Unintended consequences


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005

Going "green" causes problem for public works crews in West Bend
Justin Williams FOX 6 Reporter
December 11, 2009


WITI-TV, WEST BEND - New technology can provide new solutions and new problems. In West Bend, the energy-saving traffic lights are giving public works crews something more to do in the cold. They're also giving drivers a new reason to be careful.

All of the snow we had this week formed a white cap on a lot of the traffic lights in West Bend. The old incandescent lights usually provided enough warmth to melt away those snow caps. But the new LED lights generate hardly any heat. Therefore, the snow stays and prevents drivers from seeing the signals.

The LED light problem led to a crash at the intersection of Westwood and Washington in West Bend.

Four, two-person crews spent Friday using make-shift scrapers to clear the LED lights of the snow.

West Bend officials say the LED traffic lights [strike]say[/strike] save the city nearly $100 a month at each of its 24 intersections.

Honestly, it's an oddball problem and a rarity, but it's still an example of not thinking things all the way through. Interesting challenge for some engineer.


fixer of all things !!
Sep 18, 2008
north dakota
amazing, we have had those lights here for about 6 year, with a extra 5 mil layer of poly over them we never have that problem!, the air space inside the extra layer acts as a insulating barrier and keeps what little heat the leds generate. that heat is enough that even at -25(like we have right now...burr) we get no buildup.

obviously the city needs better engineers


^_^ got horespower?
Oct 16, 2006
This has actually been a long time issue for people in the north that are into agriculture and trucks.

I learned about it in college from all of my friends from Vermont/New York area - Whenever I would bring up LED lights and stuff in an electronics class they would respond with JUNK as soon as they got a chance to speak... I was curious and wondered why and they told me right out - doesn't create enough heat to melt snow!

As fixit was saying - there are ways to prevent this condition... and that city better get on the ball.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Interesting... They're generally brighter and don't fail as often either, I could care less about the energy savings LOL