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  1. Tigerkat229

    word association

    Cherry Poppin' Daddies
  2. Tigerkat229

    just throwin this out there

    Shit... All those physics classes and i still fuck this up... Ok i was wrong, way to go Grim :)
  3. Tigerkat229

    New supra member

    Dont you just LOVE when that happens! :) I was with a friend of mine driving around after installing his injectors and re-setting his boost controller and as we pass this intersection a supra we had never seen before was sitting my buddy busts a u-turn and we ended up following...
  4. Tigerkat229

    just throwin this out there

    I dont know what the purpose of this question was at the time he asked, but if it wasnt for NASA then space is not usually an element you have to consider in Physics classes (just like you can usually remove friction, wind resistance, etc). As for your car example, if you EVER hit zero...
  5. Tigerkat229

    just throwin this out there

    No.... If your at a dead stop then you have no acceleration. You had it until you stopped but at the point when you stop your instantaneous is still zero. You can have velocity with no acceleration (driving at constant speed) but just look at the formula... Instantaneous Accerlation =...
  6. Tigerkat229

    Guy advice

    Ok wait a minute, now I'm've been in her situation, dont have a problem with it anymore...did you change boyfriends or your thought process, cause it kinda seems to me from what the guys are saying that those are her only two options. I talked to a guy im really close friends...
  7. Tigerkat229

    Guy advice

    I know I'm probably going against "chic code" by even saying this... but... Why should he change for her? Granted, relationships are fifty-fifty and require compromise but if he all the sudden hated something she you really think she'd be all that willing to change for him? I...
  8. Tigerkat229

    Guy advice

    Oh my god..... Seriously....take an of my best friends girl cant stand that she knows he loves the car more than her and she me....why i dont know, she hardly even likes i'm gonna tell him to give up the car for her...what-the-fuck-ever, i like that car a...
  9. Tigerkat229

    What music are you into?

    Yea...too many rules in the US...i wanna see it where its not so uptight and pansy
  10. Tigerkat229

    What music are you into?

    I love Rammstein! Those guys are awesome! I hear they have the best pyro technics show...i'd love to go to Germany to see em live
  11. Tigerkat229

    What music are you into?

    I just listed some of the stuff I thought people would know to give an idea of the kinds of music i i said i'm into lost of stuff...I found one yesterday thats awesome called Recover..want some things that are less "mainstream" as you put it.. Ra, Mindless Self Indulgence, Pillar...
  12. Tigerkat229

    What music are you into?

    lets see...I've got an insane CD collection so i'll make this as short as possible considering I really do love and listen to them all... Seether, 10 years (newest cd in the stack, awesome lyrics), Static-X, Breaking Benjamin, Cold, Soil, Theory of a Deadman, Staind, Dark New Day, 12 Stones...
  13. Tigerkat229

    MKV found.

    lol! thats awesome!....I want one so i can kill all the hondas... :evil2:
  14. Tigerkat229

    Random Stuff

    Alright so no one got it and that makes me sad.... Lone Star State of Mind....rush out and get it..fucking hillarious movie!
  15. Tigerkat229

    word association

    No matter what is said this is always where it leads....well i wont ruin the fun Suck :naughty:
  16. Tigerkat229

    Random Stuff goin w/ cheech and chong...not sure that i spelled those right...
  17. Tigerkat229

    Random Stuff

    Thought i'd make this one so ppl couldnt google there way through gonna give it a couple days then I'll answer if no one gets it..funny ass movie though :)
  18. Tigerkat229

    Random Stuff

    Ok guys...heres the quote...whats the movie? "Got them disguises I told you to bring?" "I got 'em ....whats wrong? Oh yea I couldn't remember if you said panties or panty-liners, so I sprung 'em both" "I said pantyhose, not panties, not no panty-liners, pantyhose you numb nuts!" "Are you...
  19. Tigerkat229

    Random Stuff

    New on huh?.....alright let me think....gotta be a good one...something hard to google :icon_razz ....hmmm.... I'm gonna have to think, i'll make a new post with one after my class....
  20. Tigerkat229

    Random Stuff

    Dr. Strangelove