Did we really go to the moon?


Supramania Contributor
Ok, I have my own theory here based on some pretty decient science and facts, but what do you guys think?

*(Joel is now saying that space flight will be a popular tourist attraction in the near future, just as soon as we get the hydrogen/water thingy all worked out.)* LOL

Ok, here is the science.

First the radiation from the sun is very intense, and it's deadly. (What you can't see will kill you actually.) There are x rays and gamma rays, and other forms of particle emmisions that will kill human life in short order.

This radiation is more intense than what a nucular reactor produces, and it takes many layers of lead and other materials to shield the operators of these reactors.

Second, space is full of micro meteorites traveling at super velocities. (Just look at the moon some time, and you can see where they are hitting all the time.) The larger ones you might be able to avoid, but the microscopic ones are just as deady to anything that is not armored with an atmosphere, or tank thick resistance. (Spell that heavy armor, or miles of ever thickening gases.)

Third, many of the photos and film footage from the "moon" are so completely bogus it's not even funny. Simple things like running them at the correct frame rate solves the slow motion "1/3" gravity effect. Also many of the scale grids you see on the lunar photos have errors in them. (Missing, or out of scale, and clearly this was before photoshop, so they are doctored the old way on film, and the ones that did it, while amazing, were not perfect, and errors can be found if you know where to look.)

Ok, the last element is the background... Nobody for years noticed that the sets used on each "lunar mission" were not changed... They are ALL the same. If you take photos supposed to be from one mission and compare them to others, the background is the same in many of them. (Ones where you can see the outlines that is.) Some details have changed, like rock placement and such, but the "hills" are the same down to every detail and shape... Weird at the least, and smacks of being completely fake on the other end of the spectrum.

So, do some reasearch, and tell me what you guys think? I think anything that was in the space between the Earth and the Moon would have looked like swiss cheese in short order. I also think the radiation once you get outside of the Earth's gravity/magnetic field protection would fry you unless you have thousands of pounds of shielding protecting you from it.

NASA says they shielded the spacecraft with thin mylar and foil sheets.
They built the space vehicles out of thin alluminum panels with no armor at all.
Funny, but NASA really does not want to talk about the photos... LOL

Low orbit travel is easy. Your still in the upper reaches of the atmosphere, and your completely inside the magnetic field that protects us from the nasty radiation from the sun for the most part.

Discuss :)

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
*(Joel is now saying that space flight will be a popular tourist attraction in the near future, just as soon as we get the hydrogen/water thingy all worked out.)* LOL

Actually, the news is saying that they have already taken passengers, 3 so far..., I am just letting you know they did!

That particular "rocket" burns a "rubber cement" solid fuel rocket motor.....:)

I won't even comment on your moon topic.. It's just too silly... lol

2009 is the desired date for the silly hydrogen thingy to hit the public ... :)


Backroads Driver
Jul 15, 2006
adjuster... shut up plz with your damn theories, you not even considering the points of the other side of the argument. thanks.

oh, and magnetic fields have nothing to do with radiation.

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
LOL. I can see this thread getting heated. In any case, I believe we did land on the moon. I haven't heard a single hoax theory that holds water yet, though I haven't given the tiny meteor theory much though yet. Other than that, none of your post convinces me that it was a hoax from all the research I've done, though I don't feel like posting it all here, haha, would take too long, I'm not interested enough in the topic anymore.

Though I do want to research the tiny asteroid theory more.


2.5 Twin Turbo R
Staff member
Mar 30, 2005
Calgary, AB
i remember watcing one of those TV shows with all wierd conspiracy theories on it and they pointed out that even though the only source of light for the "moon walks" was the sun, yet shadow can be seen coming from 2 light sources.

i dont know if there is an explaination for this, but i really dont care either way. It would make me giggle to prove that they were all faked.

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
There were many more than just 1 light source on the moon. The sun was one, the Earth was another (the Earth looks 68% brighter on the moon, than the moon looks to us on Earth). Not to mention reflection from the moon's surface can drastically change the way shadows will look. People who are into photography know this.

An interesting photograph:

The picture on the right has the same exact background as the one on the left, but the tree and foreground are different. This pic was taken by simply moving forward far enough to get the tree out of the pic. The hills are far enough away that they look the same. In a few of the pics that are used to show this on the moon, usually the "hills" are at least a mile or so away, so you can move around quite a bit and still have them looking exactly the same.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Capricorn One! Lol...

Adjuster, I don't get it. You seem to be an otherwise intelligent person. And as someone very knowledgeable about radiation (I work part time at Chernobyl) I'd say you have something to learn. As for the moon I did read recently where the TV footage shown to the world was video taken by filming a TV screen at NASA. That means there must be much clearer footage somewhere but no one seems to have found it yet. That said, you may find this interesting: http://tinyurl.com/po6xc

Btw, I gew up in the 60s. I was a teenager when we landed. Were you a witness to it? All of it from the launch to the landing looked real to me.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Lol, man I'm running late but yeah, it was bad in many ways. Turns out it wasn't as bad as it seemed though. It's a very complicated story. I suggest the book "Ablaze" by Peirs Paul Reid. If you only read one book about the accident it should be that one. That said, today the 30km Exclusion Zone is a beautiful place filled with abundant wildlife.