What actions make you mad?


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
So we have the what sayings make you mad thread and the who do you want to punch thread... this is to find out what things that people physically do make you mad/irritated?

Here's 3 that got me today (In descending order):

3) When a car pulls up next to me at a stop light and stop window to window with me. Why the HELL do you need to be right next to me?? Freaking pull up a little or stop a little farther back! heh

2) When someone wastes my time because of their laziness...

Ex) a car in a parking garage with one way traffic would rather stop... wait and hold up traffic to wait for someone to walk into the garage and leave so they can park on the 1st floor rather than just going up one floor where there are empty spaces all over the place... I have to deal with at least one douche doing this every...morning...

1) When guys sit with their legs crossed like chicks! Holy crap this irritates me beyond belief... I had to change seats in this class I took once because a guy sitting next to me did it and all I could focus on during the class was how irritating it was



Jan 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
People changing lanes right in front of me with out showing their blinker pisses me off really bad every single time. If there is plenty of room I don't mind but a few feet really gets to me.


Setting the standard
Feb 22, 2007
Central Florida
SupraDerk said:
1) When guys sit with their legs crossed like chicks! Holy crap this irritates me beyond belief... I had to change seats in this class I took once because a guy sitting next to me did it and all I could focus on during the class was how irritating it was

It's classy. You don't wear a suit on tv and cross your legs like a trailer park redneck with your legs spread.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
I hate when people get too close to me, especially when I do not know or trust them. I have what I call "my personal space". It's larger than most people's and I do not like it invaded.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
When people who think they know something about everything, but actually know nothing about anything; start talking and people actually listen to them. And then later, those people talk to other people about the bullshit they just "learned", who then talk to other people, and ect; all of which cause a chain reaction domino effect that degenerates the intelligence of society in general.

Like the classic "margarine is only one molecule away from being plastic"... I've had several people try to tell me this... The blatant ignorance present in that statement is beyond words... I'm not even gonna start. Clearly, whoever this is quoted from knew nothing, absolutely nothing, about chemistry.

It makes me want to scream and bang my head against a wall until it explodes, every time someone says shit like that.


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
i hate it when i misplace my shit in the workshop. ill be hauling ass on a project one minute only to lose my paint pen, tape measure or gloves somewhere, spend ten minutes looking for them only to find they're within 2 feet of me. it's my own stupidity but i still hate it.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Ric said:
It's classy. You don't wear a suit on tv and cross your legs like a trailer park redneck with your legs spread.

No sir, I don't see it as classy at all. When I was at "boot camp"... we were sitting in a room getting ready to go to the shooting range and there was a guy in my flight that would sit like that and I watched to TSgt's tear this guy apart for doing it. I won't repeat the things said... but it doesn't come off as classy

I don't know... I grew up with that being a huge no no for a guy, so maybe it's just my conditioning


Geekin out
Nov 20, 2006
SupraDerk said:
3) When a car pulls up next to me at a stop light and stop window to window with me. Why the HELL do you need to be right next to me?? Freaking pull up a little or stop a little farther back! heh
There's actually times that I feel like putting on a headband and a bright green sleeveless shirt, blairing rediculous music and just pulling up to people window to window at a light, staring over and just nodding and smiling. Just seems like it would be fun. :biglaugh:

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
Keros said:
When people who think they know something about everything, but actually know nothing about anything; start talking and people actually listen to them. And then later, those people talk to other people about the bullshit they just "learned", who then talk to other people, and ect; all of which cause a chain reaction domino effect that degenerates the intelligence of society in general.

Like the classic "margarine is only one molecule away from being plastic"... I've had several people try to tell me this... The blatant ignorance present in that statement is beyond words... I'm not even gonna start. Clearly, whoever this is quoted from knew nothing, absolutely nothing, about chemistry.

It makes me want to scream and bang my head against a wall until it explodes, every time someone says shit like that.

Even if it was true, it's a moot point. There are plenty of substances where 1 molecule means the difference between awesomesauce and death.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 21, 2007
1) When someone cannot wait one single second for me to drive by before they pull out on the road. Instead they feel the need to dart out right in front of me, usually when no one's driving behind me. Most of the time they don't pick up quick enough, I have to slow down and wait for them to get up to speed which often times they don't.

2) When someone tailgates me, especially when I am already speeding. I get off the gas and don't get back on it until they're off of me.

3) When people hit the breaks during a green light when there is nothing to cause them to break.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Jeff Lange said:
Even if it was true, it's a moot point. There are plenty of substances where 1 molecule means the difference between awesomesauce and death.

With all due respect Jeff,

This is a simple case of dictionary terms. Molecule is defined as the smallest division of any chemical compound or element that still retains the properties of said compound or element (the smallest grain of table salt one can possibly get that is still table salt). So, the difference (implying subtraction) of a molecule from any chemical compound would simply leave you with nothing at all. Hence, NaCl (sodium Chloride), minus a molecule... would be... nothing. Picture 1-1=0. Remember, an atom can be a molecule but a molecule will always be two or more atoms... Atom is reserved for elements, which will be considered molecules in their elemental state only. Once they are bonded with any combination of the other 109 elements, they become molecules. As we know, all matter in the universe is comprised of some combination of 110 (known) different atoms to form an infinite combination of molecules. Let's not mention anti-matter... please, it's late :icon_razz

I would in fact agree that it is a moot point to some extent, but it is a travesty on the intelligence of people to begin any argument with a misuse of a term, nonetheless the misuse of a term that is fundamental to the argument itself. It's like, were Bill (who knows a thing or two about cars) to have a problem with his head lights and asked Jack for help, and Jack asked him (in all seriousness) if he had checked his headlight fluid lately... Any words that come from Jack's mouth thereafter will be treated by Bill and those people that are "in the know", as slander and lies. Jack would henceforth be known as an idiot to Bill and his friends. But, were Jack to say that same thing to someone who knows nothing about cars as well, they would then mention it to the next person who had headlight trouble, and so forth, creating a chain of headlight fluid checking idiots that will spawn more of their kind. Thus, the domino effect I mentioned, but in an extreme example.

The "moot" part of the point, and I believe the fact that you were trying to highlight, Jeff, is that for example: table salt, NaCl (sodium chloride); Taking into consideration that sodium is an element that is reactive to anything and everything (and explosively reactive to water, it cannot be touched by any bare human tissue [3rd degree burns] or be exposed to atmosphere for any length of time [or you'll have no sodium left] [I blew up a reinforced pyrex beaker with sodium once... it was cool]), and that Chlorine has been used as an anti-personnel chemical weapon (known as bertholite, first used by Germany in the second battle of Ypres, WW1); but combined in an ionic bond (Na+ Cl-), they form a compound essential to carbon based life. Yes, one atom makes the difference... but that's like saying that pistons are the difference between an engine and a solid block of metal... that same block of metal could very well be formed into a car or a hammer. It's not a case of "add an atom and it's a bit different". Adding a single atom to a chemical bond can dramatically change the properties into an entirely different substance, something that has nothing to do with what we started with.


EDIT: Edited for clarity
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