BHG?? coolant under oil cap..


Supramania Contributor
Jan 8, 2007
Baytown, Texas
Wrecker it to a local shop with an oil system cleaning machine. Push the car in on their lift, and have them run a full oiling system flush. That should get rid of the coolant.
Do a coolant pressure test, and fix all your coolant leaks. Fix all your oil leaks as well.
Mark your containers with a very bright paint marker, and buy a freakin' flashlight. You can get these cool hands free ones that strap to your head, and are pretty bright. Oh yeah, they're cheap to. A whole lot cheaper than a new motor, or the $100 you will spend getting the flush.


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
well i was talking to my dad,, and we are just going to call around and find a shop that will do the HG, metal gasket with arp's.. if there arent any.. well then i have to get to work.. with not a clue what to do..


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
There will be plenty of shops that will gladly take on the project. Your job is finding one that you KNOW has some idea of how to work on our cars. Many of them will be at prices that you really won't want to pay. If you decide that it's worth the money quoted, be sure you are comfortable with the shops knowlege.

Here's a question that came to my somewhat uneducated mind. If the water pump has a known failed gasket, will a pressure check even give you an accurate result?

Remember that SM is your best friend. You working your way through it with the help of everyone here, is just as good as a shop that has no idea.


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
ok.. first thing.. im not even 100% sure i have a BHG. to be honest i really dont have any idea.. everyone on here says BHG,, but no one has seen my car.. so i dont know.... also worried if a shop gets in there they wont get shit put back together right.. or in some cases maybe better.. like my manifold for example,, the studs were threaded out, so i had to use larger bolts to tighten it back on.. so when they come to that point i would hope they would re-thread and fix that problem to


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
i know a guy, owns a little shop out in the woods,, very nice guy, very good prices,, he worked on my celica serveral times,, he specializes in imports.. i know he knows toyotas to.. so im going to call him first see what he says.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
johnathan1 said:
You have GOT to be kidding. Putting coolant in the sump is probably one of the most boneheaded and expensive mistakes you could make. Not to mention coolant and oil bottles are completely different sizes. Please sell that car before you damage it further.

I seriously hope you are mistaken. :aigo:

You should keep your mouth shut more often, seriously.

First off, if he did indeed accidentally confuse the two bottles without paying attention, Sure that's a silly thing to do...But shit happens sometimes.

johnathan1 said:
Please sell that car before you damage it further.

Second, nothing PISSES me off more than people like you making asshole minded assumptions. Nate is no tool box nor 16 year old low budget Supra owner, so STOP being a dick about it and talking down to him.

I don't care WHO it is on these boards, some people make idiotic mistakes, some have accidents that weren't meant to happen, but when it boils down to it, Supramania is for HELP and COMMUNITY feel, not nagging about his ownership of the car.

With that out of the way,

On my most recent 7M...I had put a whopping 1,200 miles on the motor so far until I had a strange experience...Coincedently enough, my turbo started acting up around the same time.
Pumping my gas one night, I happen to look down at my muffler to notice what looked to be more than just condensation...I thought nothing of it.
Decided to check my oil, looked under the cap, as white milky as it could be.
Drove it home...Started pulling stuff apart.

The day before, the coolant hose coming off the back of the head had came loose because of a bad clamp. I replaced that, flushed the coolant system out with fresh coolant after a good burp.

1 New turbo later....

No overheating, no more milky under the oil cap, Compression was + across the boards, and it turned out NOT to be a blown head gasket.

Am I saying Nate is lucky enough in this scenario? Maybe not, but the possibility is out there...



New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
thanks jeff :) so what else should i do,, my car isnt over heating,, theres a small amount of coolant in the valve covers.. nothing in the rad, but fresh looking coolant.. i havent lost hardly any coolant from the rad level or reserve. and the water pump is leaking.. so that would account for any loss of coolant..


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
is it possible that its not like totaly blown.. maybe just a small leak in the HG? and its geting ready to blow?

and could the bad water pump/leaking pump have anything to do with some coolant geting in the oil?


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
^^^ Yep! Exactly what I was thinking. I would flush the oil system and see what happens (after I replaced the water pump). You don't have a lot to lose.


Oct 3, 2006
sorry to hear about the whole accidently putting coolant into the oil, we all make mistakes; we're human


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
ok.. so as soon as i get the pump.. im going to replace that and the pump gasket,, im going to drain oil, fill with oil, idle car for a while, drain oil, re fill with oil then drive it and see if coolant comes back in the oil under the oil cap...and go from there

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
From the get-go, a lot of the symptoms he's having seems like "teh BHG",
However, the fact that it's still bright green intrigues me.
Nate, if you did indeed poured coolant in instead of oil, hurry up and rid of all the oil in your system.
If it were me, I'd go ahead and flush the coolant and oil system out as best as you can. Maybe there's still some hope. ;)



New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
some people on this site are just mean,, and un-helpful..however i really do appreciate all the help and concern from those of you who care! i will be geting alot of cheap oil and clean it out as best i can, see if the green returns. i sure hope not. :)