San Francisco, shame on you.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
Greg55_99 said:
EXACTLY! And that's ALL you have to be. Period!


pretty much,

just cus i dont own land shouldnt mean i shouldnt be allowed to vote. im old enough to die for the country right??, i DO pay my income taxes in full dont i, just cus im 18, working two jobs, in school, and helping raise my bro and for some reason CANT afford to dish out 100k on a peice of land shouldnt mean i dont have the right to vote on how my money is spent, or elect hte guy that will ultimatly decide my fate should i go into service.

in my book if you wanna vote, you need A. citizenship and B. a job that takes out income tax.

i shouldnt have to buy my rights in the form of real estate, that will just imbalance the system and make the poor go into extreme poverty and the landowners MUCH richer and the middle class will just cease to exist. these ideas are great for a perfect society that doesnt have any greed involved, you cant just have landowners vote, that would work back in the colonies but things have changed, at the rate our population is growing, a few years from now we wont have enough land for each individual in the country to own. anyone know the percentage of hte population that actually owns property by any chance??? or how much of it is owned by foreign countries. but truth is if infact only servicemen, and landowners can vote our goverment will seriously topple over to a single sided opinion, more than it is now.


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
americanjebus said:
...or elect hte guy that will ultimatly decide my fate should i go into service.
So you're an atheist? From that statement-probably. Uneducated as to how the military works? Certainly.

You know, antiamericanjebus-for being a "liberal," you aren't exactly practicing what you preach (or at least what the left preaches). "No cats?" Shame on you, you global-warming-contributing hyprocrite.

There is so much I could respond to here, but that would take quite some time.

To turn fluff into fact, there are plenty of poor white people in our country, too. That is so obvious that it's ridiculous that I feel the need to put it here. However, some of you make it seem that all white people are rich and minorities are poor and that is complete garbage.

To make it clear, I don't agree with Adjuster's "qualifications" for voting, but to say that only "rich" or "wealthy" people own land is also bullshit. I personally come from a family that is definitely not rich yet my parents have owned three houses, including two on lakefront property (they're not even 50 yet).

So for all of your still linking landowning to wealth and those "guilty of being white" (that's a song), you need to stop making yourself look so entirely blind to the truth ASAP.

For those advocates and abusers of welfare (aka Socialists) and other such programs, look past the short side take a look at what you're doing. In this day when so many of you complain to no end of how evil the government is, all you're asking for is to make it bigger and to have more control over your "life."


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
SP 7M said:
So you're an atheist? From that statement-probably. Uneducated as to how the military works? Certainly.

You know, antiamericanjebus-for being a "liberal," you aren't exactly practicing what you preach (or at least what the left preaches). "No cats?" Shame on you, you global-warming-contributing hyprocrite.


yea this thread will go on forever especially when people put words in other peoples mouths.

since when do all liberals practice the same cause, since when is being liberal like having a single ideal. im not conservative, thats about it, when did i ever bash someone for global warming. practice what i preach??? is it like a religion now. wut another guy says about being liberal has no say for any of my opinions, srry but im not the same person eveyone else is. you cleary cant accept this.

the left?? cus i dont have the exact same opinion as someone else doesnt make me their exact opposite.


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
The following was posted by you on the "Peta's lost it" thread.
...and from what i can see theres a good right wing following on here. im pretty liberal...
That doesn't exactly sound like you're just "not conservative" to me.

practice what i preach??? is it like a religion now.
"Practice what you preach" is simply a figure of speech that has nothing to do with religion. You need to get out more and work on your social skills.

Boy, you sure got worked up about this. I've clearly gotten under your skin here and you sure made it easy to do.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
SP 7M said:
Boy, you sure got worked up about this. I've clearly gotten under your skin here and you sure made it easy to do.

did i??, tell you the truth i dont care, i was having a discussion. wtf are you so worked up about?, dunno wut i did to piss you off but if ya wanna keep bashing me go for it i could seriously care less. sadly you couldnt let this be a civilized argument.

peace. (with the hand sign)


New Member
Apr 2, 2005
This horse is DEAD!!!!!!




Apr 5, 2005
Hayward , Ca
aye mate said:
Thats stupid. No offense to any CA people here but I'm tired of CA and all their liberal BS. They can break off the continent and either sink into the sea or declare war on the US and have blow them out of the water. I can't believe that SanFran can be so nearsighted. This is just like Adjuster said, they are biting the hand that protects them. IMO it kind of hints of communism a little bit. In the end whose choice is it to join the military?

BTW: Don't forget, 80% of our income is going to other states to support them, while the fucking roads and schools in Califonia are in iteslef in shambles.

As for SanFran, well..thats what you get with a City full of....f@#@$@gs..


Supramania Contributor
True, but being a troll, I'm really enjoying the banter, some of it's pretty witty and interesting.

I started it out as a pox on the SF voters who don't appreciate their freedoms, and who keeps them free, and it morphed into a voting discussion and political bashing of the worst kind. (Liberals who think they are right.. and can't see the light even when they have their eyelids propped open with toothpicks.)

It does seem to be dying down however....

Horse is dead, but there is still glue to be made here I think...

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
i just found out what a troll was few days ago, hahhahahh, i dont think your a troll adjuster. its good to find out what other people think or how they view "stuff" sometimes, whether any one agrees or not. most of it was good..
Last edited:


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
americanjebus said:
did i??, tell you the truth i dont care, i was having a discussion. wtf are you so worked up about?, dunno wut i did to piss you off but if ya wanna keep bashing me go for it i could seriously care less. sadly you couldnt let this be a civilized argument.

peace. (with the hand sign)
I'm perfectly calm. *shrugs shoulders*

I'm calmer than you are.

Adjuster is no troll.


Supramania Contributor
Thanks guys, but really there are days I feel like a fully grown mountain troll....

One comment caught my attention.
80% of California's money going to other states? What? Where and when do I get my portion? LOL

I don't think that's accurate, but then again, I've never heard this claim before.

If your schools are a mess, and the roads are screwed, blame your local teachers unions, and the Jerry Brown/Moonbeam bunch that has been in power for so many years since Reagan went to Washington DC. The environmentalist ideals they hold dear, do not allow for freeway building and expansion.

When I lived in CA, we badly needed a freeway from Thousand Oaks to Moorpark and Semi Valley. This actually needed to then head West to Somis and Oxnard, but that was less important than the few miles between where the freeway ended and the others started. The local residents that opposed the freeway as "blight" used the EPA and lawsuits claiming bugs, slugs and other little critters were being destroyed were endangered, and needed protection and an EPA environmental impact statement had not been done. (Yep, to complete a freeway that was about 20 years behind schedule already, let's stop now, and re-consider some bugs well being....) Oh, at a cost of millions of dollars... OF YOUR TAX MONEY.

Yep, same people voting for this kind of lunacy are the ones voting to keep the military out of schools so their kids can't be tempted to join up and defend the nation, or improve themselves while serving in the military for a few years. (Some decide to stay for 20 years, then work a job for another 40 odd years making excellent money between the pension and the job they have.)

Nope, let's vote to protect bugs, spend money we don't have and limit our kids options for development and education by banning the military... Yay for us, we are Californians! Get in your hybrid cars and drive!


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Yep, same people voting for this kind of lunacy are the ones voting to keep the military out of schools

prove it.

id suspect that many mothers and fathers who dont want to see their kids killed in battle voted to pass that law as well........

Troll: From the fishing term. As a noun, synonymous with flamebait. As a verb, to post controversial or provocative messages [B]in a deliberate attempt to provoke flames.[/B]

you said it your self that you knew that nothing but arguments that led to no where would be the result of your post.


Supramania Contributor
I agree. Those mothers and fathers that don't want to see their kids in the military are the same hippie/environmentalist/liberals who have blocked road building, logging and anything else they think is evil or excessive.

These same Michael Moore loving, Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown praising fools are the direct reason that California is out of power, out of roads and has actually stopped growing for the first time in a century. (Yes, the rate of people moving into the state actually equalled the number leaving for the first time in US history.)

Who do you think is moving from California? Is it the poor? The un-educated? Those people are still stuck there. It's people who are fed up with the rediculus state of things, and they are cashing out the money they have in real estate value, and moving anywhere else they can. (Many are moving up here to Boise, and other cities like Vegas are also full of ex-Californians who've had it with rediculus government.)

The problems is, a funny thing happens when you suddenly have money, and you want a wilderness to live next to.
They develop a "I've got mine, and you can't have yours" mentality. These same people who were running away from the cities, crime and crowding of where they used to live, are now telling us that we can't build highways, or develop without some expensive environmental studies... Stupid fuckers, they are just going to turn anywhere they move to into the same bullshit they left. (If we are not careful, and allow them to vote in the liberal assholes who think this is a good idea...)

Case in point. Boise is expanding the freeway between Meridian and Caldwell. Two suburbs of Boise. The area is expanding as quickly as anywhere I've ever seen it. Thousands of new homes every year, in every city and town.

These ex-Californian Liberals are fighting the building of the highway because they don't want to change the "country setting" of the area. (As if that is going to happen.)

The cost of housing has gone nuts. My home was a nice 150,000 typical new house 5 years ago. Today it's pushing 240,000, and show's no sign of going down. I remember this same crap happening in California when I lived there. You could buy 5 acres of orange trees in the 70's for about 65,000. When my parents sold the land and moved away, each aqre was worth 310.000 BARE. No house. Dude, that's 1,550,000 for a 65,000 investment. My friends in Pacifica live in this little post war house that is about 560 square feet with a tiny little one car garage attached to it. You could put it in my garage almost. Last time I talked to them, it was worth over 325,000 just for the land. (About 60x100' corner lot in a canyon with no view of the ocean.)

That will buy you a 3500 square foot house here with all the nice stuff inside on an acre of land. So, they sell out and move up here. Can't really blame them, but I sure wish the more liberal leaning ones would stay in Oregon or some other socialist state....

Idaho does not need, or want them. (At least this Idahoan does not.)
What we need is better roads, more hydro power plants (Dams) and build a few Nuke plants while we are at it. (We can always sell the power to California for a profit.)


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
it is pretty gross to look at california real estate, people that are farily well off up here and with a 3 car garage probably wouldnt be able to afford a 2nd rate apartment in cali. i dont see why people would move there though. the land is worth a buttload but a few hundred years its all just gonna break off and hang out with hawaii.