Starter Solenoid Wire - Dead Start Problem


Now you know
Sep 9, 2007
Baltimore County, Maryland
Hi all, my car has that occasional problem of the clicking starter solenoid and no crank of the engine, and I have a story to tell, and a couple of questions at the end of it all, hehehe.

It has just been a inconvenience that would be solved by coming back 15-20mins later, until today. I was on my way home and accidentally stalled out on a steep wet hill. It was rush hour and there was a never ending line of traffic behind me, and wouldn't you guess it. CLICK CLICK, Ahh S**T!!! It didn't start.

So, I'm sitting on the hill, a two lane road with little shoulders, about 40 miles from home. My car is directly in the middle of the lane, and there is only woods on either side so there was no pushing it my self. I put the hazards on and tuned the head lights off. Still nothing, took out the key opened the door, tried again, still nothing. As my mind was running thinking of all the variables, cars and trucks are driving around me, around six people almost hit each other while moving around my Supra. As the sound of the brakes and tires locking up outside of my open window I finally got through to my friend on my cell phone that was in the area, he started heading to help.

After about 20 or so vehicles passed me, some man in a older white Saturn station wagon pulled over on the other side of the road. He called out, "Hey, need some help?" I said, "Yea, it stalled and wont start, I just need a push!" He then said ok and started down the hill to turn around, he got behind me and nudged ever so slowly and touched bumpers. I took the e-brake off and we started up the hill. After we hit the apex of the hill, I gained some momentum and pop started it. I was so happy that it workout fine, I put the thumbs up and waved frantically. I wanted to hop out and give the guy a big hand shake and few bucks for helping, but my wallet was empty and the traffic was bad, I really feel in debt to him. It would have been a long night if he didn't show up.

Now for my questions, I'm done dealing with this inconvenience. I have been looking over the TEWD for the 86 Supra, and I'm wondering if what I'm questioning is correct. Is the wire that goes to the brown plug on the starter the exciter wire? And, to have a emergency bypass would that be the wire I "tap" into with a hot wire and switch from the battery?



Now you know
Sep 9, 2007
Baltimore County, Maryland
Yea, grounds and battery terminals are good. When I get a chance I'm going to put a voltmeter on the brown plug to see if its actually sending 12v to the starter, if no then I know its the wire. If its good, then I know its the starter.



Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I've never heard it called the exciter wire. But ya, Pull the brown plugged wire from the starter, and test that it gets 12volts when someone else is turning the key. My 7 year old daughter helped me.

Another method is to put the car in NEUTRAL, and run a wire from your positive directly to the connector inside the starter solenoid where you pulled the brown plug from. I usually pull the battery cable off of the starter, and touch the metal end to the solenoid. If the starter turns the car over, then it is your wiring.

Another easy method is to jump your battery with another car, even if it is fully charged. Our wiring is old, and sometimes the extra voltage is all that is needed.

If you do have to change your starter, get all of the extensions you can. You can get to that top bolt pretty easy with about 3 feet of extensions, going up and over the metal slave cylinder line and up to the top. Just get a boxed end wrench on the nut from under the hood. No need to have someone hold it, as it will turn slightly and get jammed where you can break it loose.

Search the for sale section and try to find a 91-92 starter. Even if you have to have it rebuilt, you'll be glad you did it. 91-92 starters have threaded bolt holes, so you don't have to hold the starter in place, hold a nut, and try to get a bolt started all by yourself. You can get the bottom bolt started to hold it in place, so you can fight the top bolt without having to hold the starter in place.


New Member
Jan 25, 2008
Lafayatee, CA
I ran a wire from the battery to the brown connector and she started right up. That's when I realized that the problem was that connection was just loose. I had the problem with the previous starter and on the new starter. So I blamed the plug :)


New Member
Jan 16, 2008
Detroit, MI
if you have checked your grounds and the starter is good, DO THIS!

i had the same problemo.. click click click nothing. randomly starting afterward, then finally no. i was tired of being stuck everywhere, having people push me in my car, looking like an ass and feeling like an even bigger ass. i also disabled my neutral safety switch trying to fix this problem to no avail..

but when i wired up the mod in the post i just pasted, my car has started and hit hard every time for about 6 months now. do this. it will make your mkiii supra experience better.

some people, if you read the thread, are opposed to the fact taht youre basically just bypassing some other unknown problem, but in my opinion, i could care less about what the cause REALLY 'MAY' be if im bypassing it. i just wanted to be able to start my damn car.

let us know what you end up doing and how it works out man.. good luck!