down the road, and I just hold the pedal, and smile as it finally reaches its resting place of 7500rpm.

2nd funnest would have to be my buddy wanting to know just how "bad-ass" my 1.5JZ was in comparison to his Aristo. So, I sat him in the passenger seat, find an empty stretch of road, stop the car, and floor the gas. The car revs up to 5200rpm, where it hangs, and start building boost. Once I was at about 10psi, I drop the clutch. The back tires just spin, The motor's JUST loaded enough to keep it hovering around 7200, right below the rev limiter, and it's screaming. The tires start making progress, and the car accelerates up to about 50km/h, where it's now at rev-limiter. A quick shift into 2nd, and dump the clutch again, and they spin for a quick second or two, then they bite, if only for a moment before they're thrust into a continuing struggle of grip and horsepower. Within a matter of seconds, the rev-limiter is reached again. Quick shift into third, and top it out around 170km/h in another few seconds. Then hit the brakes, and let your heart slow down a little. All he could say was "Do that again".

Most un-fun story:

A warm evening, cruising down the highway in BC, pushing the cluch in, only to have the car die. Bring it up to jump-start the motor, and the back-end breaks loose. The poor 1JZ was seized solid.


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
not really that funny but one of my buddies was raggin on dads supra and underestimated it cause it was a 6 cylinder lol dad didnt even acknowledge him he said do you wanna show him or should i? lol so we went out to the car when we left my drive way which is on one of the busiest roads in this hick town, there was a dump truck haulin balls towards us, so i jumped out in front of him kicked it out sideways up to about 5900 rpm in first, crammed it in second and matted it anyway got to about 100 or so and shut it down and his eyes were as big as silverdollars. When we bought mine guess who wanted to be the first to ride in it lol


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
One time Chris Anderson (no not CK, the other Anderson, the professional race driver) and I went driving around downtown Suwanee, GA in this:


We were on 10.5" wide drag radial's, parachute on the car, huge custom cams, 5" open downpipe running VP Import... LOL.

We pulled up next to a Suwanee cop, who looked at us and shook his head. We did a full drag launch when the light turned green.

He showed up at our shop about 10 minutes later to inform us that he thought we were out of our fucking minds... :D

Note: Do not try this at home. We had a very long relationship with that towns police force at the time.


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
I was at the left turn lane at a light, and a white tC pulls up next to me, revs his engine..

my arrow turns green, I gun it, turn the wheel, left, shift into 2nd, and let the clutch out half way through the turn....


I do a 180 into on coming traffic (which was luckily about 100 feet away), and slid perfectly into the right-most lane, and turned right...

but since I kept my foot on the gas (to try to correct it), it looked as if I did it on purpose..

the dude was still waiting for his light to turn green, wide-eyed, and gave me a thumbs up...


Going for broke
Mar 30, 2005
I was taking my friend out for a drive in the newly 1jz swapped car, and he said "I think there's something wrong with your car, it makes a whoosh noise when you shift." He was serious too.