terminator salvation

What did you think of Terminator Salvation?

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Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana





Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
TX girl was also bloodrayne.... hottie fo sho


Another good read: a post on supraforums that basically brought up all the points that aggravated me about the movie, and my "answers"

cowboy bebop;6811039 said:
Why didn't JC REMEMBER that he was fighting alongside terminiators when he was 15years old? How was it that he was so blown away by Marcus having living tissue when he was best friends with one in T2?

That was one of my HUGE issues with this movie. John acting like a complete fruit cake about Marcus, when he'd befriended terminators twice, and in fact was able to easily trust them, and even possibly loved them as father figures.

If he's a prophet, what is his message? I didn't see him professing anything? Woudn't he profess that the living tissue terminators are coming? How about the liquid metal terminaotrs? I mean he saw and lived all this in going back to T2. Wouldn't he be screaming it from the mountaintops about what he lived and what's coming?

I think he had already claimed these things were to happen, which is why command didn't take him seriously.

Why is he listening to tapes of his mother? A. wouldn't he have put it on mp3 already, and B. Where's his notes? The movie treats his mother like she dies in childbirth, but they fought alongside each other and saw the same things.

These are tapes Sarah Connor made at the end of T1, in 1984 I believe, when she got her picture taken by the little Mexican boy. IIRC Sarah dies years before T3 from cancer, she never saw Judgement Day. I would assume he was trying to refresh his memory, or find something he didn't pay attention to before. She had notes about things Reese had told her, that John never would have known otherwise.

If the resistance communicates via CB, why can't skynet triangulate their signal and dispatch the resistance? They can do it for their own booby trap signal, but can't do it for a simple [break 1-9 for radio check] CB?

Another movie hole, oopsie

When they identify Kyle Reese, why not just kill him immediately? No Kyle, no JC, no problem. Instead they want to "lure" JC to Skynet so as to cause a lot of collateral damage. They could have saved a lot of trouble by identifying him in the jeep, shooting him in the face, then roll credits.

I would imagine they want to nuke both threats to Skynet, KR and JC, and without KR, it would have been a lot harder to track/find JC. Killing Kyle in that timeline I don't think would automatically make John Connor disappear like Marty McFly, but who knows wtf these writers were thinking...

How did a Jeep that's obviously 10 years old fire right up with a 10 year old battery, and 10 year old gas?

bc Jeeps are fuckin hardcore, durr

Why didn't Kyle question why Marcus had no recollection of where he was, what happend to the city, what the machines are, or even what year it is? You're a resistance fighter, but some guy walks up who you never seen before with a dead mans jacket, and you don't ask a simple question?

I wondered that myself. Kyle seemed to take Marcus in stride, like he was muthafuckin Rip Van Winkle

How can Marcus have average normal man strength in the beginning, but have super donkey kong terminator strength in the end?

Slow learner? lol I had been wondering that myself

Wouldn't a sign post thoguh the spine and heart kill JC instantly? Not even a bit of blood, huh? Must be just a flesh wound.

Another good point, I was wondering how John was able to walk with Marcus' aid with a huge hole in his chest....

How are they supplying these planes and helocoptors with fuel, spare parts, and ammunition? The shear logisitcs of mounting an offensive are mind boggling. You sure did waste a lot of ammo trying to kill Marcus when he escaped, only for JC to let him go in the end. Who's making all these bullets? Who's delivering them? UPS?

OMFG I KNOW. All I kept thinking was how huge of a waste that whole scene was, for one damn Terminator... who WAS RUNNING. Since when did ANY Terminators really RUN from a gun fight? EH?


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
Another good read. I'm a hard core fan, anybody remember a game robocop vs terminator?? Markus/robocop are similar.


Supramania Contributor
The young Kyle Reese thing really pissed me off. Why oh why are they continuing with the back to the future stuff now? They already explained this in the previous three movies. This is supposed to be the final war against the machines. We already seen what happens leading up to judgement day...


The question about JC being blown away at the sight Marcus - Well, uh, he is literally half/half not all machine with living tissue. Marcus has a human heart and brain. Considerably weaker than his counterparts, but also more combat effective in so far as being a lot more undectecable by the humans.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Well, I went and saw it today.
I have to say, while it wasn't the best of the series, it was still very good. It didn't disappoint me. I think many fans of the Terminator series realize that the story changes as it progresses.
"No fate but what we make our own" as a theory seems to be modified not just by human action, but by what both sides, Skynet and the Resistance, do to counter each other. There is a bit more to the stories that just the movies; it is an extended "universe" like Star Wars, though much smaller and with less quality/continuity control. Between 1984 and [now] 2018, there are other cases of terminators being sent back in time, which you don't really get to know about in the movies. Though there are some obvious plot holes in the series, I have the feeling that most people don't really think about things like how the future has been changed by different events in the timeline, and how in most movies or stories involving the subject, the way time travel and the space/time continuum work do not always have the same rules.
Keep an open mind about the movies and I think they are highly enjoyable [though #3 was my least favorite].


Supramania Contributor
Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix,AZ, United States
Tanya;1325222 said:
Just got back from seeing it. I wasn't impressed. I'm gonna have to say the best parts in the movie were the T2 references, but other than that it gets a half a "meh".

For fuck's sake, I hate christian Bale even more now, which i didn't think was possible.

I liked it. Have to agree on the CB though. The new guy was good and was cool how they tied everything in. Sneaky those machines where!!!


squirelly wrath!
Mar 2, 2008
Roseville, CA
I was disappointed. Am I the only that felt nothing for Marcus and his redemption? And NOT being able to tell Arnold was CGI, ROFL

The first two movies had suspense. This felt like a generic action flick. IDK why I had high expectations for this movie, McG blows.


New Member
Jan 31, 2008
I'm a huge fan of the first two Terminator films. Number 3 made me want to commit suicide. But Terminator Salvation overall was a decent film. I nearly popped a semi when I saw 1984 CGI (and pretty well done CGI) Arnold walk into the shot! I was like, "Sweet Jesus! It's 1984 Arnold Schwarzenegger! This is fantastic!"


Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
A few things that confused me was why was did we not see other versions of the terminator like the T1000 and the chick terminator?How the fuck can someone limp away after having a big chunk of steel shoved into him? I know,blah blah blah


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
supraman7mgte;1329203 said:
A few things that confused me was why was did we not see other versions of the terminator like the T1000 and the chick terminator?


you must not have understood the concept of the fact this movie took place JUST as Arnold's T-800 was being built, therefor the T-1000 and T-X do nOT EXIST


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
supraman7mgte;1329203 said:
A few things that confused me was why was did we not see other versions of the terminator like the T1000 and the chick terminator?

At that point in the story, those models were not yet developed. In fact, it would seem the T-800 was "new" in this movie, and T: Salvation takes place in 2018, well before the human victory. Kyle Reese should have about 10 more years of fighting as part of the resistance before he is sent back in time [2029].
If the rumors are true and there are two more movies in the works after this one, it will give more time for John and Kyle [and/or the resistance] to learn, become battle hardened, and advance on Skynet.
If you recall from the first movie, Kyle Reese said that the Skynet defense grid was smashed and the machines had lost - terminators were sent back in time as a last-ditch effort.
I wouldn't be surprised if in the last movie they make, during the final assault on Skynet, the resistance discovers the new models of terminators and the time displacement equipment, and "hacks" the computers to find details about the equipment. They will probably find information about models being sent back in time, and then will do their best to send soldiers to counter these "assassination attempts". The last movie practically writes itself if you have watched the rest of the series.

supraman7mgte;1329203 said:
How the fuck can someone limp away after having a big chunk of steel shoved into him? I know,blah blah blah

They often do things like that in Hollywood.