Who thinks this is complete horse shit?


New Member
Feb 3, 2010
Ok so my friend has an early 00's Ford F250 7.3 Powerstroke and he told me today while he was driving to school a teacher was behind him and when he drove away from a stop sign a lot of smoke came out of the exhaust and the teacher stayed there for a bit until the smoke cleared. Then when they arrived at school the teacher yelled at my friend and said "what was that for!? Why was your truck making so much smoke!?" And he said in response "What? It's not my fault I didn't do it on purpose" (His truck is tuned for performance so that's why it made alot of smoke.) So the teacher said "Yes you did!" Even though he clearly didn't So later he gets called to the office where the teacher and the principal are talking. The teacher told the principal "I couldn't breathe and I started coughing and now I feel all dirty!" So the principal gave him a detention and told him not to drive to school anymore. He told me he still would though. :p

I think this is complete horse shit for 3 reasons. 1. Here in PA, diesel trucks are exempt from emissions. 2. The street the truck emitted smoke on WASN'T EVEN ON SCHOOL PROPERTY! 3. Nowhere in my school's handbook does it say "For kids who drive to school, diesel trucks may not emit a lot of smoke."

What do you all think?


Mar 3, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
i Think that that is typical of People who live in Pa. i got suspended for blaring music in the parking lot of my old highschool. people just like to complain. in any way, in every way possible. also i would drive to school. and i would "Purposly" Smoke her car next time. gotta love straight pipe diesel.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
At first I was going to say horseshit but after reading a few of the responses I can't help but think WTF is wrong with you people... :nono:

Have a little consideration for people around you.

I'm selling my house and moving to a place in the country, this was sparked by the CUNT next door that see's nothing wrong with his wood fire filling my house with smoke all winter (I live 8 miles from the city and there is no fucking reason to have a wood fire here other than he's a tightarse, should be a Mk3 owner he'd fit right in)


New Member
Feb 3, 2010
Oh I forgot to add another good reason, his truck has the same engine as most of the school buses that the school uses! there are like 8+ of those that go through the school parking lot every day and they never say anything about them. What hypocrites.

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
IJ.;1572065 said:
At first I was going to say horseshit but after reading a few of the responses I can't help but think WTF is wrong with you people... :nono:

Have a little consideration for people around you.

I'm selling my house and moving to a place in the country, this was sparked by the CUNT next door that see's nothing wrong with his wood fire filling my house with smoke all winter (I live 8 miles from the city and there is no fucking reason to have a wood fire here other than he's a tightarse, should be a Mk3 owner he'd fit right in)

Both myself, friends and neighbours all have and enjoy having fires both in the back yard and in fireplaces in our homes. Am I missing something or are you getting upset because (s)he his burning some wood, or what? Haha.

As for the original poster, while I don't know if the school should be the one punishing anyone for this, your friend's truck still sounds like it's annoying people. Today it just happened to be someone that knew who he was and could do something about it.



I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Well, where to begin...

- Get parents involved since they have no legal grounds to punish him for events that happened off of school grounds.
- Fix the truck so it doesn't smoke (or put stacks on it so it goes UP).
- IJ: tons of people burn wood here during the winter cause it's nice, sounds more like he doesn't have a proper chimney. I don't see it as being "cheap."


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
Absolutely go up the chain of command, they have no right to say anything about it. If anything, next time I saw the teacher I'd bury his/her car in smoke.... "That's what happens when I try to smoke. Now you know the difference." lol


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
It's not "nice" when it impacts someone else's health and enjoyment of life....

I was polite and asked him to do something with his chimney a couple of times, even went to the effort of taping up the vents on that side of my house, short of sealing the house 100% there's fuck all else I can do.

If he wasn't a dodery old fuck I'd have beat him for it and his general attitude.

It's cheap as he doesn't want to pay for the gas heater, again this close to a city there's no reason to burn wood, we had our first smog alert since the bushfires a few years back and a LOT of it is wood fires in the inner city area.

As for Diesel boy he probably thoght it would be funny/clever to smoke the teacher as there's no fucking way it would smoke to that extent on normal acceleration, again no thought or consideration for anyone else all part of the "me" generation...


JayHall's Hero
May 10, 2009
Des Moines, Iowa, United States
There is absolutely nothing that they can do about it. One of my teachers told me my car was too loud, low (I go slower than 1 mph going in and out of the parking lot, when I drove it) and she said she was going to tell the SRO and campus monitors to watch me, nothing happened, and this was all in the 1 week I drove my car to school.


That guy.
Nov 17, 2008
Rocklin, CA
I get yelled at all the time cause my exhaust is to loud,i just laugh and drive away...They cant legally do anything unless u break some sort of rule previous enacted.


Apr 1, 2005
Ft.St.John BC
Ive got NO pity for the truck owner I live in an Oil town (Fort St John) and theres nothing worse than the stink of a diesel and every second vehicle is a big jacked up 70k$ diesel truck, and the amount of smoke they emit when "tuned" for performance is disgusting

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
IJ.;1572209 said:
It's not "nice" when it impacts someone else's health and enjoyment of life....

I was polite and asked him to do something with his chimney a couple of times, even went to the effort of taping up the vents on that side of my house, short of sealing the house 100% there's fuck all else I can do.

If he wasn't a dodery old fuck I'd have beat him for it and his general attitude.

It's cheap as he doesn't want to pay for the gas heater, again this close to a city there's no reason to burn wood, we had our first smog alert since the bushfires a few years back and a LOT of it is wood fires in the inner city area.

As for Diesel boy he probably thoght it would be funny/clever to smoke the teacher as there's no fucking way it would smoke to that extent on normal acceleration, again no thought or consideration for anyone else all part of the "me" generation...

So he's heating his house with wood and has a crap chimney and you've asked if he can do something about it...

Yeah, he's a tool.



New Member
Jun 14, 2006
Would this be the equivilant of a cop on vacation in I don't know lets say Mexico recognizing a citizen from their home country picking up a hooker,then upon returning back to their country finding said citizen that picked up a hooker and charging them with the offence?