ForcedTorque's Slick/Quick Build


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I have no working check engine light. It's one of the issues with my converted 89 harness that has yet to be fixed. I'm hoping to find a 92 harness one day to fix that and a few other issues, like my tach, and a power drain when the car is off.


Old Skool Kool Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2006
mobile, al
*slow clap* *tear* Bravo sir. That's a neat trick, can't wait till mine learns how to turn those little wheel looking thingies that have a rubber strap running around them......on it's own. I will be down that way Friday and begin the retrival process Saturday, then it's the long awaited revival process. Which might be long itself due to Uhaul costing a bit more than I initially thought. By the way, what's that whistley swishy sound when you rev it? Do you have a pneumatic throttle or something?! :D I don't think I know what these things are supposed to sound like anymore, it's been too long.

Are you also 100% positive there are no vac leaks?


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
James if you wanna swing by here and get me Saturday, I'll lend a hand on the old car.

I was advised to pinch the line from the ISC, and be sure it kills it. It didn't. It's said that is due to a gummed up throttle plate, or a poorly modified PCV. I'm going with the PCV problems, because I have 2. The two little hoses from the valve covers are not the right size, and I tried to seal it with tight worm clamps. And, the hose coming from there to the throttle body is also cracked, after the clamp. One or the other of these, or both, could be my problem. I'll play with that a little tomorrow or Friday. I have my 2 week post operation check up tomorrow, so maybe not tomorrow.


Old Skool Kool Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2006
mobile, al
Good to see that this thing is almost there. Just a little more to track down and you will have it perfect. Been a long time coming and you definately deserve it man. I've been waiting to see this since that drunk pregnant bitch (in a dry county) incident. Too bad Bill is going to something else, we wont be able to do a bunch-o-Supra's cruise.
I always appreciate help, shoot me a PM with your number so I can make sure I have it, don't think I do in my new phone.


Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
Did you try setting the TPS so you get the proper readings, then adjusting the timing?
Also i had the same problem with my car and it ended up being the ISC gasket was blown out and had a vac leak. Try spraying some soapy water around the mating surfaces and see if you get bubbles.

Nice to finally see this thing running!!!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Yesterday, James brought the old white car by the house on it's way out of town for revival. That motivated me a little to get off my ass and play with my car some more.

I set the timing back to the right spot, and took it for a little ride today. still not out of the neighborhood though. I have to say that it is the quickest car I have ever driven. But, I still haven't done a bit of good for the idle problem.

I'm convinced that the problem is related to the PCV pipe behind the 3000 pipe. I replaced both of the little short hoses under that , and the short hose that connects that pipe to the throttle body. The problem is, the new hoses weren't much better. The one at the TB has a crack, but not as bad as the one I took off of it. Anybody know where to get one other than the dealer? Also, I don't remember ever seeing the 2 lower short hoses with clamps on them, so I don't have any on them now. I'm going to put clamps on them, and replace that one at the Throttle body.

My timing is good.
My ISC tests good, and the check valve is clean and good.
My Throttle plate closes fully
My TPS has been set

What I'm having trouble understanding is, If you get more air in behind the AFM, how does it compensate with more fuel so you benefit from it?


New Member
May 9, 2011
Madison, Virginia
ForcedTorque;1804471 said:
Yesterday, James brought the old white car by the house on it's way out of town for revival. That motivated me a little to get off my ass and play with my car some more.

I set the timing back to the right spot, and took it for a little ride today. still not out of the neighborhood though. I have to say that it is the quickest car I have ever driven. But, I still haven't done a bit of good for the idle problem.

I'm convinced that the problem is related to the PCV pipe behind the 3000 pipe. I replaced both of the little short hoses under that , and the short hose that connects that pipe to the throttle body. The problem is, the new hoses weren't much better. The one at the TB has a crack, but not as bad as the one I took off of it. Anybody know where to get one other than the dealer? Also, I don't remember ever seeing the 2 lower short hoses with clamps on them, so I don't have any on them now. I'm going to put clamps on them, and replace that one at the Throttle body.

My timing is good.
My ISC tests good, and the check valve is clean and good.
My Throttle plate closes fully
My TPS has been set

What I'm having trouble understanding is, If you get more air in behind the AFM, how does it compensate with more fuel so you benefit from it?

My ISC checks out good as well but if I let off of it sometimes it'll still go really low and catch itself, even though sometimes it doesn't.


Old Skool Kool Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2006
mobile, al
Unmetered air will always cause issues, unless of course you have done away with the meter via good piggyback or ems. Your MAF is saying one thing, but the O2 sensor is saying something different, as those 2 systems are tied together, the ecu sees this as a problem and is doing whatever necessary to compensate. Usually it will dump more fuel in to make sure the motor stays safe. Do you still have the wideband? If so what is it saying when you drive normal and when you are in boost? If not have you noticed any black smoke in the rearveiw when you mash the gas?

To fix the PCV hose issue, just get some hosing that is similar in size (i.d./o.d.) get a foot or 2 of it just to make sure you have enough, then cut it to fit exactly where you need it to go. Some of that good thick walled heater hose should do the trick I would think. Readily available at any parts house, shouldn't be but a couple of bucks, and a lot less headache than trying to locate a 20+ year old, actual factory Toyota hose for that exact spot.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
IndigoMKII;1804500 said:
My ISC checks out good as well but if I let off of it sometimes it'll still go really low and catch itself, even though sometimes it doesn't.

I saw a post from Tekdeus (cherry widebody) just last night. He was doing a modification to the dashpot to eliminate that very problem.

gtsfirefighter;1804598 said:
So close.

So close I can taste it.......wait, close don't have a taste........It is dominating my dreams though.

jmoneydtb;1804875 said:
Unmetered air will always cause issues, unless of course you have done away with the meter via good piggyback or ems. Your MAF is saying one thing, but the O2 sensor is saying something different, as those 2 systems are tied together, the ecu sees this as a problem and is doing whatever necessary to compensate. Usually it will dump more fuel in to make sure the motor stays safe. Do you still have the wideband? If so what is it saying when you drive normal and when you are in boost? If not have you noticed any black smoke in the rearveiw when you mash the gas?

To fix the PCV hose issue, just get some hosing that is similar in size (i.d./o.d.) get a foot or 2 of it just to make sure you have enough, then cut it to fit exactly where you need it to go. Some of that good thick walled heater hose should do the trick I would think. Readily available at any parts house, shouldn't be but a couple of bucks, and a lot less headache than trying to locate a 20+ year old, actual factory Toyota hose for that exact spot.

Thanks for the explanation James. I no longer have the wideband. I did locate a perfect PCV to Throttle body hose today. Tomorrow, I will be addressing all 3 hoses at the PVC, hopefully for good.

Next question.......I have a full 3" elbow, and a Meagan downpipe with a 2 1/2" inlet. This creates a massive exhaust leak after the turbo. Could this be: 1. causing any of my problems? 2. Allowing me to acheive higher boost levels/power? I have a 3" flange and flex section that I plan to have welded on in place of the 2 1/2" to remedy this problem, I just haven't done it yet. I was waiting until I could drive it to the muffler shop.


Old Skool Kool Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2006
mobile, al
I don't think it would contribute to the problem being after O2 sensor, but there could be a mild chance with the disruption of flow, but I seriously doubt it. It definately will not give you higher boost or power levels as it is a restriction and causing higher back pressure. Turbo motors don't need back pressure in the exhaust system due to the turbo creating so much if it already. The full 3" addition should create a noticable difference in power and possibly a touch more boost. Probably not much, but that still more hp on top of what the better flow and reduced back pressure will give you, which is never bad. Might not make it drastically faster but definately noticable in "ye ole ass dyno". Get another wideband when you get the chance. Don't want to end up with the knockity knocks like SOMEONE on here..... *looks away ashamedly* (even though running bad afr's is not what caused uh....*cough*.....I mean.....uuhhh....that other guys.....yeah....)


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I felt bad for Ken having his surgery yesterday, so I tried to grant his wish for a picture of my car away from the house. so, I tried to go to the boat launch and take some water related shots. Beautiful weather, so I couldn't get close tothe water for all of the boats. I just drove home and took new pictures here again.



SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
ForcedTorque;1813203 said:
I felt bad for Ken having his surgery yesterday, so I tried to grant his wish for a picture of my car away from the house. so, I tried to go to the boat launch and take some water related shots. Beautiful weather, so I couldn't get close tothe water for all of the boats. I just drove home and took new pictures here again.


I'm going to give you props for trying Scott. Hopefully I'll have some pics of my own up on here in a couple of weeks.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
It runs..Idle Demon is now Dead!

All it needs now is a working timing light. I took it out for a ride and brought it home idling like it should. That's been the problem for a long time. Today, I set out to do everything possible to fix the idle that has plagued this car for as long as it has run, or tear it all down piece by piece, and video everything I did so maybe someone could see what i was missing. I started by printing a map of all of the vacuum lines, so I could verify everything was right. I found the 2 lines on the BVSV were backwards, a line was hanging loose at the front VSV, and the vacuum modulator to the EGR was not attached to the EGR anymore. Once that was all fixed, it calmed it down a bit, but was still too high. I turned my attention then to the throttle body. Pulling back on the throttle hard actually affected it for the first time. I took it off the car and adjusted sted stops on it. Slapped it back on, and presto! I was pretty sure I had that right the last time it was off adjusting theTPS.

Anyway, a quick drive revealed that I just need to fine tune the timing. It runs good, but does a little popping at full boost and let off.


Old Skool Kool Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2006
mobile, al
WOOHOO! I told you wouldn't have to tear it all back apart and that it would be something small, just so happens it was a couple of small things. Awesome news though, if I were still living down there I would say this called for a beer or 2 as it has been a long time since you have had a perfectly running Supra. Bill can help you tweak everything out just right, if you need assistance, and I'm sure he would be happy to just so he could see you with a good working car again. Unfortunately you would probably have to go to him and I know the car needs a few more things first before a trip that far. Time to start buying upgrades again! :D At least there is some good news coming out of the Mobile Supra Crew!