Can you solve my boost mystery?


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
IJ.;1250055 said:


877m;1250051 said:
u can go onto and buy i feul cut difencer or fcd and that will stop u from hitting fc of u can get i lexus v8 afm and bigger injectors but i would go witht he fcd because it is only 100 bucks or so. also try unpluging your factory boost guage there is a plug when u open the hood on the passanger side and it goes to a little thing about the size of a nano ipod its 1/2 way between the front of the car and the fender it says boost something on it and that should let u get about 14 psi

Not funny.

I think we're done here. The car is fixed:biglaugh:


New Member
Jun 16, 2007
gaboonviper85;1250091 said:
Pulling the pin on a grenade.....

Fuel cut is a wonderful fail safe

Indeed fuel cut is a very great fail safe. I knew I should be able to run stock boost even with exhaust and intake mods but people kept telling me otherwise.

No FCD for me! I will happily run 6psi for the break in of my new motor!


Mr. Formula SAE
Apr 24, 2007
Appleton, WI
877m;1250051 said:
u can go onto and buy i feul cut difencer or fcd and that will stop u from hitting fc of u can get i lexus v8 afm and bigger injectors but i would go witht he fcd because it is only 100 bucks or so. also try unpluging your factory boost guage there is a plug when u open the hood on the passanger side and it goes to a little thing about the size of a nano ipod its 1/2 way between the front of the car and the fender it says boost something on it and that should let u get about 14 psi

unplugging your factory boost gauge does not change the amount of boost the car runs. the factory boost sensor goes to the gauge in the car, not the ecu...


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
Lewiston, NY
no it does not change the amount of boost it will run but i does change the feul cut by a few pounds cuz it does go threw the ecu it is not i manuel guage it is electronic when i unpluged mine a got 2 or 3 expra psi before i hit fuel cut


Mr. Formula SAE
Apr 24, 2007
Appleton, WI
877m;1252625 said:
no it does not change the amount of boost it will run but i does change the feul cut by a few pounds cuz it does go threw the ecu it is not i manuel guage it is electronic when i unpluged mine a got 2 or 3 expra psi before i hit fuel cut

thats had no effect when unplugged on my car...


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
877m;1252625 said:
no it does not change the amount of boost it will run but i does change the feul cut by a few pounds cuz it does go threw the ecu it is not i manuel guage it is electronic when i unpluged mine a got 2 or 3 expra psi before i hit fuel cut

Your ignorance is showing in a big way. This is the Tech Section. If you don't know what you're talking about don't post...


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
Lewiston, NY
well i am a tech and i do work on quite a few supras including my own. and it wont make u run more boost it wull just make u not hit fc at the stock 11 pounds. and with these 7m motors boost makes a big differenc u get about 11 hp from each pound but u got to remember u got a 92 those have some slight changes from my 87.


Active Member
Nov 12, 2005
Englewood, Ohio, United States
877m;1255212 said:
well i am a tech and i do work on quite a few supras including my own. and it wont make u run more boost it wull just make u not hit fc at the stock 11 pounds. and with these 7m motors boost makes a big differenc u get about 11 hp from each pound but u got to remember u got a 92 those have some slight changes from my 87.
also try using propper grammar...when you talk like your in high school people are going to treat you that way.


New Member
Jun 16, 2007
877m;1255212 said:
well i am a tech and i do work on quite a few supras including my own. and it wont make u run more boost it wull just make u not hit fc at the stock 11 pounds. and with these 7m motors boost makes a big differenc u get about 11 hp from each pound but u got to remember u got a 92 those have some slight changes from my 87.

LOL at the TECH!


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
Lewiston, NY
Poodles;1255381 said:
Doesn't matter, the boost sensor is in no way connected to the ECU.

if it is not connected to the ecu then how would it hit f.c. also if it was not connected to the ecu then why when u put a tunable ecu in there u can change where it hit fuel cut it has to be connected to rad how much boost it has. now im not going to sit here and start a big argument because we are really all here to help each other but like for instance i was at about 12.5 psi or so i was at the point where i was jus hitting the f.c ad when i unpluged my boost sensor i didnt hit it any more. now say in your case u have your boost cranked up where its trying to run 16 or 17 psi yea your still going to slam the f.c but unpluging does give u a litlle help. of u could also get a new ecu or u can also get rid of f.c by getting a lexus v8 afm and bigger injectors.


Active Member
Nov 12, 2005
Englewood, Ohio, United States
877m;1256580 said:
if it is not connected to the ecu then how would it hit f.c. also if it was not connected to the ecu then why when u put a tunable ecu in there u can change where it hit fuel cut it has to be connected to rad how much boost it has. now im not going to sit here and start a big argument because we are really all here to help each other but like for instance i was at about 12.5 psi or so i was at the point where i was jus hitting the f.c ad when i unpluged my boost sensor i didnt hit it any more. now say in your case u have your boost cranked up where its trying to run 16 or 17 psi yea your still going to slam the f.c but unpluging does give u a litlle help. of u could also get a new ecu or u can also get rid of f.c by getting a lexus v8 afm and bigger injectors.
ok seriously... you need to do your homework before you post... Fuel cut is in no way determined by that. Fuel cut is controlled by the frequency of air that is being pulled into the AFM, Fuel cut is around 1500hz.... when you up to a lex air it takes more air for it to hit that frequeny therefore, higher fuel cut...same as when you install a FCD, it puts a "cap" on the freq. so it never sees that 1500hz, with that no fuel cut. With a stand alone, those limitations are not there and normally do not use a AFM anyway.



Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
877m;1256580 said:
if it is not connected to the ecu then how would it hit f.c. also if it was not connected to the ecu then why when u put a tunable ecu in there u can change where it hit fuel cut it has to be connected to rad how much boost it has. now im not going to sit here and start a big argument because we are really all here to help each other but like for instance i was at about 12.5 psi or so i was at the point where i was jus hitting the f.c ad when i unpluged my boost sensor i didnt hit it any more. now say in your case u have your boost cranked up where its trying to run 16 or 17 psi yea your still going to slam the f.c but unpluging does give u a litlle help. of u could also get a new ecu or u can also get rid of f.c by getting a lexus v8 afm and bigger injectors.

Please stop.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
877m;1255212 said:
well i am a tech and i do work on quite a few supras including my own.....

Wtf? What part of "if you don't know what you're talking about don't post" didn't you understand? I suggest you clam up before you look dumber than you already have. There are people here who've forgotten more about this car and how it works than you'll ever know.


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
877m;1256580 said:
if it is not connected to the ecu then how would it hit f.c. also if it was not connected to the ecu then why when u put a tunable ecu in there u can change where it hit fuel cut it has to be connected to rad how much boost it has. now im not going to sit here and start a big argument because we are really all here to help each other but like for instance i was at about 12.5 psi or so i was at the point where i was jus hitting the f.c ad when i unpluged my boost sensor i didnt hit it any more. now say in your case u have your boost cranked up where its trying to run 16 or 17 psi yea your still going to slam the f.c but unpluging does give u a litlle help. of u could also get a new ecu or u can also get rid of f.c by getting a lexus v8 afm and bigger injectors.

You are seriously making my head hurt...and, you seriously do not know what you're talking about. Fuel cut is in no way related to the boost gauge sensor...the volume of air through the AFM determines it.

All of this was previously stated. You do not have a clue on this issue...please stop posting in this thread and the Tech Section. Last warning.

Also use real English and grammar too...and, stop the text messaging BS.


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
Lewiston, NY
x87SUPRA87x;1256583 said:
ok seriously... you need to do your homework before you post... Fuel cut is in no way determined by that. Fuel cut is controlled by the frequency of air that is being pulled into the AFM, Fuel cut is around 1500hz.... when you up to a lex air it takes more air for it to hit that frequeny therefore, higher fuel cut...same as when you install a FCD, it puts a "cap" on the freq. so it never sees that 1500hz, with that no fuel cut. With a stand alone, those limitations are not there and normally do not use a AFM anyway.


ok i get that but then why would it have stopped my fuel cut? and is a fcd jus a resistor? and also why when i read up on going with the lexs afm i was told i would need to upgrade my injectors or i would still hit fuel cut? cua i mean the 440s are not really small u should be able to run 18psi befor u lean out


Active Member
Nov 12, 2005
Englewood, Ohio, United States
877m;1257156 said:
ok i get that but then why would it have stopped my fuel cut? and is a fcd jus a resistor? and also why when i read up on going with the lexs afm i was told i would need to upgrade my injectors or i would still hit fuel cut? cua i mean the 440s are not really small u should be able to run 18psi befor u lean out

seriously though, you need to stop....what everyone is posting in response to you is taking away from the OP's question. If your not 100% sure that the info your posting is valid, please don't.
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