morganson's COP S-Type setup


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
I like your setup, but I noticed that your brake master is on the wrong side of the car... :)
As such, you don't use the same throttle cablebracket assembly as most of us- I'm wondering if your type of mounting plate would allow for the fitment of our bracket,
which has to bolt below the level of your plate, flush with the surface of the original #3 cover.


New Member
Jan 19, 2012
Columbia, SC
I just cut the piece off that goes down it does not cause a problem with the bracket. Also manual guys can always get a jdm TB. The placement on my setup already clears the 3k pipe if equiped and the coil (5 and 6) clear the throttle bracket. Guys remember what you have to deal with on both the stock and IS setup. It only takes a minute to get the pipe snd bracket free. Then two bolts and the coils as s whole are free. 2 minutes tops! And you don't want loose boots. Water is the number one killer of these coils on the fords. I really am happy everyone is on board here and I'm sorry it is taking so long to get these brackets done but I spent a whole month going through these same questions. The result was the best config I could come up with. The v2 unit sits a low as possible while still clearing everything and without moding the head. These still sit lower than the 1zz coils!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
I officially proclaim this thread....dead.

At least as far as the chances for a production mounting plate. Hey Morganson- Would you have a decent fitting phenolic plate that I could buy off you?
Seems like the next best option. I just got my connector clips in, so I'll be making the harness at some point over the next couple days.


New Member
Jan 19, 2012
Columbia, SC
Yeah I'm a little miffed about this. Didnt realize it would be so hard to get a quote. I only have one plate made right now. I can get one made up if you would like but I will need time. It is time consuming to cut these out by hand.


New Member
Jul 2, 2008
Had some time to scope the ignitor. Dwell, defined as the period that the coil is shorted to ground, does in fact adjust for increased rpm. At idle, dwell starts around 20-25 degrees before the ignition event occurs. This is longer than the IGT signal! As rpm increases the dwell angle is increased to allow for more time to charge the coil. The ignition coil is actually charging before the igt signals positive slope! Meaning before the ignitor even knows of a timing event from IGT, its preparing the coil. I had a few work arounds to remove the ignitor on the stock ecu but a bit more thought is needed..

Either the IG-A/B signals are triggering the start of the dwell angle, or the ignitior is much smarter than i had hoped. If it is IG-A/B, it will be interesting to see the signaling going on. more to come.

My stock setup really liked 3.12 ms of charge time. After the coil charges for 3.12ms, it is pwm at 800hz to avoid an over charge for the rest of the dwell period. Not sure if this is actual current sensing going on, or a constant value of 3.12ms. Please note that the actual dwell time is longer.

Attached is a graph from a guy over seas. He put many coils through their paces for the megasquirt crowd. Luckily the 7m coil was one. Can not validate the setup he used to test though. His graphs from other coils match those posted by other testers in different parts of the globe. Leading me to think his methods are close enough. Mainly the 1zz coils. Stock coil seems to be capable of packing a PUNCH, just not enough charge to do it..


If the ignitor is sensing current, seems 7.5a is likely charge level.

Edit: accuracy corrections.
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New Member
Jul 2, 2008
if any body has an extra 2jzge coil or 2 of the ford coils they wouldnt mind letting me borrow for testing, pm me. Really curious to see how other coils work with the stock ignitor.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
I sent GrimReaper an is300 coil and some dg500 coils, for testing.
Hopefully he'll have some interesting performance info for us next week.


New Member
Jun 13, 2012
I may end up keeping my 2j coils and get the billet valve covers and center cover from Arizona performance even though it costs like 50 times more. Lol