Thinkin about going to the dark side....


Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
GrimJack said:
I've got news for you. The Mk4 Supra will nickel and dime you to death as well. So it's only 10 years old instead of 15... it's still more than old enough that all the little stuff is starting to go.


as for the leak, my rear main seal leaks...after the rebuild I didnt put the stock PCV system back in place....I put K&N breather filters on where the PCV system routed out of the cam covers....BAD MISTAKE.....when my 20w-50 oil clogged the over pressured the block and blew out the front and rear mains....

I put the stock PCV system on and the front sealed back up thank God, and the rear still leaks.....bad...but not THAT bad. It drips out of the hole under the bellhousing.

MDC, have you replaced your rear mains, new motor? How is your PCV hoses? Catch Can clogged?......



Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
the mkIV probably wont nickel and dime you to death, its an MKIV

more like jefferson and franklin you to the poor house.


New Member
May 23, 2005
Lebanon, OR
americanjebus said:
the mkIV probably wont nickel and dime you to death, its an MKIV

more like jefferson and franklin you to the poor house.

True that, you think parts for the mk3 are expensive, I think the mk4 would be a whole different world. Stick with your mk3


7M POWAH! ;)
Mar 30, 2005
Auckland, New Zealand
well of course i'm biased lol
stick with the mk3 ;)
ppl here don't recognise the mk3... they're more... "there's a supra before the fast and the furious supra??"

but my car does turn heads and they really wonder what it is... and i get alot of great comments also
(then there's the mk4 owners that ask if i've blown my hg yet... typical LOL)

i love the uniqueness of the mk3 and it's just not a well known car which kinda makes it stealthy

just a simpleton suggestion, but have you done the monthly maintenance on the valve covers? lol... they might be leaking up the back and dripping down the head/block and dripping... also try taking off your inspection plate for the bellhousing and see if it's full of oil in there... more than likely it's the rear crank seal

good luck and keep feelin the mk3 love k :)


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
quitter! :)

i get plenty of "respect" for my mkiii. from people who wanted one when that car first came out, to people who used to own one, to other people who just know its a great car.

furthermore, the people who didnt know there was a supra before F&F i couldnt care less about, as they are only trendy kids who arent real car enthusiasts anyway.

personally, i have my mkiii for ME and me only. i couldnt care LESS as to what people think of my car.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
MDC, do what me and drunk and other guys are doing, get a rolling chasis of an MKIII and put a 2jz into it. one with like 30k miles. problem solved and you got the best of both worlds. :). and the MKIV i just cant get the feel for it the seats are all funny.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
D34DC311 said:
MDC, do what me and drunk and other guys are doing, get a rolling chasis of an MKIII and put a 2jz into it. one with like 30k miles. problem solved and you got the best of both worlds. :). and the MKIV i just cant get the feel for it the seats are all funny.

I dropped a 2JZ in mine... I love the MKIII body and probably could've bought 2 MKIVs for what I've "nickel & dimed." In addition to all that, it's still not as nice as some of the MKIIIs out there....

Fix the problem, not the symptoms... fix it right the 1st time and it will cost you less in the long run. I have the best of all worlds... an MKIII w/2JZ and the GF's MKIV/NA for when I wanna roll like that :icon_razz

To be honest... any car that you have not owned/maintained yourself is likely to be a headache. Just gotta work thru them. Good luck in your decision and yeah, keep it in the family....



New Member
Apr 11, 2005
A few things to keep in mind before you make this decision. The MK4 is a complex car that is getting old too. They may be somewhat more reliable than the MK3, but it can't escape age and milage especially a sports car. Meanwhile the prices on the used market are still very high. Mostly 20k+. Too me its a scary thought to plunk down 25k for a 10 year old car thats going to need increasingly more and more maintanace and repairs as it ages.

You could always buy another MK3, maybe one thats owned by a mature enthusiast who took extra measures to keep the car running perfectly. Just my thoughts.


Supramania Contributor
One more thought.
All the hard core MK4 guys want hard tops. And a clean, no accident hard top 6 speed is more like 30k just to get started. (In good shape.)

However, hardtop MK3's are everywhere, generally are 87NA's and have led very mild lives in contrast to a turbo car. (Less power, flexes the body less, and most NA drivers were not bombing around all the time from what I've seen.)

So, if you want a nice, solid structure to start with, and you like the 2J or 1J motor, or want to keep it "original" and stay 7M there are many options. Heck, do a crazy motor and put a new GM V8 in there with a turbo or two and a nice easy to drive automatic. (Faster at the drags BTW.)

The really fast MK4's and MK3's are all going GM autos. Why not take it to the next level and drop a used LS3 engine/trans into place, custom drive shaft and STS type rear mounted turbo, and lay down some low 10's in your "old" car?? (They are getting this type of performance from the GTO's with this system in a heavy IRS car, so it should be easy in a MK3.)

Just a thought.


Apr 9, 2005
In an Igloo
My dream cars has always been an mk4, but with my dad being the original owner of my mk3 I have to say that I am completely attached to it and will likely never sell it. Sure my plan is to one day own an mk4, but I also plan on having a 7M mk2. I figure I'll just work on my mk3 until I max it out, then save up for a good decade and get my mk5. After that I will hopefully have a steady enough income to pick up an mk4 and mk2.


And even if it doesn't happen, at least I have my fantasies.
Dec 3, 2003
americanjebus said:
the mkIV probably wont nickel and dime you to death, its an MKIV

I disagree on that. I know of a couple of really bad shape MKIV's. It is like any car: if you take care of it, it will take care of you. MKIV's are great cars yes, but so are the MKIII.

I say keep the MKIII. The MKIII is a better looking car IMO. Not that I don't like the MKIV. The interior is cooler in the 4 but I like mine much better than any of the 4th gens.

I just drive around and I get tons of looks in my car. I get thumbs up and compliments all the time. Some people know what it is and some don't. :biglaugh:

As far as leaks, you will get all kinds from an older car if not kept up. I have not one leak from my car right now (knock on wood) and is because of maintance. (Sometimes things just break of course and you just need to fix it)The leaks are something small anyway. I suggest make a list of what you want to fix and start on it that way.

Fix all leaks first then clean up after fixing them. Maybe make a list? That is what I did to start off. I still have my list of mods and such to do. Keep going down the list. I can't see the bottom yet though :cry: :icon_razz



EDIT:Just saw your post and your staying!!!! :love:


Authorized Vendor
Mar 30, 2005
stick with ur mk3 bro...a lot of us wish we could have an mk3 just like yours. they might have problems but when they're fixed, it would be worth the effort. the SM (mk3) community is way better than the mk4, in my opinion, not only because most of us here work hard to get our machines up and running the way we want but we also help eachother other when ever we can, with techinical info, by actually going over and helping a fellow supra owner. there might be bickering and complaining but fuck, there is always an "ego-clash". You make friends and share a passion to build a great car....the mk3.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
definetly go MK4. It's obviously a no-brainer in terms of sensable choice. It's a)newer b)better c)more reliable d)aftermarket hungry e)eye candy f)fame g)usually ALL are in good condition = no rust h)next to NO depreciation in value i)the money you spend on the MK4 will actually help its value unlike the MK3 where nothing will increase its value

The way i see it, i've stopped modding my supra because it isn't worth it. Over the years including the purchase of the car i've spent about $15000 +. What car do i have now???? still an old rusty supra that will never give me back the money that i've put into it. I'm currently saving and then i'll sell my supra and then i'll probably get an STi, G35c, Is300, sc400....something NEWER. Then i'll most likely turbo the is300 or sc400.


The MK4 is great.. So many MK3 guys dogg the MK4 and I just dont get it.. I'm sure most of them have never even been in one. I owned a 94 TT 6 speed for a little over a year and I loved it. Tuning my 2J is what set me for life on JZ series motors. I owned my 91 at the same time I owned the 94 and I loved both cars.. They are different in many ways, but the mk4 had much more of a sportscar feel and responded to mods much better than my mk3 with the 7M did.. If you get a chance to pick up a nice MK4 go for it, you can always sell it for pretty much what you pay for it and go back to mk3's if you dont like it. I sold mine and picked up a great mk3 and had a buttload of cash left.. hehe. And as for mk4's being ugly, well its a matter of opinion I know but my god the cars are 10+ years old and still look brand new.. Not dated at all imo.



Love My Daily Driver !
Jun 8, 2005
Mojave Desert, Ca
Adjuster!!! You said what???..... (I was running 12 quarts of oil on this new setup, and now at 10 quarts, it is still too full for high RPM running extended periods.)

What is this all about? Overfill ???.......