Joel VS Adjuster Thread...

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Supramania Contributor
Hey man, I think we should have a thread we we get to debate everything from MMGW to whatever else comes along, and not have to hyjack other's threads in the process.

What do you think?

Ok here are the rules...

There are no rules.. :)

And anyone else can join in anytime they want. Yay! The more, the merrier, so let's get this party started.

Adjuster's positions on a few things.
1) MMGW as the primary cause of our warming planet is bullshit.
2) LEE's are controlling most of your media sources worldwide.
3) Hillary R. Clinton is a raging bull dyke. (Not sure how that fits into everything, but give me some time...)
4) LEE's are socialist, basicly they want to ignore that communism failed.
5) Oh, for those who don't know, LEE stands for Liberal Elite Environmentalist. Good example is Al Gore or Martin Sheen.
6) Oil and gas are hydrocarbons and just part of the planet, not "fossil fuels" made up of compressed dead dinosaurs and vegitation.
7) Radical Islam is a nice way of saying holy war of "us" vs "them." and we should stop being nice, and kick some Terrorist ass!
8) Loud pipes do NOT save lives, but are annoying. Get a real muffler. (This applies to fart cans on Honda's as much as HD's with "screaming eagle's")
9) California orange juice is better than Florida OJ.
10) Last but not least, the Supra is a great GT, and I'm happy to have owned a few of them so far. Long live the internal combustion engine. (And long may Al Gore's goal of outlawing them be confounded.)


Supramania Contributor
...the microphone comes down... the crowd falls silent...

"Ladies and Gentlemen... Welcome to the world's best Supra site, and the Off Topic fourm"...

"In the Right corner, we have Adjuster, undefeated Conservative.. blah blah.."

"In the Left corner, we have Joel, champion of LEE values...blah blah.."

"Let's get ready to RUMBLEEEELLLL....!!!!!!!"

Music cue's up and and the bell goes "DING!"

Round one begins! LOL


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
I'll say one thing right off the bat...and one thing only

No contest! I'll take the guy with the facts to back up what he says versus the guy with nothing more than opinion and rhetoric!

Aight? PEACE!

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Adjuster said:
Hey man, I think we should have a thread we we get to debate everything from MMGW to whatever else comes along, and not have to hyjack other's threads in the process.
We don't debate enough already?

What do you think?
Your an Idiot.

Ok here are the rules...

There are no rules.. :)
See above.

Adjuster's {WARPED*} positions on a few things.
See foot note.

1) MMGW as the primary cause of our warming planet is bullshit.
You offer no proof and We all know how I feel here. See above.

2) LEE's are controlling most of your media sources worldwide.
How would you know if you say "I tend to only watch FOX News"???
See the last page on that link..

3) Hillary R. Clinton is a raging bull dyke. (Not sure how that fits into everything, but give me some time...)
I have no idea. WTF is your point. Ann Cunter actually said Bill Clinton has "homosexual tendencies"?? does that mean it's true? she could and would not talk about how or why she feels this way, because it was her opinion. Just like your opinion is a "statement" and not a "fact' you ass.

4) LEE's are socialist, basicly they want to ignore that communism failed.
Attacking me again?? Next you will call me a terrorist again.

5) Oh, for those who don't know, LEE stands for Liberal Elite Environmentalist. Good example is Al Gore or Martin Sheen.
You only mention LEE's every other post. I think we get it now....See this thread..

6) Oil and gas are hydrocarbons and just part of the planet, not "fossil fuels" made up of compressed dead dinosaurs and vegitation.
EXXON disagrees with you and so does the Wiki... WTF does that matter any ways??

7) Radical Islam is a nice way of saying holy war of "us" vs "them." and we should stop being nice, and kick some Terrorist ass!
The war on Terror is not a war on religion or muslims you ignornt racist prick!!! (no rules right?):naughty:
8) Loud pipes do NOT save lives, but are annoying. Get a real muffler. (This applies to fart cans on Honda's as much as HD's with "screaming eagle's")
Agreed, but its your car, do what you want to it. I won't take your rights away like he just tried to.:thefinger

9) California orange juice is better than Florida OJ.
Frozen or concentrate? Who the fuck cares.. Why am I waisting my time with you anymore, I will never know.

10) Last but not least, the Supra is a great GT, and I'm happy to have owned a few of them so far. Long live the internal combustion engine.
(And long may Al Gore's goal of outlawing them be confounded.)
I like my supra also. (but your wording hurts my head, and your spinning makes me want to hurl on your shoes.)

Ij. said:
Try to keep it friendly guys !
Whoops. Maybe next time he calls me out. Not this time..

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Adjuster said:
Here is where I base my theory on oil/gas and hydrocarbons.

Read Gold's book, "Deep hot earth" and it's very interesting. The write up I just linked is not the most flattering, but I want to stay objective here. (There is more proof that oil fields fill up from the underside, but I'll get to that later.)

You should say: "Here is GOLD's unproven and out of date theory that he stole from a Russian 50yrs ago in which I base my beliefs in. The world thinks he is nuts, but I sill have my doubts in the world even though it's a scientific fact and has been proven "chemically identical" to organic fossils"

Your way makes you a thief..

what does this have to to with anything.. He is a book writer and you have already hammered the crap out of this. Does this change the CO2 data or anything? Not worth the time. Going to bed,

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California

Someones gonna get their feelings hurt.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Eh, i have no time for conservatives. They're all lame. Try as they might to argue 'their point' all they end up doing is looking like a bunch of retards that haven't paid attention to the world as a whole. This whole thread should be locked for pointlessness.
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