steering spacers, anyone interested


New Member
Nov 30, 2006
Anaheim, CA
i bought a set of steering spacers from wissass a long time ago and now need a few more sets for my other supras, hes not really on here and kinda hard to get a hold of, so i was thinking of having some made. my bro took a machining class last semester and he spoke to his teacher, his teacher said he can make them but would have to make a whole batch for it to be cost effective. i am just wondering if there are other people who would be interested, if necessary we can make a group buy or i am willing to pay for them as long as there is enough interest/people willing to buy them after they are made, as i will have no need for 20 sets.

rough pricing would be approximate 20 for a set plus 3 dollar shipping.


New Member
Apr 17, 2009
Socorro, NM
RPSil13;1528875 said:
wow didnt know dm sold those, but after trying to order some it comes to 35 shipped for a set, thats a bit pricey,

Also something that was mentioned to me was to have these made in 8mm, for even more angle :aigo:

that would be cool, and 35 is a bit pricey. from my experience I keep going back to dm for something, so I would just suggest waiting until you NEED something and through in the spacers with your order. saves on shipping.