RA21 + Dirt Road =


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
well damn man, that sucks so much ass. holy crap. besides drifting, were u like doing rally?
you going to look for a supra now? there is some guy selling 2 of them for $1200, near me. about 300 miles from u, :(. i can get one of them towed to cookeville. (just thinking off the top of my head man).
and its not repairable huh,:(
damn that sucks.
:( :(


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
siman said:
I told you to quit trying to drift like me.


go fucking die. my old car and a good friend just went through hell. you show up in VA and you might regret it.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
lanky, i'm so sorry :( i had a NEAR wreck once in my supra. (dont ask, it was *foolish*) and i felt like crap. i cant even imagine how you must feel right now. here's to hoping its repairable. :x:



The Future is Unwritten
Mar 30, 2005
Prince George, B.C.
siman said:
If I wrecked my car you guys would say the same darn thing to me. :icon_razz

No we wouldn't, at least I wouldn't. It always sucks to see someone mess up there car, weither it is a Supra or not.

Lanky knows I love the Sillycar and that I'm sad that he messed it up :(


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
not messed up - dead. Just talked to Matt on the phone. He and I are both heartbroken. He loved that car as much as my dad and I did. It was hard enough for us to give it up, but I don't know how I'm gonna tell my dad.

I feel like I lost a friend I've known my whole life. My parents brought me home from the hospital in that car when I was born.........

EDIT: Also the first car I ever worked on........
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Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
The way I do it is like this:
If I don't get along with someone, I just stay away from them.
That means I try to stay away from them on as many threads and in as many ways as I can.
I would definitely not post on their thread and say something that might get them going -- I would just avoid them.

Now SF is run by companies. Maybe they take in consideration if the person that many are having problems with is a buyer and then see if it is beneficial for them to get rid of that member. Since it is a company, I think they do what is most beneficial to their overall sales. All the rules are made by the companies in the sake of their own interests.

Here at SM, this forum is run by the community for the community. The rules are made based on what is best for the community. If enough of the community wants something to happen and it is a sound proposal, it goes into effect!

Siman, I urge you to take all of that into account. There are lots of people that want you gone. If you value your membership here, stay away from those that can vote you off. We all run into people we don't get along with, the difference is how we handle it. Like I said, I just try to avoid people that know I don't get along with.

The ice can get thin without even knowing it if a member seems to bring on lots and lots of problems to the community. We already banned for life one guy months ago who has done many, many very uncool things -- and still doing very uncool things -- but he's not doing them here. (Matter of fact, I have spent time contacting 4 mods at that site for his actions within the last 12 hours.) It is indeed possible to get a farewell if enough problems happen.

I hope that ends this topic.

On to the topic at hand.

Back to Lanky's deal, I lost an MKII once doing something I probably should not have done, so I know exactly what you're going through.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
lanky, buddy, pal... shit.

i'm so sory to hear this, its totally un-fixable? are you sure?
if so, i'll come to the wake. just let me know when it is.

really, though, i look at cars as an actual being. not an item. i feel that cars are an extension of the owner. especially when one decides to modify and customize it.

anyway, my greatest condolences. she will truly be missed, even though we never met.


were u like doing rally?

Oh yeah.. snathin the ebrake when necessary..downshifting for wheelspin..countersteering..rally-esque, and I had been down this particular gravel road many many times..i had it memorized... there is now speculation as to whether or not my pass front tire broke bead and caused the slide..or whether it was driver error...

really, though, i look at cars as an actual being. not an item. i feel that cars are an extension of the owner. especially when one decides to modify and customize it

I feel as tho somebody has cut of my legs.

and that somebody was me.

I'll add a few of the pics i took today in a few minutes.


Well lanky think of it this way... It may not be the best way of thinking about it, but atleast the car passed on doing what it should have been doing...RALLY!!!! It didnt get hit by some old stupid woman or any other stupid thing... It passed doing something it was meant to do. I can only imagine trying to hold the tears in..I am sure you will find something new and move on. Good luck and hope your not too sore..



Here are pics of the car I'll take more once i get it home and somewhat dismantled.


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this is the turn that took me down.. a 30 yard tightening left hander that is banked inward and inclined.

not 3 days ago my entrance speed on this turn was closer to 70mph...this time tho i was slow at about 50mph and riding 3rd gear..so i couldnt generate any wheelspin to keep my nose pointed towards the center of the turn..

go figure..i go slower and i wreck.

the pic names toolkit20 is taken facing up the hill..the direction i was headed..

the pic named toolkit14 was taken from the impact site.

had they not graded the road this morning before i got there you could have plainly see my tire tracks.. four of them :p anywho...

the last one is the impact zone..the pass front turn signal hit first..followed quickly by the rest of the pass side of the car..


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You rang?
Mar 30, 2005
Man, I'm not a collision repair guy AT ALL, but, back in high school my friend bought an early 80's BMW that had clearly drilled/been drilled by something pretty freaking hard, head on. 20 times worse than your Celica. He and his dad managed to pull the frame out, get replacemend fenders/hood/bumper (not sure about availability for the Celica) and got that thing looking NICE. Drove great too, never had problems from any of it. Now, I don't know how much time or access you have to collision repair equipment, and if you'd have to pay someone to do it then I can understand writing it off, but strictly comparing the smashed up Beemer to your bent up Celica, I'd call that fairly fixable. Unless the pictures are a bit misleading...


they are a tick misleading..
the door doesnt line up anymore cuz the door frame is fubared, the frame is bent (unibody car with plenty of rust and a few previous frame cracks) the front rad support etc is fubar'd too you just cant tell until you see it in person..

we'll see tho...\

edit: here's a before pic of the pass side.


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rip ssb
Mar 30, 2005
melbourne, fl
dude sucks to hear the celica got hit. looks pretty bad but if u are willing to repair u can get it fixed.

on a nother note nice corolla man i have always loved those.