Whats up Sold supra sad day.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
DreamerTheresa;1768318 said:
Kid was drunk as a skunk in this story - result would have been the same no matter the HP of the car. ...and his parents didn't let him get the DUI. Way to go and show your kid that he has no consequences for his actions.

Those were my exact thoughts. They got him off the hook so he wouldn't ruin his chances possibly playing minor league baseball. We don't want to ruin him record with a DUI now do we? Nevermind that he couldn't have killed someone else with his bad choices of getting wasted and driving. But he didn't hurt no one else so I guess it's ok.
What are his chances that he's gonna do it again when he's off the college?


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
DreamerTheresa;1768318 said:
Kid was drunk as a skunk in this story - result would have been the same no matter the HP of the car. ...and his parents didn't let him get the DUI. Way to go and show your kid that he has no consequences for his actions.

Drunk just made it worse, a kid with a turbo car is a BIG NO NO. That's just asking for issues.


?Which parents?
I never should have sold this car to him. I'm glad its back in my posession though and he can't hurt anybody with it. luckly my buddy is letting me have it back can't thank him enough and should have it ready as soon as I get a working turbo.

One the other hand I've had a friend die by a drunk driver his name was jerimiah links. A year after he died his brother took his own life at the same spot. His youngest brother aaron (one of my best friends) is still alive but it hurts him everyday by the way he is a marine in afgan fighting for us.

Another friend (levi) died by a drunk driver picking his little sister up from school. (bad times).


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
I think you guys are a little hard on teens and turbo cars, especially if it's still on a CT26. It has more to do with the individual person and less to do with the age. I wouldn't trust the majority of my non-car friends and family in any rwd car, especially in any inclement weather, period. However, I handled a 400whp Supra when I was 16 just fine. And it's not like I was easy on the car by any means. I just knew what to do and what not to do. IE, don't go beating the shit out of a 20 year old Japanese car with issues and expect it not to break.


Oct 7, 2010
Fairfield, CA
Quin;1769493 said:
I think you guys are a little hard on teens and turbo cars, especially if it's still on a CT26. It has more to do with the individual person and less to do with the age. I wouldn't trust the majority of my non-car friends and family in any rwd car, especially in any inclement weather, period. However, I handled a 400whp Supra when I was 16 just fine. And it's not like I was easy on the car by any means. I just knew what to do and what not to do. IE, don't go beating the shit out of a 20 year old Japanese car with issues and expect it not to break.

I learned almost a year ago not to beat on Japanese cars my own age, and in a stock 7MGTE at that. I did my engine maintenance, and was driving to CenCal at least twice a week so I thought I was solid. Didn't check out my suspension before a romp in the hills, ball joint let go from not being torqued and cotter-pinned, and I'm still doing bodywork to fix the damages.

It doesn't take a teen driver, it takes an inattentive owner to make things go bad in a hurry. Kids are just generally more likely to be reckless, whether it's how they take care of the car or the decisions they make while driving it...and it shows in their insurance premiums. That break you get at 25 years old isn't an arbitrary number, it's statistically when most people reach mental/vehicular maturity. Two more years...


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Bleakvoid;1769509 said:
That break you get at 25 years old isn't an arbitrary number, it's statistically when most people reach mental/vehicular maturity. Two more years...

There are a lot of factors there, including "how likely is an XX year old to wreck XXXX car?". I remember pricing out newer Corvettes when I was about 19, just for fun, and surprisingly, the premiums weren't very bad. How many 19 year olds get to even DRIVE cars like that, much less have the chance to drive one to destruction? ;)

That said, I'm nearly 28, and I think my insurance is something like $30 per month, full coverage on the Mk3 and liability on the Mk2. It's pretty awesome.


Sep 30, 2011
Paonia, Colorado
Stories like this make me think how I must be an old man in a 19 year old's body. I recently bought my first Supra from another member on this forum - great guy, and the car has its problems, but I don't blame him for that, nor will I blame him for any future problems I know that it will develop.

I admit that, the first week that I got it, I drove like an idiot from the sheer excitement of owning it. However, now I tend to drive like an old man - the HIGHEST I tend to shift is at about 3500 rpm, I don't go faster than 5 mph over the speed limit, etc. I've already done really stupid things in the past, and my insurance premiums reflect that - so, now I try to drive like an old man. :D