Piece of garbage ps3(keeps breaking)


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
About 20 days ago my ps3 suddenly turned off mid-game and refused to turn back on(YLD). I found a place local that fixes it be re-fluxing for 50 bucks and offered a 30 day warranty. Well it just died again after playing for 30 minutes, luckily still in warranty(I hope but who knows with these companies). I am going to go in first thing tomorrow so I hope they can fix it again. I've been backing up my game saves but of course got lazy the past few days so I am not totally current. I also can't believe sony has it setup that if you have a ps3 failure you can not recover game save data off the intact HD. Also, if you send the ps3 to sony for "repair" they just send you back a different refurb with none of your data.

I read the YLD is caused by heat issues. My ps3 sits on a glass open air entertainment center with at least 16" of open space on all sides. I vacuum and hit it with compressed air once a month and rarely do any marathon gaming sessions. I would typically play for 3 hours at the max in one sitting. So how this thing is considered to be over heating is beyond me.

Now I have to decide what to do next if they can fix it I am not going to trust it again. I don't want to sell it to someone knowing it's got these issues. I really hate to just kick it to the side and not use it though since it cost 400 bucks or whatever it was when I got it in 07.



I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
jetjock;1544599 said:
Here's an idea: throw the thing away and go outside. Big world out there. It's real too...

Most gamers are more active in the real world than most non-gamers.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
jetjock;1544599 said:
Here's an idea: throw the thing away and go outside. Big world out there. It's real too...

I'm not an addict gamer who spends every waking minute in doors gaming. I go fishing more than I game but still I enjoy gaming and don't see a problem with it...


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
airhead04;1544643 said:
Jet Jock is old. Give him a break. The game for him back then was PONG. l . l

I kid i kid. :)

Pong? Nah, they rolled a wheel down the street with a stick.

redma70;1544644 said:
two words for you.... XBOX 360


Why, so he can get RROD?

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
Thats what happens when you play it to much. My son had the dreaded ylod. My friend that doesn't play his xbox nearly as much as my son plays his ps3 just had rrod. They are like anything else They have a life span. My advise is to buy another ps3. Stay away from Xbox unless you have a massive collection of hddvds.


Supramania Contributor
Sep 30, 2005
Clearwater, MN
Cooling fans FTW


Nyko also makes a wrap around intercooler .


Buzzin' Half Dozen
Sep 13, 2007
Utica, New York
Is it a new slim one or one of the older ones? I've left my PS3 on for weeks folding unchecked with no problem. Mine is one of the original 60gig ones.


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
My original 40GB did the same thing. Took it in to reflux it and no probs since then, but I run fans on both PS3's now when I play them. And they're not the cheap fans that connect to the PS3 itself and run off the USB ports, I'm talking about a regular wall outlet fan.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
jetjock;1544693 said:
Yep, pong and sticks. 'Dem were the days.

Lmao. Yeah, I can see that just from reading your blog...

<--IT Career = have to be inside.
After work, minus the winter when it is 30 below ( I hate the cold ), I'm outside, weekends are normally paintball all the time. Yes I am a gamer and not a causal one, but I am very fit compared to most Americans.
I dunno why I am arguing this with you...but I will say it again, most gamers are more active than the non gamer...AKA the couch potato. Just because you don't play a game doesn't mean you go outside or do physical stuff.

And Poodles, at least Mircosoft will send us a new one for free lol.


7mgte -> 7mgte swap done.
Apr 20, 2009
Windsor Ontario Canada
bunch of people share our ps3, its on almost all day.. playing games.. watching movies.. and left on by accident. its the newer slim 250 gig model.. no problems whatsoever. xbox360.... sucks..


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
my xbox 360 is on for HOURS a day, between three of us, its usually on from 10 am to 10 pm..

infact, I unhooked the cable from the living room TV, and just put an antenna, since we rarely use cable there, and just put it in the bedroom instead...

redma70;1544644 said:
two words for you.... XBOX 360


89nasupra;1544651 said:
^^^ what he said, redma70, when we going to forza it up again anyway?

I finally got a mic, so when you guys want to race, let me know..:D


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
I have left my PS3 on for days and days..... mostly updating and demos and shit like that. I don't have anywhere near 16" around like you do and mine has never overheated. Not once. Even when we get fubar and play rockband for hours on end during the weekends.....might get a bit warm, but has never had an issue with cutting out cuz of heat. might just be your unit is a POS. spring for a new one since those don't seem to have hardly any issues at all. Plus they are more aerodynamic looking....that alone is like adding vinyl stickers to a civic....makes it more powerful. LMAO on with the flaming. lol.


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
i never understood the gaming thing...last time i really did anything with one the control.er was a square piece of plastic with a stick and an orange button on it.

lol, i do have a wii though, hasnt been turned on in months, about an inch of dust on it...