NJ Supra Club


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
**This first post will keep getting updated for new meets and up coming events**Updated 9/16/08

Whats up guys I would post this in the Regional section but nobody really looks in there as much but if any mods have a problem with this being in this section please move it to were you would like.

Well I'm live a lot of you who live in Jersey or New York I know a few supra owners and a see a few supras around and I go to the supra meets at Etown.But what about the rest of the year until the meet.I am in a car club that dose all the same things I'm into but I need moe supras in my life.So what I came up with is a supra club for all 4 gens.I figure we could have a meet once a month and maybe move our loctions for were our meets are so it's fair for everyone,we can have bbq's,and have one big meet a year were we get everybody from around to come.

I would like to get a website with a forum on it find of like the socal guys have.I'm bad with computers but if somone is willing to help with that I will be willing to pay to get the site up and runing.

Also if we go threw the state we can become a non profit organization/offishall club.

I would love to make this happen.Let me know if you want to help me start this,give me ideas or if you just want to join/meet up.PM me for my number and I made this lil group on here for now.


Thanks for reading guys,
Brian L.

Updated 9/16/08
Ok guys saturday September 20th at 8p.m.

It will be at the staples of route 3 in Clifton.It's in a complex that has a amc movie theater,applebee's,and sports authority.Well be posting up by the wall.After if we get bored we could go for a nice drive.If anybody esle wants to meet up befor I'll be working on my car at my house with my body and he should be working on his 1J.All are welcome pm me for my number and when I'm not so beat I'll post up a mapquest link.

Also I will be posting in the other thread about everybody from up north jersey rolling down to the meet together.I myself and one of my friends who has a MKIII will not be able to roll with everybody because were autocrossing that day.But I think everbody esle should plan it.

p.s.who esle wants to auto x that day?It's only two supras lets try and get a few people.Let me know

BTW guys who wants decals??I was thinking of making them look just like the supramania one's but saying NJSUPRACLUB.How's it sound.everybody let me know what you would want and lets see some designs.I would like to keep it simple but maybe somone can come up with somthing wild that we can all like.
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Jun 21, 2007
i can get us a sub forum for now, over at njtuners.com, yah its not our site, but it gives us an entire sub forum to talk and to organize meets...let me know, ill talk to my friends who run NJtuners


Jun 21, 2007
well we can get the section, as long as we keep like 5 active posters....I am already, and ill ask another supra owner on the site if he wants to(brian, blue supra)...


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
Well I don't want to be on njtuners website.I mean I can have a crapy forum made like my crews(see sig)But I'm looking for a real .com.I know somone who can make one who is a supra owner on this site for 10$ down and 1$ a month or somthing like that.I will pay to get everything up and runing.

yea I know of at least 5 people who I could get one of witch has a 98 tt from nyc.

I tryed making this happen a few months ago on supra forums but a mod deleted it and than when I pm'd the mod in that section why he deleted it he never got back to me so hopful if we get a website and have a few meets we can get more MKIV's,some MKII's and hey maybe theres a MKI around here.

OO also would anybody want to have a "first meet" in August maybe?I'm thinkin maybe saturday august 2nd?If a good amount of you are down than well come up with a meeting spot and maybe we can go for a nice drive.

Brian L.


vvti, what?
Apr 6, 2005
whats wrong with a subforum off njtuners?

o, if your gonna have a meet have it in august....hopefully my car will be running

branch brook isnt too bad by the cathedral, or eagle rock, or maybe even garret mountain
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brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
iceberg319;1078253 said:
whats wrong with a subforum off njtuners?

o, if your gonna have a meet have it in august....hopefully my car will be running

branch brook isnt too bad by the cathedral, or eagle rock, or maybe even garret mountain

garret mountain? weres that?


New Member
Dec 29, 2007
New Jersey
i think that would be awsome imm up in north jersey and missed etown but as soon as mines done i would love to go to a meet. i should have mine done mid august.


475rwhp459torq an climbin
Apr 3, 2005
Some where out there
I have just been busy trying to complete my project, and when I am done will host more meets, but the car is not complete so I have been stagnate. Hopefully in 1-2 weeks will be kickinng off a dyno hangout meet. Gotta get tuned.....


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
QWIKSTRIKE;1078454 said:
I have just been busy trying to complete my project, and when I am done will host more meets, but the car is not complete so I have been stagnate. Hopefully in 1-2 weeks will be kickinng off a dyno hangout meet. Gotta get tuned.....

your just the man I have been wanting to talk to.If you have any time you should help me start this club cause your great with organizing things like this.I'll send you a pm with my number.Hit me up so we can talk things over


Jun 21, 2007
well i say we start off a small meet sometime, to get to know each other and to talk over things in person...face to face....somewhere like appleBees or one of those places?


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
steveyblack;1078513 said:
well i say we start off a small meet sometime, to get to know each other and to talk over things in person...face to face....somewhere like appleBees or one of those places?

This is what I'm doing.LOL

can't wait to get things rollin


Regular Member
Jul 18, 2007
Central NJ
im def in. i didnt know you guys were starting a club. my car should be running by then. just got the motor back from the shop, so once there last remaining parts are delivered, i should be up and running.
but ill be away aug 2 so maybe sometime after that.


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
WELL WHATS A GOOD DATE FOR EVERYBODY?I want to have somthing with in the next 3-4 weeks so all you guys let me know.I'll come up with a place to meet up.

If anybody wants to meet up tonight I might be rolling to edge water tonight.If not I might go to NJ tunners.

Boosted Supra

AEM 7MGTE 6765
Apr 7, 2005
Valley Stream, New York, United States
QWIKSTRIKE;1078454 said:
I have just been busy trying to complete my project, and when I am done will host more meets, but the car is not complete so I have been stagnate. Hopefully in 1-2 weeks will be kickinng off a dyno hangout meet. Gotta get tuned.....

I'm in the same boat as you, my car needs an alignment and tune badly. I'm down for any meet, but going with an untuned car just isn't any fun.