Can't afford repair costs -- help me!!


New Member
Dec 4, 2005
lancaster pa
im not sure what to do right now. my supra has been down now for way too long due to a bhg and the head is possibly warped. ive been trying to save up money but something always comes up and i have to spend it. i was thinking of parting out my interior and whats good on my motor to just get a new one but idk if i can get enough from that. what would u guys do if u were in my place? im also not able to oget on the computer much so it might be a few days till i check back. im gonna also get a few pics in the daylight of my interior so everyone can see that its extremely nice. im just not sure if it will raise enough money to get a motor thats only gonna cost me $650 shipped.


Need Rust Repair
Aug 24, 2005
Bryan, OH /Lima, OH
650 sounds like a GE motor which doesnt sound too appealing. Id be interested in the car depending on if you wanted to get rid of it. Its not what you would want to hear but a supra can be crippling financialy


Nov 4, 2005
How bad is the head warped? A resurface doesnt cost that much. You would just need to find a good machine shop.

Syris: According to his profile, he is N/A.

Supras are not good to own when your low on money. That's a fact.

Edit: This isnt your only car, is it?


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Syris said:
650 sounds like a GE motor which doesnt sound too appealing. Id be interested in the car depending on if you wanted to get rid of it. Its not what you would want to hear but a supra can be crippling financialy

Yes, from his profile...and also the pic of an 89+ no spoiler car, both tell you it's N/A. Me and you may not like it, but it's not our car. It's a nice lookin car as far as I see. How can you ask him to give up his Supra LOVE???? Maybe he just wants a decent running Supra.

Answer to question............Machine work is expensive, plain and simple. If you want it done right, it'll cost $650+ easy. But, there is no gaurantee that the new motor is any good either. Ya, it probably has a 30-Day, but will you have it in in time for that? It's a bad situation, with all sorts of options. But, most of those options do require cash. And, you may need more once you figure out what to do and get finished.

My advise......if you feel you can do most of the work, then do it. Machine work on the head alone will be about $150,and parts won't be much more. But beware, Supras are money pits.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
My honest advice?

Sell the car.

Buy something you can afford to keep running (something like a Honda Civic) and then use the money you save owning that to build up a "Supra fund", then when you can afford to own a Supra, buy a Supra.

I'm not saying that to be a dick. Owning a 20 +/- year old Japanese sports car can be a pretty expensive hobby.


New Member
Dec 4, 2005
lancaster pa
i love my car a lot but im in a bind right now not having a running car. life is just throwing shit at me right now and i don't know what to do

i want to sell it in a way to get something that will get me around for now but i allready sold 1 supra and im not sure if another one will come along for me.


Authorized Vendor
Mar 30, 2005
too bad ur too far away, i would've helped fix the HG, atleast put a stocker on there.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
I'd take the car off your hands as it sits. Mike is right. If you can't afford it, your best bet is to get yourself into something reliable, like a civic.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
wow, some of you guys must have had terrible luck with buying a Supra. So far Ive had 3 in the last year, and both the N/A's were reliable, cheap and fun to drive. My turbo has had some issues, but more of the annoyance type rather than the expensive down time type.

I dont mean to sound like a dick, but maybe you guys need to have someone else go look at cars with you. You need to stop buying them pre-moddded or owned by anyone younger than 40. And I think you all need to stop smashing the right most pedal to the floor all the time and pay more attention to you tachometer.

15-20 years old or not, the supra CAN BE and IS a reliable car, IF its not ragged on. Cars that repeatedly see redline or have had the boost turned up a tad to far, tend to have problems. If you cant afford to rebuild your Supra, then dont buy buy one that fits into these catagories and Im sure it will be fine.

As to the original posters problem. The way I se it you will lose money selling the non-running car, you will likely have to spend more to get a decent running DD, so you might as well dump that same amount of money into the car you have and know its history. You just need to be more judicious with your money or get a second job or mow lawns or shovel snow or become a male prostitute or whatever you think will make you a few bucks. Take everything from this second job and put it in a seperate savings account. When you have enough to get the supra fixed, plus a little cusion for unexpected costs, then get the Supie running.

Just my opinion, FWIW.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
theWeezL said:
wow, some of you guys must have had terrible luck with buying a Supra. So far Ive had 3 in the last year, and both the N/A's were reliable, cheap and fun to drive. My turbo has had some issues, but more of the annoyance type rather than the expensive down time type.

I dont mean to sound like a dick, but maybe you guys need to have someone else go look at cars with you. You need to stop buying them pre-moddded or owned by anyone younger than 40. And I think you all need to stop smashing the right most pedal to the floor all the time and pay more attention to you tachometer.

I've had a ton of fun, reliable and cheap Supra's. But here's what I'm getting at. If you can't afford $650, the car you bought is probably already ragged on (see above warped head) and you are likely one of those "younger than 40" owners yourself. (I'll bet you are actually under 30 [likely in your teens or early 20's] if you can't come up with $650...) And this is exactly the age group that is going to drive a car hard more often than not. The age group that is more likely to make the kind of mistakes that make owning a 20 year old car expensive.

(And to all of you 20 somethings: Do not start ranting at me with the "I'm a responsible xx year old" replies either - I said more likely - I know there are exceptions...)

Weezl, maybe you can own a Supra cheaply & reliably. I know I can. That's not true for everyone. If you are young AND broke AND your car is broken AND it's your only car AND it's almost as or older than you AND you need it to be reliable, it might be time to give it up for something a little more practical...

But again, opinons are like assholes. I'm just trying to pass on what little wisdom I've managed to gather over the years, ymmv...


475rwhp459torq an climbin
Apr 3, 2005
Some where out there
theWeezL said:
wow, some of you guys must have had terrible luck with buying a Supra. So far Ive had 3 in the last year, and both the N/A's were reliable, cheap and fun to drive. My turbo has had some issues, but more of the annoyance type rather than the expensive down time type.

I dont mean to sound like a dick, but maybe you guys need to have someone else go look at cars with you. You need to stop buying them pre-moddded or owned by anyone younger than 40. And I think you all need to stop smashing the right most pedal to the floor all the time and pay more attention to you tachometer.

15-20 years old or not, the supra CAN BE and IS a reliable car, IF its not ragged on. Cars that repeatedly see redline or have had the boost turned up a tad to far, tend to have problems. If you cant afford to rebuild your Supra, then dont buy buy one that fits into these catagories and Im sure it will be fine.

As to the original posters problem. The way I se it you will lose money selling the non-running car, you will likely have to spend more to get a decent running DD, so you might as well dump that same amount of money into the car you have and know its history. You just need to be more judicious with your money or get a second job or mow lawns or shovel snow or become a male prostitute or whatever you think will make you a few bucks. Take everything from this second job and put it in a seperate savings account. When you have enough to get the supra fixed, plus a little cusion for unexpected costs, then get the Supie running.

Just my opinion, FWIW.

How wise are We...I thought this to myself this morning but did not want to type all of this. Also if this response is not what you are looking for the car needs to go to someone that can afford it
Last edited:


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
yeah, I hear ya SC. My guess is that either the previous owner or the current one caused the costly repairs, and I hear ya about the fact that if you cant afford $650 to rebuild a motor in a car that old that has either been ragged in the past of was ragged recently, you shouldnt have it in the first place. The thing is I cant really afford to go blowing up my Supra either, so I drive it with a certain amount of respect. Sure, I like to have a little fun in it doing burnouts or donuts, but I watch my RPM's and other gauges like a hawk, and back off at any sign of trouble. I guess that just comes with experience and years of used car ownership.

However I still maintain my approach that fixing what you have is better and cheaper in the long run than dumping it for chump change and getting something else. A $2K - $4K car is gonna be a risk no matter what it is. Sure, your average "sport model" is more likely to have been trashed than your average "family sedan" but if people would educate themselves on how to look for a used car less people would be having issues they cant afford to fix.

Oh and OT for one sec...
<<<---1001 posts! wooties!


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
theWeezL said:
15-20 years old or not, the supra CAN BE and IS a reliable car, IF its not ragged on. Cars that repeatedly see redline or have had the boost turned up a tad to far, tend to have problems. If you cant afford to rebuild your Supra, then dont buy buy one that fits into these catagories and Im sure it will be fine.

have to agree

200k without a BHG incident. But the car was not modded to much (td06 was the biggest thing for quite a while) and I made to sure to tend her daily/weekly.

but as Mike (SupraCentral) has stated, if you can not afford the upkeep, which mind you for this old a car is high as hell, then you should sell it and get a reliable DD like a Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla.


New Member
Dec 4, 2005
lancaster pa
i made a deal with my father that if i can't raise enough money for school in april then i will definitly sell the car but till then its just gonna sit around unless the right amount is offered for it