Tps issues code 31 41 I would love some advice


New Member
Aug 10, 2009
Hey guys I'm runnung an pre 89 na-t with complete turbo electreonics. When I got car running I had a knock code so I did the na-t rewire fooling the ecu to see the one sensor

I also had a code 31 afm, I tested the ohms and got around
19xx ohms I think about right for about 80 something degrees
I also had a small wiring issue near the egr I test the green wire to the afm and it tested for continuity. The wire was burned so I butt connected it still got a code 31.
I remebered I was a jdm throttlebody and tps and thought I would swap a usdm tps and tb to see if there was jdm confusion, well there's where I screwed everything up.

After changing throttle bodys it would idle like crap and rev up to say 4k and die I tried adjusting it and it still will not idle.

I then called up someone who was a toyota tech and they informed me to set the tps timing 0 and then try and mess with the tps. Nothing there. I have since swapped back to the jdm throttlebody and tps and its still reving and. Dying

While as before I screwed around the jdm throttle body was idling at 650 ran rich and only stumbled before reving.

I am so frustrated I don't know what to do, its not helping that I have to move in one week.

Thank you for looking.

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Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Timing needs to be set to 10 with te1 and e1 jumped.

Tps should be set via tsrm. Also sounds like your tps is bad. Also there is the tests in the tsrm.

Also the afm test in the tsrm is for the air temp sensor which would be a 24.

31 is for air flow meter or it's circuit.

(7M-GE) Open circuit in VC signal or short circuit between VS and E2 when idle contacts are closed.
(7M-GTE) Open or short circuit in air flow meter signal.

I'd suggest try swapping afms with a buddy if possible.

Also make sure the wiring is good.


New Member
Aug 10, 2009
I'm willing to admit I'm a little confused on how to set the tps via tsrm, I have no idea ewhat it means by reflection.

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creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
FoolyCoolyGuy;1860304 said:
I'm willing to admit I'm a little confused on how to set the tps via tsrm, I have no idea what it means by reflection.

"Deflection"...and it's a common question. What it refers to is movement of the ohmmeter's pointer from infinity to some other value, typically to low ohms. The TSRM was written back in a day when analog meters were common. I dunno know why but for some reason its been hard for people to figure out it means the same for a digital meter's display.

Oh wait, I do know why. It's because many people today are complete morons when it comes to fixing things. Comes from too much time playing with technology and not enough time actually putting their hands on broken stuff.


New Member
Aug 10, 2009
The thing is I have two afms, and three tps one jdm turbo one turbo( blue label) and one na I think its jdm since I see faded purple, what are the chance of multiple going bad? I think I'm just a terrible gear head.

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