Throwing in some energy bushings


New Member
Apr 22, 2011
Slocan Park, BC, Canada
Hey everyone. So I have all my front suspension arms out and I put in my new energy bushings. I also have the rear energy suspension bushings, which I need to install. My question is about the rear upper arms. I spent a few minutes between working on other things to try and remove them. Is it possible to remove the rear upper arms without dropping the subframe? It seems quite difficult to actually get a wrench on there. Anyone have a bright idea?

I'm also doing some other stuff but here's a pic for fun as well:



Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
It's easily possible. I did it with a 3/8
Impact and a wrench. But if you dot have thy. A wrench on the outside and a ratchet on the inside will take it off.

The subframe is bolted to the body...


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
You're welding in a new wheel well and quarter panel, and are shying away from dropping the subframe??
I would drop the subframe simply for the ease of control arm access, and to check for other issues.
Many subframes have cracks over the nose of the diff, and almost all subframe bushings are loose/ worn down from age.
It's worth the 45 minutes it takes to drop it.
I'm in the same process myself right now, as you know.


New Member
Apr 22, 2011
Slocan Park, BC, Canada
Yup I got one side out and spun around. I'm gonna do it exactly as OneJArpus said. Hvyman helped make it fast. I rarely bust out the air tools but, once I broke the nut with a wrench and breaker bar (with pipe extensions), I used my impact to spin it off super quick. I know don't get me wrong either. I want to drop the subframe at some point. But when I am cutting up the wheel well I just feel it to be smart to keep it bolted up to prevent any warping. Plus I would have to buy more stuff like subframe bushings = $$$