Air Conditioner Problem


J Zizzle
Jul 6, 2008
Appreciate the responses guys.

Flow lines do not get cold and there is no cold air by any means.
Checked all relays and fuses=everythings good. However, the magnetic clutch relay connection appeared to have some corrosion.

If time allows this weekend I will test the pressure and see what the high lows are.
Sounds like u have no freon at all or just to low.
(try this) use a small nail or pin and push the schrader valve on the compressor
If u feel air coming out the u have some freon if nothing then ur empty.
If empy get a freon leak detector like one of the guys said. Make sure theirs no leak
If no visible leak detected then vacuum the stuff out. You'll need to get a deep vacuum at below
100 microns the lower the better.
Now if ur vacuum can't get below 250 then thier a small leak somewhere
If u get to 80microns that's good
Then it's safe for u to put freon in :)
Hope everything goes well for u


Sep 5, 2011
Shadows of Utah
I just went thru this hassle haha. My system didn't create vacuum so I pressurized it and found 2 bad o rings. Then my system held 80 psi for about 30 minutes. depressurized the system now when I get a water pump and get the engine back together I can throw some freeze 12 in it :D

Sent From My HTC One S using Tapatalk 2


New Member
Jun 30, 2012
Boise, Idaho
Is there something wrong with Freeze 12? I use Maxi Frig, what they call R12a in mine. Is that pretty much the same as Freeze 12, and if it is what damage can it cause the system? I was told to use that because 134 doesn't work as well due to the smaller condensers in the R12 systems.

Any information would be appreciated, I don't want to destroy my system right after I just replaced my compressor.



creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
All flavors of 12a are illegal to use, flammable, HC refrigerants. Don't get caught, have a fire, or expect any AC shop to touch your car. Other than that they work fairly well. Then again so does propane and butane.

The problem with Freeze 12 in a nutshell is that unless the oil is changed only 20% of the refrigerant is depended upon to carry the oil. Once that 20% leaks out (and it will before the 80% 134 does) the compressor will lunch and black death the entire system. The low pressure cutoff won't save you because the 80% of Freeze 12 that's 134 will fool the system into thinking there's sufficient refrigerant left to carry the oil. It's just a matter of time before all this happens.

Other than that Freeze 12 also works pretty well but since it's 80% 134 why not just convert to 100% and be done with it? That said it were my car I'd make sure the system is leak tight and stay with R12.
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
If you don't know what your talking about please don't post. Let's look at the msds for R12, I'll let you learn why you are wrong for the others on your own.

R12 Dichlorodifluoromethane CAS NUMBER 75-71-8
EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Colorless, volatile liquid with ethereal and faint sweetish odor. Non-flammable material. Overexposure may cause dizziness and loss of concentration. At higher levels, CNS depression and cardiac arrhythmia may result from exposure. Vapors displace air and can cause asphyxiation in confined spaces. At higher temperatures, (>250°C), decomposition products may include Hydrochloric Acid (HCI), Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) and carbonyl halides.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
somtol1983;1859166 said:
Not to be smart or anything but freons I work with is flammable (r12a,r22,r134a,r404,r407c and r507c)
Also freon is made from gas too

Hmmm. I've been ignoring your posts even though you obviously haven't much of a clue. You can't write worth crap either.

OP: Use what you want. Your car, your money, your life. Fwiw I'm 608 Universal certified and did a lot of commercial HVAC in a former life. Unlike the joke 609 MVAC license (which I also hold) they don't hand 608 Type IVs out. You can trust what I'm saying or you can listen to someone who clearly knows just enough to be dangerous...
this is what i do for a living and i have seen freon burn when doing repairs
we built chillers from ground up to repairs and trouble shooting.
r12 will not burn at a low temperature. but when using a torch at 300 to 400 degree it will burn a little not to a point of an explosion
green flame comes out and so as the toxic


New Member
Sep 20, 2010
jonahs_supra;1859293 said:
Thread goes from a simple a/c diagnosis to full blown freon break down lol

OP just figure out if your system has any freon lol
If not find the leak lol

And don't use freeze 12 haha

Sent from my HTC Rezound using Tapatalk


J Zizzle
Jul 6, 2008

I was unable to work on the car this past weekend. When schedule permits, I will get to the shop and test the system for pressure.
Does anyone have any spare r12 cans laying around in their garage? Might be a short cut to my solution??


J Zizzle
Jul 6, 2008
jetjock;1860565 said:
Spare? Do you know what the stuff is worth these days? Not to mention you need a license to buy it. The short cut to your solution, assuming the problem is a low refrigerant charge, has already been posted...

I hear ya, pressure check next on the list.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
blk92suprat;1860552 said:

I was unable to work on the car this past weekend. When schedule permits, I will get to the shop and test the system for pressure.
Does anyone have any spare r12 cans laying around in their garage? Might be a short cut to my solution??

I do. You can't have it.