How reliable is the 7mgte?

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
S.A. supra;1931172 said:
If someone has to throw money at a engine to make "RELIABLE" then it's not.

so, I take it you don't pay for anything then? you either force people to do work @ gunpoint or steal engines from people when yours blows up? those are the only working scenarios here. there's no way you can not spend money on your car and expect it to be reliable.

ricoboost;1931181 said:
i have done about 10 honda civic head gasket they where all 92-95 with about 150 000km all bone stock are the honda civic are unreliable?
yes :icon_lol:

just so we're clear here... saying something "can" do this or be that... it's hypothetical. S.A Supra COULD get hungry today, oh, but since I used a hypothetical word "could" it surely won't happen!! right guys?

as for the M series... good lord, if you spend any time in a junk yard, you'll see quite a few w/ over 300k miles, some over 4 or 500

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
S.A. supra;1930968 said:
I guess they made this for no reason at all.

No, just for the tards that have to jack up their radiator cap because they screwed up an engine. This thread is full of fail. IBTL, and movement to the wall.


New Member
S.A. supra;1931131 said:
Honda civics are very simple engines, and very reliable. Thats why everyone has one. Don't get me wrong there are also a lot of supras, but I'm willing to bet less then half are on the road. If your not familiar with the surpra, don't have cash to burn, and need a reliable car STAY AWAY FROM A SUPRA. Cut your loses sell the supra for what you can get, and buy a civic cash. Later when you are financially stable, pick up another supra.

I guess the way I look at it is I rather put money into a that I actually like and enjoy driving around rather than I car that I do not care for

CyFi6;1931142 said:
I suppose if financial hardship is worth having something not everyone else does (keep in mind it will still be a crappy 25 year old Toyota) then go for it, but you are in for a surprise. Is this your first project car? Keep in mind that any amount of money that you can even imagine that you will need to spend is not going to be half of what you will actually end up needing. Be smart and don't get yourself stuck in the same thing so many others do which is dig yourself into something you cant afford. Honestly man it is not worth it, I would never take a loan out to work on my car/buy parts for my car, it will be a big mistake in the long run if you do.

This is not my first project car, I fully rebuilt a 70 Chevelle with my dad. That's where the issue lies. With the Chevelle I can find parts anywhere and it is cheaper and less complicated. What would be so bad about taking out a loan though? People take out loans for ridiculous things all the time, I just want to get a second car that's fun but also gets more than 14 mpg. And I want something different, I have never seen a Supra roll around this side of California. And I am weighing out all my options, I may just sell the car if it gets to be too much of a hassle.

jetjock;1931190 said:
Indeed. It must be remembered this wasn't a Corolla of the period. It was Toyota's flagship, the most expensive car they made sporting the very latest technology. The company's pinnacle at the time. Those of us who paid $26,000 (which was a crapload of money in 1987) for one rightly expected a high quality vehicle designed and built by a company famous for its attention to detail even back then. That said if the OP is willing to borrow money for the car or worse, wants to wrench on them for a living, he has much bigger problems to worry about...

What's wrong with being an auto technician? The industry is evolving and mom and pop auto places are going extinct. I am pretty sure I will make a good living working my way up in a dealership.


New Member
Oct 25, 2010
Once you address the head gasket issue the 7m is very reliable keep in mind that your car is 24 yrs old and is going to need a lot of attention to details don't overlook anything and you'll be just fine.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Actually.. being a mechanic for a larger company will win out over a dealership... but most don't look at that.

My opinion is... $$ vs Skill.

Absolutely nothing wrong with the 7M provided you aren't starting with one that has been abused to the point of being flawed. Good head, good block, good crank? You got a winner.
However, if your skills are not a little better than most, you will join the elite crew of mechanics who build their own Supra, fail and sell it to me really really cheap. Lots of that going around.

There is only one way to build a reliable 7M and its so well documented there is no reason for fail unless you are either broke, don't really care, or lazy.

What you aren't talking here is the shell. The car itself can take more work than the drivetrain if its falling apart. Remember... over 20 years of use.. not many cars survive that.

The MK3 Supra isn't an enigma, its a straight forward... Plan/budget/build car. Worth it if you do it for love. Not worth it if you expect to turn a profit.


A HG job took HOW long??
Mar 30, 2005
Victoria, BC, Canada
S.A. supra;1930968 said:
I guess they made this for no reason at all. Let me guess you don't know anyone thats ever had one either?

I actually made that picture for my user icon many years ago. It was a joke, making fun of my own stupidity. Not the cars fault if the owner doesn't take proper care of it.

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
Enraged;1931576 said:
I actually made that picture for my user icon many years ago. It was a joke, making fun of my own stupidity. Not the cars fault if the owner doesn't take proper care of it.
Lol, yeah humour is based in reality. Thats what makes it funny!
Dec 3, 2003
S.A. supra;1931172 said:
If You have to say "THEY CAN BE RELIABLE" then their not!

How much do you have in your engine? If someone has to throw money at a engine to make "RELIABLE" then it's not.

I actually blew a head gasket on one of my cars, and all I had was 3 inch exhaust, hard pipes, and apexi intake. The other two I picked up with bhgs, one was from a old man, the other was from a college kid that already had two head gaskets done.

OMG I guess I have to go here.

My engine doesn't have a lot in to it as many think. Stock crank, bearings, and rail. It has rods and pistons like any other high hp car that you want reliable and a gasket. BEFORE this engine, I had one other with JE's and everything else was bone stock other than a gasket and it had 665wheel hp. Ran like a champ then too.

The were made from factory with an issue with re-torque since the specs were wrong. They were fine until people get a hold of them that want to be all Fast & Furious with them with tons of miles on them not knowing what the history of the engine was. Whether that be with the gasket from the factory wasn't re-torqued or what ever else the person did.

Quoting a picture about coolant and saying they made it for a reason? This makes it true? l If somebody posted a picture of you making out with a guy, does that mean this is true?


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
I did a swap into my MK3. Bought it N/A, the 7M-GE took a crap on me at 238,000 miles after I lost oil pressure and spun 5 bearings. It was impressive to take apart o_O

My 7M-GTE that I swapped in had ~120k miles on it. I replaced the HG with a brand new OEM HG that I copper-sprayed. I cleaned the head and block surfaces, checked to make sure that they were straight (straight edge and feeler gauges checked in over 15 spots), cleaned the carbon from the piston heads and combustion chambers/valve heads. I also changed the bearings with new ACL standard size bearings (after having mic'd the journals) and used assy lube on the cam and crank journals. Only internal "mod" that was done was ARP head studs torqued to 80 ft/lbs.

I have performance mods done: 3" turbo back exhaust, 3" inlet, 2.25" hardpipes with the factory intercooler. Oil mods are a 6mm shim on the oil pump relief and full flow, thermostatically controlled oil cooling system (it's a mouthful, I know). I beat the shit out of the thing. I accidentally installed my MBC backwards and boost spiked to 18psi. popped an intercooler coupler off.
Did that for over 12k miles as a daily driver (12k in under a year).

It's not so much the engine but the user and previous owners that make it unreliable. Maintenance before modifications. Do it backwards and you're rebuilding your engine sooner than you'd have liked.

Another MkIII

Feb 22, 2009
jcarlson73;1931127 said:
But for me to fix up any car at this point I would need a loan. I mean I could save up the money but that would take forever, and I want a project car while I am going to automotive school. I mean yes the Supra is more expensive than a little Honda Civic, but I didn't want something everyone else has.
Don't borrow money you don't have to, your older self will thank you. I have lived by that advice, with the exception of student loans. I'm not even 25, and I am completely debt free. I have a good job, I can save money because its not all going to debts I owe, and I can take a couple paychecks and buy stuff for my car, or anything else I want. Trust me, financial freedom is worth passing up a new toy for a few years. There will still be Supras to build when you finish school.


New Member
May 24, 2012
Another MkIII;1931846 said:
Don't borrow money you don't have to, your older self will thank you. I have lived by that advice, with the exception of student loans. I'm not even 25, and I am completely debt free. I have a good job, I can save money because its not all going to debts I owe, and I can take a couple paychecks and buy stuff for my car, or anything else I want. Trust me, financial freedom is worth passing up a new toy for a few years. There will still be Supras to build when you finish school.


Working on you car should be fun and enjoyable and it should NOT put you into debt. Project cars are things that you throw EXTRA money at...working on the car can be a substitute for other forms of entertainment (movies, going to the bar, etc.) then the money you save by not doing those things can be put toward the car. It's all a balance...but dont take a loan to work on a project car. You dont want to get out of school any more in debt than you have to be.

But as has been said many times...Supras are EXPENSIVE! If you can't stomach looking at her on stands for months while you save money for your next fix/mod then sell her now before you get too attached. Your lucky that the car is undriveable right now...cause once you drive will be hooked


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
jcarlson73;1931244 said:
What's wrong with being an auto technician? The industry is evolving and mom and pop auto places are going extinct. I am pretty sure I will make a good living working my way up in a dealership.

Technicians can make money, but the industry is flooded with them. Most of the people that finish school go on to make $9 an hour at a lube place. Also, mom and pop shops are stronger than ever these days because of the economy. You also don't work your way up much in a shop, it's the definition of a dead end job simply because the skills needed for the higher functions of the business are so different than the ones used to get into it. Want money? Work the other side and do commercial parts sales.

Grandavi;1931416 said:
Actually.. being a mechanic for a larger company will win out over a dealership... but most don't look at that.

Depends on the company. If you mean any of the chain lube and tune places, hell no. If you mean working for a manufacturer or working for a company that has to maintain a fleet of diesels, hell yes.

Regardless, it's your life, do what you want to with it, but for the love of god do NOT go into debt to have a project car. It's NOT an investment and it's literally the definition of throwing your money away as you'll never see a return on the investment.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
jcarlson73;1931244 said:
What's wrong with being an auto technician? The industry is evolving and mom and pop auto places are going extinct. I am pretty sure I will make a good living working my way up in a dealership.

Funny, the same thing was said decades ago, but the same problems exist. Premium talent does not settle for the lower bid (employed by somebody else).

S.A. supra;1931602 said:
Lol, yeah humour is based in reality.

Perception to many is reality, even though it isn't fact.

Poodles;1932141 said:
Technicians can make money, but the industry is flooded with them. Most of the people that finish school go on to make $9 an hour at a lube place.

And it is flooded with morons that UTI and Wyotech (or any wrenching school that is not college level classes) said here is your certificate, well done. I see it on this board. It is full of idiots that lack aptitude to do understand electrical. Or most of the laws of physics from what I read on the internet.


New Member
Just to be clear I am going to Butte and doing the Honda Pact program. It is much more respected than UTI and Wyotech. Not to mention it is much more affordable. And on top of that Honda has many opportunities to move around, just depends on hard you work. I have talked to people that work for them.

Although this is a project car I plan on getting it running as soon as possible so it will be my main car. I understand it is an 89 and may have other issues, but same goes for any older car.

Anyways, thank you all for your advice on the 7mgte. I have done so more research and I am gonna stick with the 7m. I'm pretty sure it will last as Lind as I don't over boost it and maintain it right.


New Member
May 24, 2012
jcarlson73;1932512 said:
...Although this is a project car I plan on getting it running as soon as possible so it will be my main car. I understand it is an 89 and may have other issues, but same goes for any older car...

Well good luck. I suggest you make sure the wiring is top notch...all of my problems (sans the wheel bearing) have all been wiring related. It use to be my daily and it was pretty frustrating to break down on the highway every other week...tow it home...and find a broken or melted wire...or just a clip that looks fine but isn't making good contact.

Put in the extra effort now to avoid stress later