Dear Hispanic Men [No, not ALL of you]: ((NWS))

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It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
sparkplug619;1432794 said:
I say take your ass whooping like a man. No need to carry a gun for anything except to "feel tough". No matter if its 1 person or 30, preparing mentally here in san diego is getting ready to swing on the closest 3 people next to you before hitting the ground and getting stomped out. Needing a gun to feel "like a man" "safe" "protected" shows how much of a coward you are... well IMO of course

He isn't picking the fight though. He's saying that groups of 3-5 are blatantly staring at him and his significant other. He's saying that if they decide to attack him and try to RAPE his woman, that if he had a weapon on his side he may be able to protect himself and the one he cares about.

Are you telling him to fight 3-5 people with his fists, possible get his face beat in, and have his lady raped?


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
I really like those groups of men who don't know how to act - they keep the bar very low. I bet they wonder why they are always staring and wishing about my girlfriend and can't seem to attract a woman of their own.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
sparkplug619;1432794 said:
I say take your ass whooping like a man. No need to carry a gun for anything except to "feel tough". No matter if its 1 person or 30, preparing mentally here in san diego is getting ready to swing on the closest 3 people next to you before hitting the ground and getting stomped out. Needing a gun to feel "like a man" "safe" "protected" shows how much of a coward you are... well IMO of course

You're an imbecile....

2 guys are going to "stomp" me both of them are getting a nice new body bag plain and simple.

This isn't false bravado or dick waving but the way it is.

A. Jay

Jun 3, 2009
Bay Area, CA
sparkplug619;1432536 said:
(...) can everyone in this thread (except you Suprapowaz!(2)) stress this anymore? Its funny how even 2 hispanics took no offense to this, they even notice it themselves, they did not find it racist one bit. But for some reason everyone is "closet racists" because something they coincidentally noticed on numerous occasions.

3 hispanics lol I've noticed this and I also have 2 mexican friends that do this. If it makes the OP feel any better, I don't let them stare if I'm there. I've also noticed that there are many factors that make up how someone turns out, and how a white kid who grows up on the other side of the 8 mile train tracks acts "black". Some people tend to stick around their own "kind", which is why they act similar, and why people tend to say what they have in common is why. Kinda like how teenagers act similar.

To the disrespectful men: What exactly are you doing? Do you really think your gonna get a girl with your current thought process, a girl who knows that you don't have enough decency(shame,respect,brains...) to at least pretend to be looking at something else when your caught staring?

Looking, glancing, noticing: potential compliment, don't worry about it.
STARING: Disrespectful, but I don't know what to tell you. Confronting them could be dangerous, and you shouldn't have to leave. I just hope that they have friends to tell them to stop.


T-virus infected
sparkplug619;1432794 said:
I say take your ass whooping like a man. No need to carry a gun for anything except to "feel tough". No matter if its 1 person or 30, preparing mentally here in san diego is getting ready to swing on the closest 3 people next to you before hitting the ground and getting stomped out. Needing a gun to feel "like a man" "safe" "protected" shows how much of a coward you are... well IMO of course

Sir that was a stupid reply indeed.

A man can kill another man 1 on 1. The chances increase with the more bodies pounding away. You can't say every beating that a few guys can dish out on 1 man wont eventually kill a man?!?!? May not the first few because they're fairly lucky but guess what it can possibly the next guy.

When you're facing 1 or more guys that plan on harming you and yours you better be prepared to face to deal with the ultimate penalty as far as life goes that you could face. You could loose your life or take a life sir.

Some people decide to arm themselves for protection agianst potential harm and harm to theirs.

Now if you got 2 guys just wanting to pound the shit out of each other for no other reason then to do it. then by all means do it.
What I mean is this. If you expect to go fight bob and bob is expecting to fight you and to meet somewhere. Don't bring a gun and shine it hoping to get out of the fight and to scare bob away. just man up.


Sep 17, 2008
East-Central, FL
gaboonviper85;1432754 said:
Too all those talking/wishing too kill people because they stare....grow the fuck up and I can only pray your guns get taken from you! You people don't have the proper mindset too harness such a weapon...killing someone should not be looked forward too and brandishing a firearm is illegal...if you show you're weapon then you better have full intent too kill them! I'm ashamed at yall bragging about your guns and how yall want too kill you a mexican just cause they look at the nice ass on your woman! I'm a gun lover myself but yall shame the gun's people like you that help anti gun laws get passed!



Sep 17, 2008
East-Central, FL
sparkplug619;1432794 said:
I say take your ass whooping like a man. No need to carry a gun for anything except to "feel tough". No matter if its 1 person or 30, preparing mentally here in san diego is getting ready to swing on the closest 3 people next to you before hitting the ground and getting stomped out. Needing a gun to feel "like a man" "safe" "protected" shows how much of a coward you are... well IMO of course

No one is stupid enough to actually believe this. I doubt you have ever been "stomped out" before. You understand there's a chance your attackers will kill you, right? Like never coming back.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
sparkplug619;1432794 said:
I say take your ass whooping like a man. No need to carry a gun for anything except to "feel tough". No matter if its 1 person or 30, preparing mentally here in san diego is getting ready to swing on the closest 3 people next to you before hitting the ground and getting stomped out. Needing a gun to feel "like a man" "safe" "protected" shows how much of a coward you are... well IMO of course

The statement "take your ass whooping like a man" illustrates that you one of the following:

1. A high school kid who has no conception of what happens when adults start hitting each other.


2. An idiot.

Or more likely

3. Both.

Regardless, given the choice between this:


And putting someone like you 6 feet under? Not even a moments hesitation.

Even when it's one to one, there's a good chance someone is going to end up dead, or in the hospital. When the odds are 3 to one? Forget it.

I will guarantee you that I'm not a coward, but I'm also not some testosterone driven 18 year old who thinks that being a tough guy means something in this world. You don't have to be afraid to die.

Sorry kid - if you don't want to wind up dead, learn to respect the rights of those around you. Your right to your life and your liberty ends the split second you threaten mine.

As for the original post, I've experienced the same thing. I'm not sure why some Hispanic men seem to find this behavior acceptable. I generally don't feel threatened by it, just annoyed. I'm certainly not going to advocate violence because someone feels "uncomfortable". But if you threaten me, regardless of your genetic makeup, I'm going to do whatever is necessary to remove that threat.

This is isn't a game folks.

Lovesick Siren

Ice Princess
Sep 30, 2005
Supracentral;1432850 said:
I'm certainly not going to advocate violence because someone feels "uncomfortable". But if you threaten me, regardless of your genetic makeup, I'm going to do whatever is necessary to remove that threat.

This is isn't a game folks.

Agreed. I don't expect or -want- my husband going off like a spider monkey on any man, Hispanic or otherwise, just because they give me the heebies.

I just appreciate knowing that, if the line between leering and threatening was ever crossed, we're slightly more capable of putting a stop to it than we used to be. This doesn't mean that he's "not a man."

Maybe it's easier for me as a chick. I'm terrified, to the point of occasional agoraphobia, of the thought of being raped and killed. I'll shout that shit from the rooftops - I feel NO shame in admitting my fear. I feel no shame in arming myself to help prevent it, either, or in my husband arming HIMself to help prevent. And my OWN wellbeing isn't the only reason I'm armed. The same is true for him.

I don't understand what about this amounts to cowardice.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
tower_of_ego;1432857 said:
I don't understand what about this amounts to cowardice.

It doesn't. You are listening to the words of ignorant child.

The simple reality of the situation is that most people sitting in prison or on death row because they beat someone to death will tell you that they "didn't mean for it to happen". They'll tell you they "got caught in the heat of the moment" or that they "didn't mean to kill the guy". Having watched too much television, or thinking that school kid fights in any way equate to what happens when real adults start throwing punches and kicks, they think that this is some sort of macho bullshit contest.

I'm not giving anyone the opportunity to "make a mistake" that costs me my life. As I've stated many times in the past, I disagree completely with the initiation of force. But if force is initiated, I will respond overwhelmingly to put an end to a threat. Nobody has anything to fear from my handguns that isn't threatening my life.

sparkplug, you've got a lot of learning to do before you understand what it is to be a man. Taking responsibility for your own safety, and the safety of your family is a large part of it.

Taking an beating from a group of men isn't "being a man" - it's being an idiot.

PS - I hate to tell you people, but recognizing a prevalent trend isn't racism, or even bigotry. At the worst it's prejudiced, and to be honest, prejudice (to pre judge a situation) is sometimes a survival skill. If you don't like the stereotype, work to alter the behavior of those who reinforce it with outrageous behavior.


Enjoyin' mah ride...
Aug 24, 2009
Richmond, Virginia, United States
sparkplug619;1432794 said:
I say take your ass whooping like a man. No need to carry a gun for anything except to "feel tough". No matter if its 1 person or 30, preparing mentally here in san diego is getting ready to swing on the closest 3 people next to you before hitting the ground and getting stomped out. Needing a gun to feel "like a man" "safe" "protected" shows how much of a coward you are... well IMO of course

No. FUCK THAT. You get close to me in a threatening manner? Hope you got someone eloquent to give your eulogy, asshole. And that's a PROMISE, not a threat. And, guess what? It holds up beautifully in court as well.

It may not be the best strategy in the world to have a sidearm visible, especially with a concealed permit, but you guys keep forgetting, IT'S A DETERRANT. If I don't pull it out and wave it at anyone, it sits there as a repellant for anyone stupid enough for aggression. I never said I had to pull it out of the holster, for all they know, it could be an airsoft. But I WILL NOT BACK DOWN FROM THREATS BECAUSE THEY HAVE NUMBERS.

They have the American freedom to stare (even if they're illegal), so what? I have the American freedom to protect my life, my family, and my property, in that order. And aggressive and prolonged staring or gestures constitutes Level 1 on the confrontation scale, with Level 2 as verbal threats, Level 3 as zoned approach (within your personal safety area, like surrounding someone and cutting off their escape), and Level 4 as physical contact aggression. Level 5 is obvious.

Having a gun displayed on your hip? Level 1, jackass. Meet aggression with aggression if you have to. That's why I live in Virginia.


Enjoyin' mah ride...
Aug 24, 2009
Richmond, Virginia, United States
gaboonviper85;1432754 said:
Too all those talking/wishing too kill people because they stare....grow the fuck up and I can only pray your guns get taken from you! You people don't have the proper mindset too harness such a weapon...killing someone should not be looked forward too and brandishing a firearm is illegal...if you show you're weapon then you better have full intent too kill them! I'm ashamed at yall bragging about your guns and how yall want too kill you a mexican just cause they look at the nice ass on your woman! I'm a gun lover myself but yall shame the gun's people like you that help anti gun laws get passed!

Uhhh... somebody needs to reread the thread a little more. I never said I was going to kill anyone, never said I'd kill someone for looking, NEVER said I was brandishing anything.


Jun 8, 2009
don't know where to start on this one,
I completely relate with the OP.
A little background information-
My girlfriend's apartment is in Spanish Harlem, We like to go to the local restaurants/bars. I'm Irish, my girlfriend is Indian, and her neighbors are almost all Hispanic.
The truth is it always seems to be the Mexicans & Ecuadorians that have the staring issues, and I attribute that more to a difference of culture then anything else. It's extremely frustrating, going out to enjoy a meal or a drink and having groups of men impertinently ogling at her. So much so that she feels uncomfortable, and has actually requested we not go to some of the local places.
Theres only twice been an issue of any kind, and each was handled swiftly and without repose. The Mexicans may stare, but neither time theres been an issue did they cause it. One time it was an older Drunken Puerto Rican, and the other time it was a young Dominican boy ( I refuse to refer to him as a man, despite what his age may have been )
I can't remember the original intent of me posting, but basically, I agree with the op, but I think its more of a culture difference ( albeit a frustrating one), but I'll be dammed before I let someone do something inappropriate without recourse .

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
My girlfriend loved going to the clubs in high school, but would always complain about all the creepy guys that would just stare and kept bothering her for a dance.

Just so happened they were almost always hispanic.

It definitely seems to be a culture thing, but its very disruptive/threatening and disrespectful to most people here.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
Drake69;1432876 said:
Uhhh... somebody needs to reread the thread a little more. I never said I was going to kill anyone, never said I'd kill someone for looking, NEVER said I was brandishing anything.'re acting a moron...letting your piece be know too others while you have a's brandishing!

I could walk up too you and knock you square in the mouth...doesn't hold grounds for you shooting ask for an ass kicking then you'll get it and if you even think that's grounds for pulling a gun you're sadly mistaken...also love the "I'm a better shot than most" comment....


15 yards no may think you're hot shit cause you have a're not


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
suprarx7nut;1432904 said:
It definitely seems to be a culture thing, but its very disruptive/threatening and disrespectful to most people here.

You can thank the "multiculturalism" crowd for that. Back when my ancestors came here, they brought with them their own rich heritage, foods, history, etc. But they assimilated into this country's way of life and became an important part of this countries history because they worked hard for what they had and joined in the quest for the "American Dream".

Hell, if I visit another country, I try to find out some of the at least basic things about the culture and behavior... If you are going to come live here, you had damned well better understand what the "locals" consider threatening.


Enjoyin' mah ride...
Aug 24, 2009
Richmond, Virginia, United States
gaboonviper85;1432920 said:'re acting a moron...letting your piece be know too others while you have a's brandishing!

I could walk up too you and knock you square in the mouth...doesn't hold grounds for you shooting ask for an ass kicking then you'll get it and if you even think that's grounds for pulling a gun you're sadly mistaken...also love the "I'm a better shot than most" comment....

15 yards no may think you're hot shit cause you have a're not

And you ARE? Puhleeze....

Ohhh, and the second comment? Keep thinking that. See how far it gets you.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
gaboonviper85;1432920 said:'re acting a moron...letting your piece be know too others while you have a's brandishing!

In my state, I open carry. Regularly. I went shopping today with a .45 on my right hip. Am I a moron?

gaboonviper85;1432920 said:
I could walk up too you and knock you square in the mouth...doesn't hold grounds for you shooting me...

Actually, where I live I have no duty to retreat - if you use violence against me, I'm assuming you wish to do me grievous harm or worse. I will do what I have to in order to end that threat.

gaboonviper85;1432920 said:
you ask for an ass kicking then you'll get it and if you even think that's grounds for pulling a gun you're sadly mistaken...

So what constitutes "asking for an ass kicking" in your book? Where I live, the moment you initiate violence, you're in the wrong.

As for the targets - nobody cares - the best gunfight you can have is the one you avoid. However, once again, your right to your life ends when you threaten mine. You direct violence at my person, I will retaliate, overwhelmingly and take my chances with the courts, because I'm not going to let you make the mistake of accidentally killing me.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
You talking shit and asking for a fight then proceed too shoot someone is not considered selfdefence....that's murder in the 1st degree! You keep acting Rambo and you'll be in prison soon enough!
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