How do YOU park at Wal-Mart?


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
gennro;1050462 said:
I usally park in the first spot i come to. Right now i am not to worried about dings on supra cause i am going have it repainted. After that though if i get a ding i am going straight kick the the car next me door in then leave or i will use the crowbar i usually carry around with me.

^ Make sure you get it on vid and post it here for all to see how awesome that you are.

It's a freaking car, deffinitely worth the vandalism charges.

I just park about halfway into the lot. The excercise is good for me and I can open my doors up completely w/o worrying about hitting someone else car w/ my doors if I get something big.

Plus, I like passing the open spots in the front and then listening to the wife complain that she has to walk. And then on the way out saying, 'why didn't we just park here?'


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
ForcedTorque;1050244 said:
So tell me how you pick a spot to park in at Wal-Mart. It makes NO sense to me. ...[sic]... Some people will circle round and round, until someone close finally leaves and they can get their close spot.

Where I live it can take a long time because during part of the year there are so many elderly people who come from colder climates "up north" to visit for the winter. WalMart and most other establishments around the town see a massive change in business and customer volume.
With such a large number of elderly people comes many poor drivers. They all get the handicap spots and the spots way up front, because if they aren't handicapped they are frail and don't want to walk the length of the airport sized parking lot. They are willing to wait for a spot up close. What ELSE do they have to do during the day?

During that part of the year, I try to get a spot that is as close to the store as possible, but sometimes I will end up parking near the outer edge just to avoid the hassle.


New Member
Mar 12, 2008
Alamogordo, NM
mkiiSupraMan18;1050485 said:
^ Make sure you get it on vid and post it here for all to see how awesome that you are.

It's a freaking car, deffinitely worth the vandalism charges.

I just park about halfway into the lot. The excercise is good for me and I can open my doors up completely w/o worrying about hitting someone else car w/ my doors if I get something big.

Plus, I like passing the open spots in the front and then listening to the wife complain that she has to walk. And then on the way out saying, 'why didn't we just park here?'

I'm sure the security cameras will get it. I'll make sure i get a copy of the video tape! :biglaugh:


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
I drive in and park towards the back. I've never driven my Supra to Walmart...yet. I care about my truck just as much so that's why I park out in the open, and away from the cart return thing.

It amazes me how some people, usually big fat bitches (and I don't mean the carrying a few extra pound kind), will drive around and wait forever for a close to the front space when they could have parked, shopped, and most likely have finished in the amount of time they just wasted.

It also pisses me off when these same 400 lb-ers jump in an electric cart with their litter in tow and I later see some elderly person who can barely walk having to push a cart because a fat ass is too lazy to walk.

Oh, and purposely taking up two parking spots is a good way to get your vehicle keyed!!!!
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Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
after avoiding pedestrians for 2 minutes because they think they're king shit, I pull into a spot that I know I can fit in the 1st time (nothing worse than having someone cut the corner too fast or too late, and then they need to back up and correct themselves)..

I jump out the targa if need be, but I'm not picky when it comes to parking..


Enough is Never Enough
Jan 9, 2008
Houston, TX
shaggyskadude13;1050449 said:
I like to find a nice car thats parked out in the middle of nowhere and park right next to it.

People that do that really T-me off! I park out as far as possible, not anywhere near another car, and come out and find something parked right next to me! And in most cases it's a wannabe beater!

Please, can you at least park two spaces over!

Oh yeah, and I never parked angled taking two spaces.... that's just gay.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
ForcedTorque;1050244 said:
I read in another thread, where the guy said it took him 10 mins to park. Why in the hell would you put yourself through this.

I don't go to Wal-Mart. However, anytime I have to park out with the "public", I invest the time in finding a good parking space.

Why do I put myself through this?

13 years old, 190000 miles - Factory original paint:

'nuff said.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I just went to Walmart at lunch. It took me 13 seconds from the time I turned off of the main road until I was pulling the door handle. I just don't see the point in getting uptight over the old folks in the way, and waiting for the crowds of pedestrians to cross as I turn the corner for another shot at a "good" parking spot. I know when I get in there I'm probably walk front to back at least once, and up and back on several rows. A few extra steps outside isn't killing me. The car does look well taken care of Mike!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
whowouldfigga;1050677 said:
I park far away. Why.. Because I am only 40 years old, about 35 lbs over weight, my belly hangs over my belt, and my 11 yr old daughter kicks my ass at basketball after 10 minutes of play.

This seems common amongst us Red supra drivers. we should be called the 40/35 group


Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
If I have my gf with me,i'll grab a handi parking space as she is a diabetic.
But if i'm bymyself,i'l park out as far away as possible. Further away I can get from all these dorr flinging ass-holes the better.
Anyways,it's just walking,you should be glad you still can!!!


New Member
Dec 3, 2005
i have a handi cap sign thing lol... but i'm not handicapped, i like to pretend i am sometimes though when people are looking at me thinking... WTF, Supra?, 19 year old?, at the GYM? wtf


Want The Boooooossttttttt
Oct 12, 2006
Cape Coral,Florida
i try to stay away from the parking lot racers and door flingers so im either at the end or by the oil change/gardening side where traffic is normally light because all the old people want the right in front of the door spots.


The Pretty Doward
Jan 25, 2008
Alachua, FL
I cheat...I come in the back entrance to our Wal-Mart, and go through the garden center. Everyone worries about the main entrance, and forgets the side entrances. Never any shortage of spaces at the front, there, either, LOL. The only real reasons I go there anyway is for dog food and my prescriptions, and those are at the garden entrance. :)


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
chopstickz;1050807 said:
i have a handi cap sign thing lol... but i'm not handicapped, i like to pretend i am sometimes though when people are looking at me thinking... WTF, Supra?, 19 year old?, at the GYM? wtf

I hope you will sooner or later grow up and see the error of your ways. Do you have no soul? Those spots are there for people who really need them. At Wal-Mart those spots are always in use. It PISSES me off to see people who don't need to be there abuse the system, and care nothing about those less fortunate than them. My uncle and I were really close when I was young. Then one day, he stopped on the highway to help a woman change a tire. He stopped behind her in the emergency lane and used his headlights to see. Then someone hit his car from behind, cutting both of his legs off between the two cars. He was not fortunate enough to have a motorized wheel chair, and had to use his arms everywhere he went. It used to really hurt him when he would have to push his way all the way through a parking lot, and someone with no card be parked in his spot. You should think about the effect you have on others in everything you do. You don't live in this world by yourself. Be kind to someone at least once a day. It really feels good.........../rant


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
I park wherever there is an open spot.. I'm not picky.. If its far away, hell.. its good exercise.. I think if more people parked far enough away, it could burn a few pounds off in the long run