Air conditioning swap


New Member
May 11, 2005
Rockford, IL
I have an 87T that was AC stripped. The evaporator(?) is still under the dash and the two lines have been duct taped closed for ~4 years to keep it clean. The engine will be out of the 87T. I have all of the original AC stuff minus the AC lines. I also have an 89T and an 86.5NA spare parts cars, both of which have un-opened AC systems.

Goal is to put AC back onto my 87T using the donor parts. I have a few questions:

Are the AC systems the same from 86.5 -> 89, Turbo/non-turbo?
Can I just unbolt from car "A" and bolt onto car "B"?
Assuming the 89T has a functional AC system, will the dryer be OK swapped? How long can the dryer be "open" to atmosphere during swap?
Can I recharge it with R134 MYSELF if I convert? (I don't mind investing a few dollars here as I have a few Supras myself, and friends w/ Supras.)
Where do I get the o-rings/kits/lines required?
Any other tips/problems?

Yes I searched and read a ton about the Supra AC system on this forum. ;)


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Good luck Rich!

Hopefully JetJock will see this and jump in with some advice.

I just hope it hasn't been butchered too badly as this is the downside when kids strip out parts they don't understand :(


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
when i stripped out my A/C parts, i taped plastic bags over the ends to prevent anything from gettin in the lines, etc... i have it all boxed up in my garage attic, so that oneday when i get picky and decide i want A/C again, i can put it back in. :)

i wouldn't imagine that the A/C systems changed by years, but that's just me guessing. you could look at the difference between the 86.5 and the '89 to find out.



New Member
May 11, 2005
Rockford, IL
IJ - I took the system out and stored everything. I'm 30YO so no kids here. It was properly unscrewed (not hack/slash) and the ends taped throughly to keep dust out. I didn't worry about the dryer at the time since I would normally replace it. I just had a brainstorm that I was replacing the motor and while it was out, I would like to re-install the AC equip. And guess what, I have two parts cars that worked before the engine's died. :evil2:

Jet - Thank you for the thorough response. This should become a sticky, which I think you've probably heard before. Since I have two closed, functional systems to choose from (plus my 4YO removed equipment) I'll take everything from the 89T and put it onto the 87T. Evac @ the 89T might be a problem since the 89T doesn't have, well, much of anything drivetrain left.

As far as filling, I might just take it to an AC shop. The last thing I need is to FINALLY finish my motor and then blow myself up. Thanks.
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