problems with safc2. got some questions if ianyones willing to shed some light


Apr 7, 2008
Spokane, WA
I have an 88 7mgte with a few mods and I wanted to try to control the fuel a bit to squeeze some power out of it and also keep it safe. I got it all wired up correctly and all settings on it set to a flat baseline and all initial settings right. It would barely start and then start running like complete shit. would not rev above 2 to 3k rpms. also had a knock sensor code I believe. maybe someone has an idea of whats going on or a trick that they know about it. once I hit this wall I hooked it back up normal without safc2 and it runs fine.

88 7mgte 136k miles, stock turbo
mods are
mbc set at 13 psi
full turbo back 3" exhaust no cats
driftmotion intercooler kit
tial qr bov
magnecore 10.5mm spark plug wires
aeromotive afpr
apexi air filter

ive done a search and found nothing
any help is appreciated



Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
if you're 100% confident its wiring in correctly tak the 4 screws out the back of the SAFC and make sure the internal plug where the wiring goes is firmly seated.
I had this issue at one point. Hopefully its a simple fix like mine.


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
yeah id double check wiring its pretty specific about how it has to be wired. also check what kotu100 was saying. you really need a wideband to that list. when i had those mods the wideband and afpr made it pick up quite a bit. going from running 10 or below a/f then to mid 11's really wakes it up. when tuning get it close as you can to 11.5 with fuel pressure if anything slightly richer then pull fuel with the afc. good luck!


Apr 7, 2008
Spokane, WA
I forgot to throw in that I have a aem eugo. I will take the controller and see if there's anything wrong inside... very confident in the wiring to the car. Had my wiring specialist do it and he and I double checked it couple times over. Thanks guys. Another thing is I just installed the afpr end of last year and played with it a bit and I can't get it to run leaner than 10.5~ @wot. I hit 10.0 the other day too. 11~ is where I wanna be correct? Is it normal without a controller to not be able to reach 11? Anyways thanks again.


Apr 7, 2008
Spokane, WA
Update. I just went and checked my safc2 and nothing is loose or bad inside it. Went thru and redid the initializing. I checked sensors and all was good there. And after I set the knock values I got a 71 on the low setting and 100 on the high. Does this seem right? Because when I re started it it idled fine but then it would almost die if I tried to Rev it. Could I possibly have a problem with the knock sensors?


Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
If you have a knock sensor code chances are you'll need to do a knock sensor re-wire.
Faulty knock sensor wiring can cause the problem you're describing.