Police perception amongst the general public.


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
Why do I hate cops?


I respect cops that protect and serve, not TICKET AND HARASS.

Cops in Gainesville, FL are strictly looking for traffic enforcement. They sit on the side of the road, neighborhoods, behind things, and dress up in outfits (ex: Santa Clause around Christmas time) to FUCK YOU OVER for traffic tickets. You are guilty until proven innocent in traffic court. And what pisses me off is while they're sitting around ticketing and harassing, while a high school kid is dead without justice after a home invasion.


My dad gets falsely accused and arrest. of Assault and battery by my crazy mom with proof of innocence and gets taken to jail without even questioning him! A man 56 years old that has never been to jail in his life gets defamed in a community he's been in for more than 30 years!

Street racing. Street racing kills less than 1,000 people a year and it serves near the same penalties as a DUI which kills 1x,xxx-1xx,xxx people a year...why so harsh?

ALSO, the court system is getting shaped into police favor with retarded new laws and policies. A fucking cop can lose in court, you can be proven innocent and then a cop can CHANGE your charges?! WHAT THE FUCK?! Soon we won't have the right to breathe, America does not represent FREEDOM anymore!

To sum it up, I hate cops because they do more bad than good. I have had good experiences with cops but I've had a lot more bad experiences with them. They treat you like you just ran over a baby when your doing 8 over the speed limit and that is not acceptable.


New Member
Sep 15, 2010
Duluth, Minnesota
Have you ever heard of a car going fast to the point of its not worth even going after them? A friend of mine:sarcasm: was going around 150ish around 2ish in the morn on open freeway when he passed a cop sitting at one of those turnarounds in the the middle of freeways and all the cop did was flash his high beams for a sec them turn them off. didnt even move. iv had a couple friends with similar storys as well.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
mnracer550;1692394 said:
Have you ever heard of a car going fast to the point of its not worth even going after them?

Not gonna lie, I used to do 130+ in the SS on the way to work at 330am when I lived in Phoenix. Freeways are absolutely dead that time... that aside, what is a stationary officer going to do to catch you? Short of having a Vette patrol car and doing 175+ to catch up... in that case, "your friend" better hope he doesn't have a buddy ahead who feels like putting you in jail. Remember, no car on earth is faster than a radio. ;)


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
I respect and honor anyone who puts their life on the line to protect the life, liberty and property of the populace. I despise those who use the power granted to them by the public to risk lives, reduce liberty and seize property.

I find it hard to generalize how I feel about police. It pretty much depends on which type you are. If you're anything like those animals Theresa's vid depicts, I wouldn't piss in your mouth if your teeth were on fire...

I realize there are good cops out there, but you folks really need to ensure that the blue wall of silence does not exist.

In the meantime, I still stand by Civil Liberty Lesson #1.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
Theresa, I will watch the video when I have some more time. I watched it for about 10 minutes so far, and I have to say it makes me sick. I'll watch the rest of it and comment more about it.

te72;1692135 said:
And Dunckel, if you can read a plate going the other direction at any sort of speed, you have much better eyes than I. I can usually ID states, but rarely the entire sequence of numbers/letters on a plate.
Cars are generally pretty easy, especially with a visual memory like I have. They are 3 numbers and 3 letters (123-ABC). Trucks are a bit more difficult for me. 7 random numbers and letters (A12345H).

SupraMario;1692194 said:
And that whole video is why I ask how come LEO's don't have to get a psych evaluation before being given a gun and a badge...and not a yes or no psych evaluation either, one with a trained professional.
I've never heard of an agency that doesn't require a psych eval. I've had 3 so far. Each was a 4 hour written exam, followed by an hour to an hour and a half sit down with a psychologist. He/she goes over your background information, polygraph info, and the written psych eval. I'm a pretty private person, so I hate talking to psychs about my private life, and how I cope/deal with things.

7Mboost;1692243 said:
Like Theresa's link, I'll have to watch it to comment. But you have my word I will watch it.

7Mboost;1692243 said:
Cops in Gainesville, FL are strictly looking for traffic enforcement. They sit on the side of the road, neighborhoods, behind things, and dress up in outfits (ex: Santa Clause around Christmas time) to FUCK YOU OVER for traffic tickets. You are guilty until proven innocent in traffic court. And what pisses me off is while they're sitting around ticketing and harassing, while a high school kid is dead without justice after a home invasion.
And that's why I don't like to focus on traffic stuff. I'm very proactive. You won't see me sitting in one place very often. If I am, it's because I'm trying to finish a report. And as I've stated in a previous post, I don't sit at the station doing reports unless I have to. I like to be out in my district, available if needed to respond to a certain address as fast as I can.

7Mboost;1692243 said:
I'll make some time to read this as well.

7Mboost;1692243 said:
My dad gets falsely accused and arrest. of Assault and battery by my crazy mom with proof of innocence and gets taken to jail without even questioning him! A man 56 years old that has never been to jail in his life gets defamed in a community he's been in for more than 30 years!
I hear this alot. Unfortunately, I wasn't there, so it would be unfair for me to comment. As an Officer though, I would hope that a good report was written, with dates, times, witness statements in writing, and photos of any evidence pertaining to an assault. When I arrest someone for Assault I make damn sure I'm not making a false arrest.

7Mboost;1692243 said:
Street racing. Street racing kills less than 1,000 people a year and it serves near the same penalties as a DUI which kills 1x,xxx-1xx,xxx people a year...why so harsh?
This is a tricky one as the legalities, and penalties are decided by your State Legislature, not cops. I've been caught racing, and received only a speeding ticket. (Cajun Kenny was there. Lol) I've caught people racing, and only given them a court date. I write a good report containing what I saw, heard, smelled, and what the drivers of the cars admitted to, and let a judge decide the penalty. My job is to enforce laws. As an Officer, I get to use my discretion. And I would say I'm a pretty fair guy, but I would be in a shit ton of trouble if citizens reported street racing, or saw two vehicles racing in town, and then saw me drive by and not do anything bout it. Especially if they were to kill someone or themselves minutes after I did nothing about it.

7Mboost;1692243 said:
ALSO, the court system is getting shaped into police favor with retarded new laws and policies. A fucking cop can lose in court, you can be proven innocent and then a cop can CHANGE your charges?! WHAT THE FUCK?! Soon we won't have the right to breathe, America does not represent FREEDOM anymore!
I've never heard of that. If it is true, it's not the police changing them, it's probably the prosecutor.

7Mboost;1692243 said:
To sum it up, I hate cops because they do more bad than good. I have had good experiences with cops but I've had a lot more bad experiences with them. They treat you like you just ran over a baby when your doing 8 over the speed limit and that is not acceptable.
Dunno what to tell ya. I've never treated anyone the way I wouldn't want to be treated.

mattsplat72;1692290 said:
What is the RCW concerning Modded Exhaust?
Going from just memory I believe it says, you cannot modify your in order to ampify the sound, must be free from holes, and in proper working order, securely fastened, etc. Hold on, I'll get it....

RCW 46.37.390
(1) Every motor vehicle shall at all times be equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise, and no person shall use a muffler cut-out, bypass, or similar device upon a motor vehicle on a highway.

(3) No person shall modify the exhaust system of a motor vehicle in a manner which will amplify or increase the noise emitted by the engine of such vehicle above that emitted by the muffler originally installed on the vehicle, and it shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle not equipped as required by this subsection, or which has been amplified as prohibited by this subsection. A court may dismiss an infraction notice for a violation of this subsection if there is reasonable grounds to believe that the vehicle was not operated in violation of this subsection.

aye mate;1692370 said:
How do you feel about being 5 points short of being a firefighter?
Hoser. :)
mnracer550;1692394 said:
Have you ever heard of a car going fast to the point of its not worth even going after them? A friend of mine:sarcasm: was going around 150ish around 2ish in the morn on open freeway when he passed a cop sitting at one of those turnarounds in the the middle of freeways and all the cop did was flash his high beams for a sec them turn them off. didnt even move. iv had a couple friends with similar storys as well.
I've heard of it, and have had friends do it, but I've never dealt with it. I'm a city cop. I don't get onto the freeway that often.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Supracentral;1692733 said:
I respect and honor anyone who puts their life on the line to protect the life, liberty and property of the populace. I despise those who use the power granted to them by the public to risk lives, reduce liberty and seize property.

I find it hard to generalize how I feel about police. It pretty much depends on which type you are. If you're anything like those animals Theresa's vid depicts, I wouldn't piss in your mouth if your teeth were on fire...
This is about where I stand. I've always appreciated the guys and gals fighting the good fight (despite the odds), but those who treat it as any other job... I dunno. I think you have to find that point of balance where you're caring enough about your position that you do a commendable job, but not so much that it drives you bonkers. A tricky balancing act for an officer no doubt...

Dunckel;1692745 said:
Cars are generally pretty easy, especially with a visual memory like I have. They are 3 numbers and 3 letters (123-ABC). Trucks are a bit more difficult for me. 7 random numbers and letters (A12345H).

I guess it's because there are plates from about a dozen states and they nearly all have different styles, lettering, backgrounds, etc... I actively tried yesterday afternoon, and about all I could manage in 45mph zones was to ID the first 3 letters and the state. After that, they're past me. Gotta say, if you're getting 6 letter plates on the fly, you've got WAY better eyes than I do. :)

So, how often do you just sit in a parking lot facing the street doing paperwork, just to have a presence that looks like you're monitoring traffic?


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
And I'm sorry, traffic enforcement is one of the things I don't respect. Police officers should not be acting as revenue collectors...

If you look at all the DOT and insurance industry studies, speed is not the thing the police should be focusing on. Especially in "speed trap" zones where you've got a perfectly acceptable road with an artificially lowered speed limit. If you ever want to hear frustration, talk to a traffic engineer.


is sofa king
Jan 17, 2006
Sedro Woolley, Washington, United States
Cz.;1692609 said:
I believe it can be anything you want as long as it's not louder than a stock exhaust.

Nah, I got nabbed by WSP it was a BS stop I was going the speed limit on a back road. I didnt get a ticket , the Trooper just wanted to check me out and the Exhaust was Probable cause. I just want to Know the exact RCW so I dont get the run around.

Going from just memory I believe it says, you cannot modify your in order to ampify the sound, must be free from holes, and in proper working order, securely fastened, etc. Hold on, I'll get it....

RCW 46.37.390
(1) Every motor vehicle shall at all times be equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise, and no person shall use a muffler cut-out, bypass, or similar device upon a motor vehicle on a highway. So is it up to the responding Officer to determine excessive or unusual noise or is it the courts ?What is the standard?

(3) No person shall modify the exhaust system of a motor vehicle in a manner which will amplify or increase the noise emitted by the engine of such vehicle above that emitted by the muffler originally installed on the vehicle, and it shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle not equipped as required by this subsection, or which has been amplified as prohibited by this subsection. A court may dismiss an infraction notice for a violation of this subsection if there is reasonable grounds to believe that the vehicle was not operated in violation of this So my 1jz HKS super dragger cannot be louder the a stock 1j setup?

I would not get into it with the Guy . I just want to know where I am right and wrong. Like I stated above the Exhaust was a reason to check for bigger things.

Oh and thanks
Last edited:


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Washington, Marysville
lol this sucks for me custom 3" Turbo back. Electric cut out and a apexi type r muffler. Wonder what would happen to a stock exhaust system when you try to put 500+ HP to it.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
FullNelson;1693398 said:
Just move to Wyoming. No exhaust? No problem. I even hear they just passed a law to legalize CCW for any and everyone.

TN has both of these...a lot time ago. I drove around with just a down pipe after the 2jzgte swap for almost 6months....they don't give a shit.


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Washington, Marysville
SupraMario;1693476 said:
TN has both of these...a lot time ago. I drove around with just a down pipe after the 2jzgte swap for almost 6months....they don't give a shit.

I just want to teach the polar bears how to swim further. I don't see an issue with this

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
Dunkel, I can see you as a cop I would respect but unfortunately you are a very rare breed of cop which is honest and reasonable, slim to none left outside of big cities where REAL crime takes place.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
mattsplat72;1693339 said:
Nah, I got nabbed by WSP it was a BS stop I was going the speed limit on a back road. I didnt get a ticket , the Trooper just wanted to check me out and the Exhaust was Probable cause.
Yeah, that happens.

mattsplat72;1693339 said:
I just want to Know the exact RCW so I dont get the run around.
RCW 46.37.390

mattsplat72;1693339 said:
So is it up to the responding Officer to determine excessive or unusual noise or is it the courts ?What is the standard?
Ultimately, it's up to the courts. The Officer can detain you for an altered -referring to the RCW- exhaust though. Most Officers won't bother you for an aftermarket exhaust unless they are bored, or it is extremely, obviously, way too loud.

mattsplat72;1693339 said:
So my 1jz HKS super dragger cannot be louder the a stock 1j setup?
Right. According to State Law.

I've never pulled anyone over for having a modified exhaust. Why? Because I'm running a 40 series Flowmaster on my 4.6L Explorer, and I have better things to do.

7Mboost;1693759 said:
Dunkel, I can see you as a cop I would respect but unfortunately you are a very rare breed of cop which is honest and reasonable, slim to none left outside of big cities where REAL crime takes place.
I appreciate that. People need to understand though, that I'm not as rare as most think. Nationally, on average, less than 1% of all police abuse their power. How often do we hear from the media that an Officer abuses power? A couple times per week? Granted, those are only the ones that are caught. But how many successful contacts do police make everyday? Tens of thousands? How many good deeds go unrecognized? Nobody knows, because it doesn't make good tv, or nobody cares.

As far as the "REAL" crime..Believe me, we have it. It's a daily occurance here to have people beat up with weapons, stabbed, shot, burned, etc. I hear all the time, "You don't have gangs like California has gangs. You have wannabe gangs." There is nothing wannabe about a kid wearing a blue shirt being shot twice, laying on the ground begging for his life, before the guy in the red shirt shoots him 12 more times in the head and neck. Or about a guy high on meth, nearly cutting off the head of another guy with a machete because, "God told me to." Our murder rate is .88 times the national average, forced rape is over double the ave, violent crimes are .97 times the ave, arson is over 3 times the national average.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Dunckel;1692745 said:
I've never heard of an agency that doesn't require a psych eval. I've had 3 so far. Each was a 4 hour written exam, followed by an hour to an hour and a half sit down with a psychologist. He/she goes over your background information, polygraph info, and the written psych eval. I'm a pretty private person, so I hate talking to psychs about my private life, and how I cope/deal with things.

You say this, but how is it possible that the LEOs in Theresa's video have gotten past them. Things like this don't just show up at random. A real psychiatrist would detect them long before they came out. I also bet money that these offenses aren't the first time and have happened even prior to said LEOs getting a badge.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
We are all human. We have all made mistakes, have lost our temper, been less than professional, or made a comment that could get us in trouble. I can only give answers based on my own experiences. I'm not a psychologist. I don't know why those Officers did what they did. I don't condone it, and am embarrassed by it. I've stated why I chose law enforcement. I'm proud of the decision I made, and stand by everything I do as, "the right thing." I'm pretty sure if some of you walked into the middle of some of the confrontations I've had with people, you would think, "Is he abusing his power? I don't think he had to do that." It's easy to criticize unless you've been in the same situations.

Any admin: I couldn't figure out the youtube code thingy. Lol
And another of my favorite vids. I still smile though. :)