1JZ-GTE Engine swap, Info needed Please!!


New Member
Mar 12, 2012
Yorktown, VA
I Have a 1992 supra and I have been searching and searching over the last few weeks for specifics on which parts i will need to complete a full engine swap from a 7M-GE to a 1JZ-GTE. Im going all the way but i cannot seem to find a full list of the things i will need.i know there are a lot of this same type of thing on here but they are all kind of contradicting from what i understand so It just confuses me.So if you guys would do me a favor and give me and UPDATED, SPECIFIC, list of every part i would need to complete this it would mean so much. I know it is a lot to ask for but i'm here in Virginia and i have searched for supra clubs and not found any. I have also searched for a supra specialist who i could go talk to and no luck there either. So guys it would mean so much if you could help me out with this. Thanks guys,


New Member
Mar 12, 2012
Yorktown, VA
How so? I did my time searching i just couldn't find any that was for sure. I just got tired of searching and still having no clue. I'm 17 years old. I'm learning still. thank you thou that link should be all i need.


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
Alot of people on here don't mean to come off sounding like dicks. You just have to understand that there are a ton of people that come on here, and just ask where something is or how to do it without bothering to do a search or two. So alot of us give newbies a fair ration of crap. We have all been where you are right now at one point. Most of us have gotten that same treatment if not worse. So please don't take offense......and if you do...oh well. You will learn.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
You need to search a little harder my friend. Go to the 1JZ section and it is stickied there.

Google works too. Let me explain.

Go to Google. In the search box type in "1JZ Swap Supra."

Let's break it down. "1JZ Swap" is what you want to do and since these motors are invading engine bays like there is no tomorrow, you will need to be a little more specific. "Supra," is added to make it a little more specific.

Go ahead and try it and look at the first link that pops up.

When I did my 1JZ, there was a lot of info around but not in the same place. It is why I wrote that thread to put everything in one place and answer all the questions I see on here and SupraForums. I also made a full 1.5JZ list and there wans't a lot of info on that and I took the time to check out the 2JZ gasket to the 1JZ block and verify it would work. It's a pile of information and more and some isn't easily found without hours of searching and all of it was verified by me that it is correct.

The best part is, I still update it and a few forums have copied it already.
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New Member
Mar 12, 2012
Yorktown, VA
I get what you guys are saying and your exactly right. I'm a newbie, haha so that big list the first time I saw it was page after page of non sense to me...it wasn't Untill I did more research to find out what some of this stuff was. Then I posted this. So when I re visited the link it was much more helpfull. So thank u. And I as well didn't mean to come off short just I promise I did as much research as my brain could handle. But sincerely thanks Again guys. Thanks to this list, the swap should be done within the next month. :)

Orion ZyGarian

Jeff Lange wannabe
Apr 2, 2005
Sarasota, FLorida
There's quite a bit to it. Honestly, your best bet without getting over your head is to stick with the N/A for now, learn absolutely everything you can, save as much info as you can, and maybe do an N/A-T setup, where you turbo the 7M-GE. Unless you have access to an engine hoist, know how to solder, have the patience to extend an entire decades old harness (or are able to find a custom harness, which I know a place), split the trans/engine and put the new setup in...it's pretty in depth, and IMO not worth it.

I was obsessed with the 1JZ swap for over a year (14-15). I even found a guy locally who did it and let me have a ride in it. I was sold right up until I bought my 88 7M-GTE, and have been ever since.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
I think what it is is no one reads te stickys. Idk why as unless clicking on new posts or searching going to the jz section you have to scroll right past it everytime.

Orion ZyGarian

Jeff Lange wannabe
Apr 2, 2005
Sarasota, FLorida
Because there's waaaay too many of them haha. Should probably just make one sticky with big ol "READ THIS BEFORE POSTING" on it, and link to the other threads

Also, I didnt realize you were so far into it. Good luck with it, and post pics when you're done!


Gurley=Last Name not girl
Mar 10, 2008
Orion ZyGarian;1862635 said:
There's quite a bit to it. Honestly, your best bet without getting over your head is to stick with the N/A for now, learn absolutely everything you can, save as much info as you can, and maybe do an N/A-T setup, where you turbo the 7M-GE. Unless you have access to an engine hoist, know how to solder, have the patience to extend an entire decades old harness (or are able to find a custom harness, which I know a place), split the trans/engine and put the new setup in...it's pretty in depth, and IMO not worth it.

I was obsessed with the 1JZ swap for over a year (14-15). I even found a guy locally who did it and let me have a ride in it. I was sold right up until I bought my 88 7M-GTE, and have been ever since.

You dont have to extend the harness if you cut a hole in the firewall and run it in the dash..plus it makes the engine bay look alot better and protects the harness from all the heat.


Active Member
May 19, 2010
Yeah, definitely don't extend the harness. It took me 7 hours to solder and heat shrink all those wires. Not worth it.

A hole below the brake booster would have been so much easier. Eh... you learn though.


New Member
Dec 17, 2012
Davisburg, MI
I just finished my 1jz swap in my 87 mk3, there were a lot of things I needed to do and parts to buy but it only took 2 weeks to completely remove the 7m engine and replace it with the 1jz engine and trans, if anyone is having problems with the same swap hit me up I just finished so its fresh in my memory.


New Member
Mar 12, 2012
Yorktown, VA
ours is probably a few days from being done. all main parts are installed and everything was fine except we found out engine was for right hand drive so wire harness is being extended. that is whats being done now. all thats left is little things such as fan clutch, water pump pulley, intercooler is being raised about an inch so it isnt the lowest part of the front and then put on the 1pc driveshaft. then its done. its taken longer than expencted but our mechanic does great work and we didnt want to rush him in any way. should be complete and ready for startup within a a week. CANT WAIT thanks for all the help guys. also unless you get the perfect engine. there is always more parts then you think to order, they come up as you get further into it. haha, no list will tell you exactly every part required for the swap.