Status update, 11/24/09 Ridiculous incident, need advice: let it go or take a stand?


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
GrimJack;1420517 said:
Well, someone needs to point this out...

Getting clipped at 30 mph is uncomfortable, and will end up doing some significant damage - especially in a Jetta. However, that's why we carry insurance.

Getting clipped at 90 mph is often fatal.

This is called risk management... Risk is calculated by combining Likelihood and Impact. The likelihood of avoiding the accident at higher speeds is nice, but it's outweighed by the impact if it happens anyway.

Now admittedly, you did manage to avoid a high likelihood AND high impact risk, so you're doing a fair bit better than some.

Your right grim, however, I do not have full coverage. If he clipped me, which he would have, and then took off, I would get nothing.
I know the roads well, and can handle a vehicle at those speeds. The goal was to put a good distance between us, and I succeeded, gaining a ~10 car gap. Once I gained that gap, I only drove as fast as I had to in order to maintain that gap. He cant hit me if he cant get near me.
Given he was driving something that I could not outrun in the underpowered jetta, I would not have attempted this.

Not trying to start a battle, as both you and dunckel have valid points. Given this specific situation however, I stand by my decision.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
We can all sit here and analyze his reaction to an unexpected, and unusual situation, but the truth of the matter is most of us examining the situation over the internet through a keyboard, mouse and screen don't have a clue what we'd do with someone chasing you in the backwoods of Massachusetts.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

If it were me, I'd have done about the same thing, but maybe called 911. Though I could definitely see myself calling a close-by friend, too.

Keep us updated Lewis.


New Member
Oct 8, 2007
I think you got lucky. If I were in that case I dont know what I would do. Maybe stop take the wooden stick I use to keep the trunk open and go at it. I know its not a good way to handly things and that I would probably go to jail but if I felt my life was in danger nothing would stop me. I think you handled it the best you could and actually thought it out pretty go before you went into action. I deffently want to hear how this ends.


7mgte -> 7mgte swap done.
Apr 20, 2009
Windsor Ontario Canada
hope they send him to jail. but i dont think the police would do much about it until they see it themselves or they do believe he is a threat


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
Status update:
Got a call on friday from the detective. Complemented me on a well written report. Goes on to tell me that this isn't the first time that theyve had to deal with him about this. Talking to him doesnt seem to work. And even his uncle who is a decorated officer of the dept. says enough is enough. They have decided to press charges. He is apparently a Dept. of Corrections officer, and will definitely loose his badge for miss use in addition to facing criminal charges. Didnt say what the charges were but I could imagine they would include Inpersonating a police officer, and maybe assault and driving to endanger. I'm glad this is happening before someone gets hurt or killed. He doesnt think it will have to go to trial, because of enough evidence that "he doesnt have a leg to stand on" (detectives words). However if it does my friend and I will have to testify in court, which we dont have a problem doing.
I had my doubts at the time, but now that I see how this is playing out, this was definitely a better life choice than smashing his face in.


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
honestabe;1426761 said:
They've given him warnings about this shit? WTF??? Talk about slapping him on the wrist for murder. I hope they lock his ass up for 10+ years and get him mental help.

He didn't really go into specifics, however i cant imagine previous incidents were as dramatic as this. You never know though. The important thing is its being dealt with now so it wont happen again...again lol.


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
Status Update:
Got a call from the detective the other day. He told me that he conducted an investigation and has a recorded confession. Apparently he claimed that he showed the badge as a defense mechanism, fearing that I was gonna fuck him up, which isnt really a valid claim, as he was in his vehicle and could have driven away at any point.

Got a subpoena for the hearing in the mail today. I am to appear in court on 11/17/09. The charge is one count of 268/33/A Police officer, Impersonate.


Enjoyin' mah ride...
Aug 24, 2009
Richmond, Virginia, United States
ONE COUNT? Sounds like he should be hit up for more, although they probably don't have enough evidence in the other cases.

Anyway, GOOD JOB, and tell us how court went! I'd wanna see this baztich cryin' in his penny loafers too, if I had my way...


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
nosechunks;1439824 said:
If you really wana fuck him over claim you saw something that resembled a firearm......

If Mass is anything like NYPD, hed get buried just on the claim.

Dude, Karma is a bitch.. You start making up shit, its going to bite you in the ass..


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
nosechunks;1439824 said:
If you really wana fuck him over claim you saw something that resembled a firearm......

If Mass is anything like NYPD, hed get buried just on the claim.

My friend and I have already submitted a formal statement, and even if I hadn't I would never say something like that, I want the kid to pay for his actions, I'm not looking to stick false charges on him. Furthermore, lying under oath on something like this a criminal offense, I believe it is a felony.

If my intentions were to fuck with him, I would have just pulled him out of his truck and fucked him up. This is about the safety of others.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix,AZ, United States
GrimJack;1418572 said:
Impersonating the law is considerably worse than speeding. Even if he has actually gone though the effort to become an officer, he was still WAY out of line. It's worth the attempt, talk to the police asap. If he's not an officer, he'll be in a world of hurt, and his chances of ever becoming one vanish entirely. If he *is* an officer, it's a long, hard road to getting fired over being stupid, but it starts the same way... get him in trouble. After enough people do this to him, he'll become a problem that the force cannot ignore.

Personally, I'd have called 911 on the spot. I'd also have let him follow me to the police station, not my buddy's house. Last but not least, I virtually always greet road ragers with a camera and a few snaps of them and their vehicle. It's amazing how fast young hotheads can calm down and walk away when confronted with the possibility of being on record.

Agree with Grim on calling 911 and driving to police station. Been in a situation pre-cell era myself. Camera works as long as you don't get shot by some lunatic.

gaboonviper85;1418582 said:
Report it! A cop off duty may follow you but he won't tailgate and either he will have lights in his vehicle or he will call

Wrong! I have had a cop tailgate before. 4am no one else on the road, lights right on my ass. I sped up to give him some room tried to give me a ticket for speeding.

Supracentral;1418679 said:
You should have dialed 911 as soon as you felt you were being followed. If it's an officer, the dispatcher will tell you so - if not - they'll send a real officer out to fix the problem.
